Consul Report


Consul Report

Random quote: “And look, the arch enemy to this day has entered the room.”

--Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)

Highlights of this report: IGs, Clan Power talk, Gladius QUA status, and Getting Promoted

Independence Games

The series of events celebrating our split from the Emperor’s Hammer should be starting very soon, as in today. These events are for fun and won’t affect things like the Great Jedi War. But, they are a chance for you to participate in a variety of activity and earn medals. Those unfamiliar with the split can check out the DB Wiki articles

I’m fairly certain that they’re going to have an automated submission site (meaning I can get stats from the people running it). If they don’t, please make certain to CC your house leaders, Rekio, and myself with any submissions, so we can see what you’re doing. The clan will issue the proper rewards for activity beyond any crescents you may earn.

And yes, I will participate myself. Can I guarantee that every event is going to be a home run? No, but I can’t even guarantee that with my own events.

Investigations Competition

Due to demand, with a wide variety of explanations, I am extending the deadline for this competition until this coming Wednesday. Basic details can be found here: (minimum of 2 pages, MS Word, 12 pt font).

Clan Trivia

There is trivia for this month, though it is not Star Wars or Brotherhood related. You can find it on the clan message board.

New Arrivals

I’d like to publicly welcome brand new members Volan, Alarond, Raiyth, Cordus, and Tho to the clan. We also picked up two veterans in Odin Vaaj and Starret. I think this is the greatest number of people to join the clan in time for these clan notes (read: since I took over as Consul).


Evant made the big step to full Dark Jedi Knight!

Ronc was promoted to Novice

Brimstone is looking for an “active master” (his words, not mine, so hence the quotes). See his post on the Gladius message board.

And speaking of promotions, there are supposed to be some changes coming to the rewarding system in the DB. In short, medals won’t interfere with promotions like they used to.

Also, congrats to Raiju,

Clan Powers

Rekio and I are working on refining the clan powers, but I wanted to give you guys a chance to get some feedback on them to us. You’ll find it on the clan message board under the subject “Tarentum Discussion” (the catch all topic that Apollo created awhile back).

Speaking of clan powers, once we’re done refining the system, there is going to be a competition designed specifically around introducing everyone to it. And I think you will like it.

Gladius QUA Open for Applications

Telona has decided to step down as Quaestor of Gladius effective the end of this month to focus on real life. While I hate to lose her, and she certainly leaves big shoes to fill, we do need a new Quaestor to take over at the end of this month. Interested members should e-mail applications to Telona, Rekio, and me by April 20th. The only requirement I’m going to set is that you be at least DJK.

On Promotions

Are you where you want to be? Are you having trouble getting promoted? Well, first and foremost, you do have to be active, but more importantly, we have to know that you’re being active. If you’ve submitted to every monthly topic hosted by Raken, but don’t place and don’t tell me, then I don’t know about it. The same goes for your house leaders.

As you move up in rank, the expectations grow. Whereas an SA course or two might get someone promoted to Novice, the same amount of work won’t get that person to Acolyte. Does this mean you have to take on leadership positions once you get high enough? No, not necessarily. They will help, though, and I encourage everyone to give it a shot.

If your house is providing you with enough activity, or you’re not happy with some things in your house or the clan, by all means talk to me about it. Catch me on IRC, or send me an e-mail, and we’ll talk about it. Promotions come from being active, and you can only be active if A) you choose to be active and B) the activity options are provided for you. That is ultimately the job of every leader in the DB, from the newest Battleteam leader up to the Grand Master.

And that’s going to wrap it up for this edition of the clan notes. Go forth to the Independence Games and kick some ass. Flood my inbox with submissions, scores, and, I hope, medals.

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