Consul Report


Consul Report

I know what you're all thinking... this can't be right. Clan notes? Not too long, I promise...

Well, I do have some things to say, so I guess you'll just have to read :P

First off, I would like to apologize for my own lack of public activity recently. Work and personal stuff seemed to have colluded to throw me off, but I have survived. That's not to say that everything is settled, but it is good enough, and I will do my best to work out a routine around my current schedule. I will be around more frequently, at least via e-mail (IRC is still iffy right now). Also, Oberst had to go to a conference in NYC on an impromptu basis, so he is mostly out of touch for a little bit (not too long).

Participation in the clan competition thus far has been very low. This is your chance to influence the clan storyline and have a direct impact. I have left the story arc rather flexible so that I can adapt to what you guys make happen. I would like to see more participation, though I do understand that school is starting back up (if it hasn't already for some people). The second fiction event is open until this weekend, as is the decoding event. I have only 1 submission to the fiction event, no gaming submissions, and a few decoding submissions. Remember, not only can you win for each event, you can win the competition, and even the whole story arc. Points are cumulative, and you can get something for just participating.

Details can be found on the clan message board.

Next up, for those of you who haven't see, DGM Paladin has announced the first teaser for the Rite of Supremacy, which is slated to take place in January of 2010. I would really like to see Tarentum do well in this event, considering our performance in the last two GJWs. They have promised something major to come out of this RoS, so I must admit that I am interested to find out what it is. Again, we can't always influence the plot, but I'm sure that Muz and his team are working on something entertaining.

Speaking of Paladin, the DGM is holding a header competition so he can have a nifty banner for his reports. Anyone with graphic skills should make a serious run at it; those of us without graphic skills should flood his inbox with crude MS Paint drawings just for fun :P

Fictional Update

Tarentum is still reeling from the explosion of the freighter on Yridia IX. At the same time, a well coordinated and planned attack has captured the MC80 Renegade. At this time, we do not know where it is going or who has taken it, but we must find it and get it back. Also, members of Rapax squadron captured some suspcious vessels near Yridia IX. Their crews are being brought in for questioning, and the ships thoroughly searched.

And that's really it for right now. Again, I know I haven't been around that much recently, but I will be more. I want to finish this story arc up for the clan, and I really want your guys involvement. If you have any questions, comments, and concerns about the clan, your house, etc. please bring them to me.

Thanks for all you do!



DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae

Consul of Clan Tarentum

"Where ignorance is bliss, knowledge is a curse. For even those who have learned from the past are sometimes doomed to repeat it."

-Preview for Kiddy Grade Episode 10 (Rebirth/Slave)

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