Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Good Day Everyone,

Time for another exciting issue of the Tarentum Aedile report, this one much more exciting than the last one (sorry that I can't promise that every time...). I don't like to babble to much, so straight into things that should matter to you- and if they don't, then we obviously need to replace your brain with a computer that will heed my every command.

House Competitions and Events

Just a reminder that you have until this Saturday to participate in the Scouting Report competition, which does start the House story arc. Of course, I can't release the first part of the story arc until we have winners from this competition, as some of your ideas will be incorporated into the fiction and influence the rest of the story. You can find the specifics of the competition here:

So far, participation has been very low. So, at this point, mere participation could net you a crescent (adding prestige and helping you advance, especially in the journeymen ranks). But, beyond that, I'm not all that worried. I would love to see more participation, but I am also optimistic even if we don't get much now. Back when we ran "In the Shadows" I only had one submission as the starter piece (thank you, Dranik), and it turned into the best run-on Tarentum has produced.

Rollmaster Applications

If you haven't heard, Raiju has had to step down as Rollmaster due to real life. While we hate to lose him, we all have to do what is best for our real life selves first. Bloodfyre and I will continue to take Rollmaster Applications through this Saturday as well. Anyone may apply for the job regardless of experience in the Brotherhood or online clubs. You will help new members get involved in the house, but you will also be involved in planning out house competitions. You need to be active in the house events- you will be able to participate in those events you don't help plan. If you need some more ideas about the Rollmaster position (in general) and tips for applying for a post in the Brotherhood, please review the Leadership Studies course at the Shadow Academy.

What would you like to see?

I'm just wondering what in particular you guys and gals would like to see in the form of activity. Please email Bloodfyre and myself with your ideas, and we'll try to do what we can. From quick and fun things to larger ideas, we'll review everything and see what is feasible. Our goal is to make this house, and the Brotherhood, enjoyable for everyone. So, again, please email Bloodfyre and myself privately with your ideas. I ask that you don't email the whole house because that could result in people not speaking up because maybe they see someone already submit "their" idea.

Promotions and Medals Congratulations to the following members for the medals and promotions since my last report:

Merlance raked in 42 Clusters of Fire, as well as a Crescent w/Sapphire Star Maarek got 15 Clusters of Fire Armus got 3 Clusters of Fire Ishakagar was promoted to Novice and got 3 Clusters of Fire Egregious was promoted to Protector

Final Word More coming from me soon, but please participate in the Scouting Report competition and in all house events that you can. The Brotherhood, and Tarentum even more so, is what you make of it. But without your participation and input, I can only rely upon what I personally know, and that may not be the whole picture.

-- DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae

"Where ignorance is bliss, knowledge is a curse. For even those who have learned from the past are sometimes doomed to repeat it."

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