Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Dark Greetings all,

Well this is my first Rollmaster report for House Plagueis. I want to say am very happy and excited to have this position and have the chance to work with everyone here and I do want to take the time to thank everyone for their confidence in me to take on this new role and position. Kal has been a great help to me and I cant thank him enough and we are all very lucky to have him in the house.

As for Dark Jedi Brotherhood news, First, Kir Katarn has stepped down a Justicar. I can honestly say he will be missed and has done a outstanding job. I wish him the best in the future. Aedile Sarak has stepped down from his position due to RL restraints and Kal has taken the lead and will be assuming Aedile duties. I know he will continue the hard work and have no doubts will do a fine job. Other DJB news can be seen here:

For house Plagueis, the Master/Student program is well underway. There have been some administration changes which can be viewed on your dossier. I have updated everyone's who has a master/student and that should reflect now. Dacien is working with the newer members and I have sent out emails to current and future masters requesting if anyone is interested in helping out to please let me know. I have had a few responses and hope to have a few more added to the list within the next few days. I know everyone has a life but if you can take the time to help those moving up in the ranks I would appreciate it. I also sent out emails to those students who hold the rank of Protector to Jedi Hunter who are looking for a master to let me know as well. I will be releasing a Comp within the next week once I get back from training in Dallas, TX. Here is link to the Plagueian path, we should all take a look at this... know it, live it.

There are a a new promotion guidelines that have been updated with the release of ToR guild. Please take a few moments to read up on them:

A few of us have been quite busy as of late and I am very happy to see this. There are several comps still out there, get yourself a shinny and contribute to the house and overall growth of the club by taking a few moments and submitting a entry. Here is the link to DJB comps...

Finally I want to send out my congrats and to recognize those who have stepped up this month:

Vander Ignacius: Pendant of blood x2, Cluster of Fire x160 Jpc: Pendant of blood x2, Cluster of Fire x160 Varoth: Pendant of blood x2, cluster of Fire x223, Anteian Cross, 2 SA classes completed Fistandantilusi: Dark Cross, 8 SA classes completed Kodais: 5 SA classes completed Sno: Cluster of Fire x24 Chaosu: Cluster of Fire x24 Silent: Cluster of Fire x4

Nice Job guys.....

New members: Apprentice Zarren and App Zarroth, welcome to the House.... :P

Thanks all,

SBM Starrett (Sith)/RM/Plagueis [TOR] [GMRG: I] [ACC: CAN] SC / AC / DC-SP / Cr-1S-1E-1T / SI


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