CNS Proconsul Report


CNS Proconsul Report

Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report August 17

Seeing as this report is out on the eve of the next crusade chapter I was thinking of being all inspiring and steal the speech from Any Given Sunday… but do you have any idea how long that speech is? So here you go. Just imagine it’s me speaking and it’s more Star Warsy of course.
With the inspirational stuff over and done with let us get to the report.

Is the Crusade coming soon?

Well yeah, it’s set to start tomorrow so I will just try to give you a quick idea of what to expect, especially those of you who haven’t been here for the previous rounds.

The chapter that begins tomorrow is the Second chapter of Phase 2, in Phase 2 each unit competes both with their Special Forces team and their General Forces team. The Special Forces team of each unit on the same planet, in our case us and House Scholae Palatinae, compete against each other to determine which units wins on the planet, at the same time the General Forces teams will be competing against each other so while the events for both Special and General Forces will be the same there will be two sets of Novae for each event since there’s a set for Special Forces and General Forces.

Now you might ask why you should compete if you’re not in the Special Forces team since they’re the ones fighting to win the planet, but the answer is simple. First of all if we manage a participation ratio of at least 1.0, that is average one event per member in the clan, we will receive new robes for our dossiers that will only be available to members of Naga Sadow. Furthermore if we manage a ratio above 1.5 we will get an extra Special Forces spot for the next chapter which means we will be able to pick nine members instead of eight. We also get more fleet points the higher our participation ratio gets, now most of you might not know what fleet points are but they’re what allows us to add more nice stuff to our fleet and army which you can see the current state of here.

As a final incentive, to those of you working towards DJK each event also counts as a single competition for your promotion requirements.

New Quaestors.

Didn’t these already get announced? Yes they did but it’s worth saying once more so once again congratulations to Teu and Xanos on having been selected as QUA of Marka Ragnos and Shar Dakhan respectively.
They should already have contacted the people in their house to introduce themselves but if they haven’t gotten to you yet then I’m sure they will very soon.

New people.

We’ve had one old person return to HMR this week as well as a new member join so let’s all welcome back Rosh Nyine and welcome Crysall to Marka Ragnos and of course Naga Sadow.

You mentioned IRC last week.

Yes I did but it never hurts to mention it again. This last week has seen an increase in members of Naga Sadow on IRC which I think is awesome since it is a great way to get to know your fellow clan mates and also people outside of CNS.
You can find us in the channel #naga_sadow on the undernet server, if you’re having trouble connecting to IRC then feel free to contact me and I will do what I can to help, the IRC Basics course in the Shadow Academy is also a good help to get started.

That’s it for this week?

You don’t think it was enough? This report is getting close to the length of most of my fictions so I’ll stop here.
Remember if you have any questions don’t hesitate to email your Quaestor or myself at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

SWL Malik Sadow (Sith) / PCON / Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: II]
ED / RS / GC-PoTP / SC-SoH / AC-RoF / DC-PP / GN / SN / BN-AuL / Cr:3A-11S-12E-6T-5Q / PoB-AgL / CF-SF / CI-RC / SI-AgL / LS-GL / SoL-TC / S:1M-1R-1C-6D-1P-10U-2B-3De-7Dec-7Aff
Son of Sadow

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