House Shar Dakhan Quaestor's Report


House Shar Dakhan Quaestor's Report

header <moderately sized and poorly written fiction here>

Alright, so I should’ve reported sooner, you’re right. Not altogether that much to report but I’ve got a few things to talk about and I figure I’m about due to actually, I dunno, work.

So, to get the ball rolling, I want to say that it’s an interesting mixed bag of feelings being reappointed Quaestor to HSD. I had a lot of fun my last go around, and I really hated letting it go. When my life opened up just a bit, I was happy to see applications open up as well. Honestly, I’d applied for Aedile, but Malik and Xanos, in their bizarre wisdom, saw it fit to offer me the Quaestor gig. When Clan Naga Sadow comes calling, it’s hard for me not to answer.

My Aedile, as you all know, is Shirai Dupar. He applied very well, I think somewhere on his resumé were the lines “Survived a Chuck Norris roundhouse.” and “Singlehandedly prevented World War Three.” With that said, let’s all take a moment of silence for him, as he’s now stuck with me. From what I’m told, he’s the tidy one, and I make all the messes.

So, the reason why I’m wasting your time today is because I want to make some things publicly known, and hopefully get some good discourse rolling in the comments section or on the CNS mailer. In no particular order, they are…

  • Report fiction. Does HSD want it, hate it, or have no care either way?
  • Ideas. Do you have any that you’d like to share?
  • House Competitions. I’mma run ‘em, you’re welcome to do so as well. Character and Unit Identity. My goal involves a lot of that happening, with some explanation to follow.

So, the Crusade is over, and we can relax and take a collective sigh of relief. Vendetta is awesome, and a lot of my people put serious boot to tail. Still others were burned out a few cycles back. This was as much a learning experience for the Council as it was for the rest of us though. There’s probably going to be a feedback poll, the DC is good for those, so answer it honestly, but most importantly, constructively. Just saying that it was good or bad does nothing of lasting value. Give examples, they’re a lot more helpful.

Still on the Crusades, there’s going to be a compiled list of who did what and how well they did on it. Since we don’t have the entirety of that information, I can’t post it, but according to the mailers, a lot of folk went for the gusto. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that. Here’s why…

See, House Shar Dakhan is new. It’s still raw, amorphous, and lacking in history. We’ve experienced a lot of rather profound changes due to unsteady leadership (something I feel personally responsible for, and for that, I apologize), and a roster which has, in recent memory, become more than a little bare. Some leaders might lament that, and I’ve certainly griped my fair share of it on IRC.

But I was being a punk. No more of that. Yeah, the roster is small, yeah, there’s no REAL history. You know what we DO have? Badasses, pure, unmitigated, and completely unrestrained badasses. Several of them, in fact. A whole houseful. That means every accomplishment is unexpected. Every win is the impossible, and as a very fine leader once said. “We’ve done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.” So yeah, we’ve got a lot of work to do, but there’s only one way to go. Who’s ready to climb to the top with me?

PS, how in the sam hell do I put my sexy report banner up at the top? Nothing I've looked up seems to cooperate.

-=[]=-When I thought that I fought this war alone you were there by my side on the frontline. When I thought that I fought without a cause you gave me a reason to try-=[]=-

You know that the good ol' Rosh will climb to the top and plant a ladder to go above if needed. Good report Mirado!

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