Fist of the Brotherhood Report #10


Fist of the Brotherhood Report #10

There's a ton of reports and goodness listed below this that you should check out also. If you haven't... go do that first!

SWTOR Galactic Starfighter Launches! There is much rejoicing!

We've had quite a bit of chatter about this over the last month or so. From the initial announcement of it, through the Public Test Server previews, and now (finally!) it has arrived (for subscribers)! Cethgus has a fantastic introduction news post on the new feature which is worthwhile to check over. This month's TOR Competition also can be entered through playing Galactic Starfighter matches!

For those of you out there who are a bit OCD about knowing everything before jumping into a game, here's a few links from one of my favorite SWTOR Resource Sites,

Arch also has a News Post which we recently updated with the plan for how Clusters of Fire will be awarded for Galactic Starfighter. The short version is Galactic Starfighter will be awarded in the same manner as SWTOR Warzones. 1 CF per Match, Win or Lose. You must be grouped with another DJB Guild Member to qualify for CFs and take a screenshot at the end of the match. Check out his post for all the details!

December Competitions

I think the amount of Gaming Competitions we have going for this month almost qualifies for a report of its own! We stepped up the options here, so if you find yourself snowed in or on break after Christmas and are looking for something to do... well just take a glance at the Competitions Listing and I'm sure you'll find something that strikes your fancy. On with the show!

Second Annual Ugly Sweater Competition on 13Dec2013 at 2000 CST/ 2100 EST

You can also submit to the Ugly Sweater Competition in advance. Check out the event.

Dark Crusade Gaming

The Crusade has finally ended. Since we ran another PVP based round I thought listing out the by Platform breakdown might be interesting to some folks. So here you go, the most popular platforms from November 2013 Dark Crusade:

  1. Pazaak with 54% of the Gaming Submissions
  2. Jedi Academy with 25% of the Gaming Submissions
  3. SWTOR Duels with 15% of the Gaming Submissions
  4. Starcraft 2 with 6% of the Gaming Submissions

Teamspeak Server Returns

In case you missed the earlier News Post we now have a Teamspeak Server running again for the club. Feel free to use it anytime, its not strictly reserved for just the Gamers.

GMRG Promotions and December Gorefest

First, congratulations to Ernordeth for winning the November Gorefest! Coming in second was Kanis, with Andrelious in third place.

It seems at the end of every Crusade Month this list has been crazy long, I wonder why? Congratulations to everyone who received a GMRG Promotion while battling for Ziost and Dromund Kaas last month!

  • OPM Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae to Rank VIII
  • SW Ernordeth Puer-Irae to Rank V
  • JH Crysall to Rank V
  • OT Rosh Nyine to Rank V
  • SBM Teylas Ramar to Rank V
  • JH Valkish Ebonvar to Rank IV
  • DJK Seren Dipity Puer-Irae to Rank III
  • DA Aabsdu Dupar to Rank II
  • OT Wes Biriuk to Rank II
  • KAP Raistline Majere to Rank II
  • GRD Taranae Rhode to Rank II
  • DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor to Rank II
  • PRT Tae'is Vall to Rank II
  • SW Nikola Valtiere to Rank II
  • DJK Evoroth Stigaryl to Rank II
  • OP Rian Aslar to Rank II
  • SBM Kazmir Natas to Rank II
  • KAP Inarya Tiberius Entar to Rank II
  • SSH Kaira Rohana to Rank II
  • SWL Nadrin Erinos Arconae to Rank II
  • CCH Liam Torun to Rank II

Gorefest will be running the Friday, December 20th through Sunday, December 22nd. I'll also be posting another reminder about this Event in my mid-month report.

Mmmm space pew pew!

Nice report!


Awesome report Val! Though I only played one match last night Galactic Starfighter is a fun addition!

6% SC2!!! Huzah!

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