A New Son of Sadow


A New Son of Sadow

Methyas Sadow

My fellow brothers, sisters and talking trees, today I ask you all to join in recognising the long achievements of one of our own.

For more than four years now, Methyas has been a loyal member of Clan Naga Sadow. In this time, many faces have come and gone, some old, some new, some achieving great things, others not. But throughout all this, one thing has remained constant, with Methyas having been an Aedile, a Quaestor, a Consul, most recently Rollmaster, but to name only some of his past roles.

He may not make pretty pictures or code websites, but he has battled to improve the lot of our Journeymen and Equites alike, assisted Dark Council members on projects, led from the front participating in wars and vendettas, all whilst enduing the same hardships that have befallen others during this same time - but which Methyas has always stood firm through, having always carried on, having in fact striven hard as a member of this Clan's Summit -- giving up his own time working hard for the rest of us -- for almost ninety-percent—

I'll say that again NINETY-PERCENT of the entire time that Methyas has been a member of the Dark Brotherhood.

And yet, despite all this, Methyas has never been a man to ask for recognition. He has never been one to care if he is noticed or acknowledged. He has always carried on, with the love of his Clan -- his love of all of his friends, you, me, and everyone else -- being what has driven him onward the entire time.

For that, today marks the day that we as a Clan together recognise him as a fellow brother.

So please all join me in thanking Methyas Sadow for his tireless efforts to improve other people's time in this club and congratulate him in being welcomed into the Sons of Sadow.

Congratulations, Methyas!

Haven't seen an announcement like this in a long time... ;) I'm jealous, clan titles rock. Congrats Methyas!

One of them! one of them!

Grats Meth

Congratulations, Method-Man. Well earned!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Methyas! Bork, bork, bork!

Very well deserved. Congratulations Methyas- thank you for all your work and dedication.

Congratulations Methyas!

Well deserved!

Congrats Methyas

Congrats! Keep on rocking

Well deserved, Methyas :D


Ding, grats :D

Way to go Methyas! Methyas Sadow... Has a nice ring to it. Congrats dud!



Congratulations Son of Sadow, Friend of Monty :)

Woot Methyas!

Congrats to someone for something.

Malik, where's my medal? You promised that if I posted a comment you'd give me a medal.

Thanks everyone, it's definitely not something I ever thought I'd achieve but I'm greatful for it.

Congratulations Methyas :)

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