Gaming Info Updates/ICTE on Saturday


Gaming Info Updates/ICTE on Saturday

I’ve been working on the Gaming Wiki pages to update all the information stored on them. For now that is the easiest and quickest way for me to update rules, etc for everyone to see. So if you need gaming-related information you’ll be able to find it all in the DB Gaming Category on the Wiki - Gaming Info

Another thing I want to mention is that the Rites of Combat still do apply to any official gaming, which includes the Gaming Nights. So to participate in these events you must be on the IRC channel #dbgaming, and all your matches must be created in that channel. I really don’t want to have to make a bot mandatory again because we should be beyond that now as a Club. If the problems increase again, as they did in the GJW, we’ll be looking into new methods for match creation.

Expect some updates to the Rites of Combat soon. They can currently be found both on the DB site, under the Resources->Gaming Resources drop-down menu, as well as on the Wiki. Again, updates will show up on the Wiki first so be sure to check that. When I do make changes I will notify via news post.

Rites of Combat - RoCs

Aside from all that, ICTE is on tomorrow in #outerrim. I will be hosting it, you’ll be able to message your match results in the format: Platform: PIN1, Name1, Score1, Club1 vs PIN2, Name2, Score2, Club2. As long as your format resembles this enough for me to understand who beat who in what platform and from which club you’ll be fine. My nick should be Shad-HOST, if not it will be written in the #outerrim topic.

Example: JO 1v1: 84, Shadow Taldrya, 5, DB vs 6381, Sarin, 0, DB

Have fun gaming.

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