Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Naga Sadow | 1st September 2002 | Report #2

...Heirs to the Empire...

Announcements from the Office of Consul Zorrixor

After a rather chaotic first week I believe most of the change-over structurisation will be finished today or tomorrow. Proconsul is almsot decided on, I just need to speak with my choice to accertain whether or not he/she still wishes the job, and with a couple of other hickups that occured over this weekend whether or not they think its best or not anymore...hopefully my choice will be mailed to the Grand Master by the end of today...if not, considering the newfound size of the Clan, the abscence of a Proconsul for slightly longer than hoped won't prove a problem.

[Insert] Resignation of Aedile Raistlin

Just as an insert, as I noticed this just as I was about to hit send, so bare with me if the rest of the report below doesn't correspond to this :P I've just noticed that what I have already known for some time is now official, AED Raist has left us to become Quaestor of Galeres of Arcona, my congratulations extend to him however we are now in need of an Obelisk AED. So, without further ado, let me say a few things about the position:


At the momment thats about it :P I'll post a full list of details sometime today hopefully, or at least when Bob gets back from leave as I need to talk to him about it first, as its his Aedile. Look out for further details soon...however, for the time being...


Clan website - This is undergoing an update, though not a total revision. Colours are gonna be changed, few automated pages such as the news and comps, and a new splash page, other than that its pretty much staying as is. The asthetical value of the current site is pleasing, so theres little need to divert resources from more important things at the moment. The page reconstruction began just before the weekend, should hopefully be done by this time next week I hope, my thanks to Mejas and CG for assissting in this task.

Clan Feud | DECEPTION | Final Results

After a long month of various difficulties, the final results are in...and saddly they don't look very good, more on that in the AWOL section next. Herein are the full results, my congratulations to all who took part, my thanks to Khobai for helping set it up and run, my thanks to Mairin for being Overseer and Krath Judge, to Tron, Sharad and Yacko for their work as Judges, and of course, those of you who did participate and win.

The Final Final Results

Clan Arcona: 300 points

Clan Tarentum: 253 points

Clan Naga Sadow: 81 points

Krath Events


1: Trevarus Caerick (15 points)

2: Ciara Tearnan (10 points)

3: Jade Avius (5 points)

Poetry Participation

Arcona (4 Participants, 23 Total Members)(3 points)

CNS (0 Participants, 32 Total Members)(0 points)

Tarentum (6 Participants, 23 Total Members)(4 points)

Combat Writing

1: Ciara Tearnan (15 points)

2: Rage Akaido (10 points)

3: Knight Camille (5 points)

Combat Writing Participation

Arcona (4 Participants, 23 Total Members)(3 points)

CNS (0 Participants, 32 Total Members)(0 points)

Tarentum (8 Participants, 23 Total Members)(5 points)

Descriptive Writing

1: Ceara Tearnan (15 points)

2: Aari Nikus (10 points)

3: Leara (5 points)

Descriptive Writing Participation

Arcona (6 Participants, 23 Total Members)(4 points)

CNS (1 Participant, 32 Total Members)(0 points)

Tarentum (11 Participants, 23 Total Members)(7 points)

Creative Writing

1: Knight Camille (15 points)

2: Ciara Tearnan (10 points)

3: Mejas Doto (5 points)

Creative Writing Participation

Arcona (3 Participants, 23 Total Members)(2 points)

CNS (3 Participants, 32 Total Members)(1 point)

Tarentum (7 Participants, 23 Total Members)(3 points)

Krath Final Scores

Arcona (46 points)

Naga Sadow (1 point)

Tarentum (143 points)

Note: Krath events recieved a 1.25 multiplier to account for the fact there were only 4 Krath events (instead of 5 like there were for Obelisk and Sith).

Sith Events


1: Halcyon (15 points)

2: Philo (10 points)

3: Carl Lost (5 points)

TF SP Participation

Arcona (9 Participants, 19 Total Members)(7 points)

CNS (5 Participants, 33 Total Members)(2 points)

Tarentum (9 Participants, 22 Total Members)(6 points)


1: Halcyon (15 points)

2: Philo (10 points)

3: Carl Lost (5 points)

XvT SP Participation

Arcona (7 Participants, 19 Total Members)(6 points)

CNS (7 Participants, 33 Total Members)(3 points)

Tarentum (5 Participations, 22 Total Members)(3 points)


1: Goatham (15 points)

1: Philo (15 points)

1: Tarkin (15 points)

XvT MP Participation

Arcona (3 Participants, 19 Total Members)(2 points)

CNS (2 Participants, 33 Total Members)(1 point)

Tarentum (1 Participant, 22 Total Members)(1 point)


1: Halcyon (15 points)

2: Ace Hobbes (10 points)

3: Philo (5 points)

XWA SP Participation

Arcona (7 Participants, 19 Total Members)(6 points)

CNS (5 Participants, 33 Total Members)(2 points)

Tarentum (8 Participants, 22 Total Members)(5 points)


1: Philo (15 points)

1: Tarkin (15 points)

XWA MP Participation

Arcona (2 Participants, 19 Total Members)(2 points)

CNS (0 Participants, 33 Total Members)(0 points)

Tarentum (2 Participants, 22 Total Members)(1 point)

Sith Final Scores

Arcona (153 points)

Naga Sadow (33 points)

Tarentum (26 points)

Obelisk Events

JK2 1v1

1: Sukuth (15 points)

2: Jedi Redneck (10 points)

3: Mage (5 points)

3: Ryo (5 points)

JK2 1v1 Participation

Arcona (9 Participants, 28 Total Members)(5 points)

CNS (14 Participants, 24 Total Members)(9 points)

Tarentum (9 Participants, 15 Total Members)(9 points)

JK2 2v2/CTF

1: Arcona (15 points)

2: Tarentum (10 points)

3: CNS (5 points)

JK2 2v2/CTF Participation

Arcona (6 Participants, 28 Total Members)(3 points)

CNS (6 Participants, 24 Total Members)(4 points)

Tarentum (4 Participants, 15 Total Members)(4 points)

JK1 1v1

1: Shadow Warrior (15 points)

2: Zacfer (10 points)

3: Locust (5 points)

JK1 1v1 Participation

Arcona (3 Participants, 28 Total Members)(2 points)

CNS (3 Participants, 24 Total Members)(2 points)

Tarentum (3 Participants, 15 Total Members)(3 points)

Obelisk Final Scores

Arcona (60 points)

Naga Sadow (35 points)

Tarentum (41 points)

Open Events


1: Mejas Doto (15 points)

2: Leara (10 points)

3: Ciara Tiarnan (5 points)

Graphics Participation

Arcona (5 Participants, 71 Total Members)(1 point)

CNS (6 Participants, 91 Total Members)(1 point)

Tarentum (7 Participants, 62 Total Members)(2 points)

Open Battleplan

1: Telona Murrage (15 points)

2: KiwiBuzzsaw (10 points)

3: Mejas Doto (5 points)

Open Battleplan Participation

Arcona (2 Participants, 71 Total Members)(0 points)

CNS (4 Participants, 91 Total Members)(1 point)

Tarentum (4 Participants, 62 Total Members)(1 point)

Space Battleplan

1: Murkrow Defender (15 points)

2: Korbane Ashoka (10 points)

3: Telona Murrage (5 points)

Space Battleplan Participation

Arcona (1 Participant, 71 Total Members)(0 points)

CNS (0 Participants, 91 Total Members)(0 points)

Tarentum (2 Participants, 62 Total Members)(0 points)

Open Final Scores

Arcona (41 points)

Naga Sadow (12 points)

Tarentum (43 points)

All awards have been given, Clusters of Fire and all. If anybody feels they are missing an award, please direct your gripe to me and I'll try to sort it out.

Clan AWOL Check - Well I've spent most of this week talking to the QUAs to make sure my lists are correct, finished that earlier today, and will submit it for processing tomorrow morning. As it stands, the following members are hereby declared Absent Without Leave for lack of participation in the Feud, Multiplayer Nights, Krath Battleboards, Clan comps etc. in the past month and a half:


Fel Bond

Rogue Ronin


Sildrin Rys



Nashiro Kakos

Myrrkal Mysticsith



Exal Kun

Keiran Caetar

Jacob Racke



Grinning Donkey




Valin Darkfyre

Jade Ya'kon

Anton Solusar


Windos Matrix

Xelaris Andhu



Dahhar Zak'hun

Ghost Dog

Tharivol Endymiron

Da'emon Narshay



Meredith Anzer

Nathan "SaberStrike" Zenos



Rae-Won Kai





If anybody has been on leave for any reason but been unable to declare it, you are all of course invited back into the Clan at your own request. This check has been far more a matter of administration to ensure that there is nobody left in the Clan who is not willing to participate in future competitions. All those who wish to are strongly encouraged to return, you've only been placed in the Rogues are won't have your profiles deleted, so if and when you want to come back, feel free.

As for the majority who quite clearly are inactive and AWOL, and now talking about the Feud, I'm not at all pleased with the distinct lack of participation. And I do hope now that I have demonstrated two things to you all, firstly that when I issue a warning it is not to be ignored, I gave repeated warnings about an AWOL check, so those who only now produce excuses such as "TIE won't work on XP anymore" arn't going to be getting any special treatment. This is why there was no warning of being AWOLed issued, AWOL is the state when you don't contact anybody for 4 weeks, the Feud was 5, and theres since been 3 more since. Hence you've had 8, if you've not done anything in that time, despite me issuing warnings in PCON reprots for over a month then i'm afraid...tough.

Moving on from that to my second point. With my becoming Consul this Clan's getting a fresh start, so I expect us to start afresh. With the reduced numbers we'll hopefully be able to have 100% participation from now on. It will cost some members their Battleteam Leader positions, for this I'm sorry, however some sacrifices have to be made for the betterment of the Clan. I'm not one to usually enjoy AWOLing people, I tend to save as many as I can even if they don't reply to the check, but enough is finally enough. There are many more changes to come in the coming weeks...I hope that those of you who have stayed with us are strong enough to remain with us, the troubled times are not yet over, they're just becoming more evident, such inactivity has been with us for months, its only just now been unmasked...

Clan Review - I'll be starting on a full review of Summit members this week, namely to assess those who deserve promotions from the Feud, those who may need some help, and those who may need to be removed for potential lack of abilities to encourage their members. I will also be deciding on who to retain as CMDR, TET and SRG and removing those no longer required due to the, now, distinct lack of numbers.

I will however, make clear a couple of new protocols which are going to come into play soon...I need to flesh out the details still, but there will be a list of Consular Orders on the new Clan site once its done...

#1 - ALL Battleteam Leaders and up are going to have to undergo similar selection processes to what I did for PCON selection. Clearly not the same level of requirements, but the same types of requirements but scaled down. This will obviously extend upwards from Battleteam leader from now on also, to make sure no poor Summit choices are ever made again. I rather not appoint and do more work, than appoint and have something collapse. For example, if a Battleteam needs a leader, but the only choice is 'the best of the rest' then that won't cut it, and the AED or QUA will have to handle it themselves for a while and find somebody from another Clan...mainly for its things like this that have been killing our Clan, the evidence from the AWOL check is undenyable.

#2 - ALL new Battleteams will only be authorised after an AWOL check of the currently open ones. Usually we fill up then think "We need a new one", everytime that happens from now on we're going to be doing an AWOL check of the current one. So t hat if a space opens up, they take that rather than open a new team for nobody. It may cause people to have to sit outside a battleteam for a few extra days...but this just means we'll have to think ahead of things, so if a battleteam is 10 members or more, an AWOL check can be run, if it stays at 10 then maybe we'll consider opening another...

So, looking at my initial aims progress is as follows:

Proconsul - 90%

Clan Website - 50%

AWOL Check - Complete.

Clan Feud | Deception - Complete

Clan Review - 10%

Activity Systems Review - Not started.

Leadership Requirements - 40%

Status Update on the Elite Black Guard

The final selections have been made, as of the Krath results, though considering only four members of Marka Ragnos took part I've debated whether or not to appoint anybody, for no memebers recieved placing scores, and the Guard reflects ability, not acitvity. Somebody who writes one story a year yet always comes 1st would be in the Guard...however, I have also taken into account activity on the Krath Battleboards, and the placement of those who did take part in the Feud, so congratulations to the following:

Inceptor Kant Lavar

Inceptor J'Rai

Inceptor Jaguar

Inceptor Tomaas Banys

Lord Consul Xanos Zorrixor

Lord Primus

Demi-Precentor Carl Lost

Adeptus DujHoD

Inceptor Darkwolf

Inceptor Scithe

Inceptor J'Rai

Inceptor Jaguar

Inceptor Kant Lavar

Inceptor Jaguar

Adeptus Magus Lionheart

Inceptor Sylph

Inceptor Zacfer

Inceptor Raistlin

House News Foreword

My appologies to mess people around again, but I realised that I can only send emails so long, so sending all three reports + AED + Battleteam reports would likely be impossible from my end in one mail. Also, since AOL doesn't support HTML very much, sending some of the complex reports such as Bob's would be I think the best thing is if QUAs just attach to the end of their reports a list of urls that head to the various report pages on, that way if anybody wants to read them they can with a button click.

As for the 'three strike' policy, until I've restructured the Battleteams, I'm not going to start issuing threats, as its pointless, for the time being Battleteam leaders who are failing to submit reports are fortunate, come two weeks time though, I won't be as forgiving.

Remember, reporting 'Nobody did anything' is still a report. My report doesn't have much to say in the way of activity, if you read above theres a giant list of AWOLies and a list of the rather limited participation in the Feud...a report can still be long even if you've got little to really say :P

News from House Ludo Kressh

Edition #028 - August 31th, 2002


CON Goatham has taken the reins on the AWOL check and has been asking me the entire week for the names I could save from the disaster at the Feud. We are just pending the Open Events Results for the execution and more than 50% of the House may be AWOLed at any moment.

Activity Points were awarded as programmed, which resulted on one promotion.

Participation points listing All stuff you do shall come through me for points. If you have submitted something, remind to FWD or CC me...

Also, the points table is on Quaestor's Office, Room 1501 of the Kressh Fortress

Comps There are still a lot of things to do:

Monthly Flying comp: Send all pilot files from SP missions you fly on the month to Janos Silverwulf and CC me. Last day and better luck next month to the ones who'll stay in the house.

Monthly Melee comp: If you fly a MP match against another member on HLK, remember to register the results on the MP ladder on Tactical Room - Level 02 of the Kressh Fortress.

Sith Squadron League: Details here.

On the Works As soon as the AWOL check ends (I hope soon enough), the House Summit will start looking for some individual talents to help the House on the betterment of crew and other stuff like the webpage and the message boards.

Also, on CON Goatham's note, he promised quite a load of changes to take place inside the Clan and, obviously, on House Ludo Kressh. I expect we can deal with that on a very good manner.

Following the AWOL check, we mostly probably will have to shut down one or two squadrons, so be prepared to show you're on HLK for good as we'll have much less weight to look upon...

Awards, Promos and stuff GRD Jade Falcon promoted to JH.

NOV Talon 'Nemesis' Karrde awarded a Crescent w/ Ruby Star for 1st place on CNS trivia.

SW Janos Silverwulf awarded a Crescent w/ Amethyst Star for 2nd place on CNS trivia.

JH Sancho awarded a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star for 3rd place on CNS trivia.

JH Boris awarded a Cluster of Fire for victory on a JK2 match (Huh?).

The Squads Well, as Goatham's orders were to attach the squad reports here and none came until now, this section will be empty. Remembering that according to the new standards for Battleteams, I think it's good for the squadrons to have a link to the Squadron webpage on future reports. If the squad don't have a webpage, fix one asap...

Also, remember to visit the Sith Order page in order to keep in touch with the last issues about squadron administration and points.

Closing Notes When the final results for the Deception Feud come out, the AWOL check will be released. According to my list, 18 pilots will leave the House in the next days, which will make us much smaller than now. After the delivering of dead weight, I'll start with help of Goatham and Abel Malik some sort of revitalization process in order to know what's going on and fix the problems with communication and activity. If you already have anything to add, please feel free to mail or find us on mIRC.

Also, I still want to hear from ya. If you have any issue, any kind of trouble, a question or simply want to send me to someplace weird, don't hesitate and click here and say it. I can be sure you'll be heard (or read in this case) and maybe you can do a great favor to you and to me.

Well, enough babbling.

SBM Scithe (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow


News from House Primus Goluud

Quaestor Bob is currently on leave.

News from House Marka Ragnos

House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #17

August 31, 2002


Combat tournament started, everyone come out and watch the fights.

We had such a poor showing in the Feud that several (as in roughly

20) will be AWOL'd unless you respond to the email I send to you. If

you don't get an email from me concerning this problem, don't worry,

you're off the hook. But if you are one of the unfortunate majority

who will be getting an email, then you better have a damn good excuse

for not participating in the feud as it was going on for atleast a


Now then, onto better things:

Whose Line is it Anyway competition is coming to HMR. I have 2 people

signed up already, I need 2 more. Email me at

[Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you're interested.


I'm assuming that with today being the last day Goat was accepting

applications for PCON, that we should hear about it in the next few

days. Stay tuned for more.

Krath High Priest Report

Posted By DJM Mairin Astoris - 8/31/2002

Not much to report on this week. Everything is ticking over as usual.

There are several projects in the pipeline, but those have either

been discussed in previous reports, or are being kept under wraps

until I can spring them on you poor unwitting souls. :P

Remember that any last minute entries for the monthly topics should

be sent to KE Cuchulain: [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

That's all for this week!

Roster Count: 31 <--Not for long

Quaestor: KAP J`Rai

Aedile: KP Tomaas Banys

NH Tet: DJK Figaro

ND Tet: DJK Jaguar

NR Tet: JH Kant Lavar

Keeper: J`Rai until further notice


None, but once the AWOLs are handled, we should have lots of room

left in the house. Something I'm not looking forward to but we've had




Combat Tournament going on, check the HMR board to watch.

There's a KMT, check KHP Report(above) for details.

Whose Line comp coming soon, signup.

That's it for this week,

~Archpriest J`Rai

Quaestor of Marka Ragnos

Closing Comments from the Consul

Another week comes to an end, what I have to say for my first week in Office? I don't really know. I expected much of the bad news, though I don't think it really became apparent until I went down the Clan roster and checking names off against activity just how inactive much of the Clan is...

I know they'll be people wanting to leave, but the intense list of AWOLies is a good thing in the end, as it means we're now active, for a while it'll seem bad...but in the end its only a number thats changed, and it'll mean that we can stop reporting 'No activity', so it should be for the best, its not as if they'll be anybody no longer on IRC or anything to thats the whole reason tehy were AWOLed, for doing nothing.

Anyhow, my congratulations extend to OBM Raistlin again on his appointment as Quaestor of House Galeres.

In Service to the Brotherhood,

Lord Consul Zorrixor

Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Governor Plenipotentiary of Sif

= Lord Consul, Battlelord Zorrixor, Admiral of the Imperial Navy =

  • SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/CON/Naga Sadow


  • RSV/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/M-FRG Pheonix/Reserves

  • GS/SS/BSx8/PCx5/ISMx18 [LGNR]  
  • MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC  
  • CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E  


  • [Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]

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