Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Naga Sadow | 14th October 2002 | Report #8

...Heirs to the Empire...

Announcements from the Office of Consul Zorrixor

Saddly its been an uneventful week when it comes down to anything major, though at this time of year thats expected...i guess.

Anyhow, great progress on the website this week, an excellent first impression from Arion. Work on the Feud continues, hopefully it'll be sorted soon...

Clan Website

Thats the current template, send any comments you've got to the PCON, Arion Sunrider. Its looking sweet so far :)

Feud with Taldryan and Alvaak

Not as much work done this week as last, but we're getting there, should get some stuff sorted this week as we get into looking at the fictional side of things.

Activity Systems Review

I'm starting major work for this Thursday when I start my break from school for a fortnight, so expect some Master/Student stuff sorted this week or early next.


I've still not found that special name, though I'm going to announce winners around the middle of this week.

Project Status Report

Clan Website - 70%

Activity Systems Review - 15%

Clan Feud with Taldryan and Alvaak - 40%

MUTR Comp - 95%

Status Update on the Elite Black Guard

Lord Consul Xanos Zorrixor

Lord Primus Kant Lavar

Demi-Precentor Carl Lost

Adeptus DujHoD

Inceptor Darkwolf

Inceptor Scithe

Inceptor Kant Lavar

Inceptor Ghost Angel

Inceptor Jaguar

Inceptor Tomaas Banys

Inceptor Zacfer

One change this wek has just been the move of J'Rai out of the Guard and Inceptor Ghost Angel into the guard, so congrats GA!

House News Foreword

Well, with a new PCON, and new PCON reports, i'm forced now to continue posting urls :P As my client just won't support emails this long, so...oh well...anyhow, good to see reports in again.


House Ludo Kressh

House Primus Goluud

House Marka Ragnos

  • No Report recieved -

Another AWOL check going on in HPG now...good to see these things happening in a way, I want us to be fully prepared for this Feud....for house numbers will be used from sizes at the START of the Feud this time.

Concluding Statements

Another week, another report. I'm gonna look into some fictional stuff this week, namely our history writeup for the website. Its time for us to start pulling in new members, so we're gonna have one sweet site to do it in a week or so :)

In Service to the Brotherhood,

Lord Consul Zorrixor

Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Governor Plenipotentiary of Sif

= Lord Consul, Battlelord Zorrixor, Admiral of the Imperial Navy =

  • SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/CON/Naga Sadow


  • RSV/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/M-FRG Pheonix/Reserves

  • GS/SS/BSx8/PCx5/ISMx18 [LGNR]  
  • MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC  
  • CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E  


  • [Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]

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