Consul Report


Consul Report

Tarkin overlooked the plains before him from a hill. The alien sun was warming his face. The plains were empty except for a few hunderd men and women. The surviving Dark Jedi from every Clan had gatherd on this plain to do battle.

Tarkin turned over to look at his own Clansmen. Nearly 70 Dark Jedi from Clan Arcona had survived the pirates attack, Arcona's counter-offensive against the piratres and the following civil war between the Clans of the Dark Brotherhood. The toughest, hardest remained. He recongnized some old memebrs, like Halcyon, Paladorion, Alex, Khobai, Voranyen, Morth, Kelric, Ekim...and some Dark jedi who recently joined had survived also. Kris Omega, Zoron, Sarin, Darkfinn, Dax Corrin. And some many others. He looked at his Pro-Consul. Khobai's Dark Jedi battle armour was stained with blood and scorch marks. The same was for every other Dark Jedi of Arcona. Krath robes, Obelsik Battle Armour and Sith flightsuits, all were damaged, stained and smelt like of burned rubber and boiled meat.

Tarkin scrapped his throat. "Fellow Clansmen. We have gatherd here to do battle against the other Clans. They have banded together to stop Arcona from reaching supremacy over them. The Dark Council has slitherd away to Eos and is awaiting the result of this battle." Tarkin paused for a moment before resuming his speech."We are all that is left of Arcona. We have taken great losses during the last few weeks. We have suffered much. But not in vain. Today, we have the chance to make history. To grab the power that is rightfully yours!" Tarkin drew his lightsaber. "Follow me, my bretheren! Once more, the world will witness our power, our prowess! AND THEY WILL TREMBLE UNDER OUR MIGHT!" Tarkin let out a terrible roar, turned and ran of the hill, towards the enemy troops. And he was followed by 67 men and women, who were about to become legends that day.

FM/COL E. Tarkin/Scorpion 2-4/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF

GSx3/SS/BSx4/PCx9/ISMx21/MoT-3rh-2gh/IS-2BW-1GW/LoC-RSx2-CSx8-Rx4/DFC-GW-Rx2/CoS/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [GLDR] [JEDI-4th] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2/3-XAM-XTM/1-XTT}

Ex-Wing Commander of Wing XV

Ex-CMDR of Avenger Squadron

SWL E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, GC/(SC-SoA)/(SE)/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNG)(BNB)/Cr-2R/CF/CoL {SA: CORE-G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}

Consul of Arcona

PS. One week left to do your thing during this GJW. Make it count!

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