Diablo 3 CF Tables & Europe Clan


Diablo 3 CF Tables & Europe Clan

The Diablo 3 CF Tables have been updated based on the new difficulty levels. These are not final values, and we intend to entirely change the way Diablo 3 CFs are awarded in the near future. Before making a leap to an entirely new system though, we want to spend some time playing the new Patch to determine what is appropriate.

Pendants of Blood will also be changing in the near future. Likely to a system which awards the first Max Level Character then future Pendants will based on your Account's Legacy Level, as well as some Club first achievements.

More to follow on both of those topics in the coming days.

Diablo 3 Clans - Now in more than just the Americas!

I updated my earlier post about our Diablo 3 Clans. There's now a Europe Server Clan as well. If you search for it in game you can request an invite to it, email me or post here and I'll process your request ASAP.

For full info look up my earlier post about Diablo 3 Clans

Hmm, searching Communities on the Europe servers for "Brotherhood" I'm seeing stuff like Arcane Brotherhood and Immortal Brotherhood, but currently no The Dark Brotherhood. Any idea if there's a delay before it all processes through or something?

I had to type in "DJB" to get the americas one a few days back, Brotherhood did not do the trick.

There shouldn't be a delay. I checked and made sure it is listed as Looking for Members, it says it should be visible.

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