House Galeres Quaestor Open For Applications


House Galeres Quaestor Open For Applications

A heartfelt goodbye:

As of this morning, Braecen Kaeth, the Quaestor of House Galeres, has turned in his notice of resignation. He has chosen to step down upon appointment of a new Quaestor and take on a member’s role within the House he has worked so hard within for this last year. Braecen has served as the Quaestor of Galeres going on 14 months, something he at one point intended only to do for a few months while he trained a new Aedile (me) to become his replacement.

Unfortunately, he did too good a job of it, and when I instead became the Proconsul, it threw a bit of a wrench into those plans. Never one to hesitate though, he continued to drive Galeres, and really all of Arcona forward with his passion and his dedication to the awarding of members within both Houses. His contributions on every level have been remarkable and often went unknown to many. His actions, though, have never been a mystery to me and I can’t thank him enough for his guidance, pure devotion and willingness to play so many roles within the Clan.

Galeres today is a very different beast than it was before. The House has never struggled to hold its own in the three years I have been a member of this Club; but to hold your own is one thing. To set the standard is another, and make no mistake, House Galeres is the example to strive towards. Constant member participation, content creation on every level from member to BTL to Aedile and Quaestor, truly something to behold, and I remain humbled to see the Summit he created within his House.

While we have something in the works for Braecen in regards to an award for all of his efforts, I would ask that each of you join me in thanking a standard bearer of Arcona; an Elder with every right to sit back and relax, but who to this day contributes like a join fresh off the site, who chooses to inspire others to rise above their limitations and doubts.

Arcona is a better place for all you have done and in the legacy you have built. Though Summits change, people change and we may not always see eye to eye, I want to be the first to extend my thanks to you Braecen.

Uji Tameike

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Arcona: House Galeres Quaestor Open For Applications

Applications are open DB-wide and are due to Atyiru ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Uji ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) no later than 20:00 EST on Monday, October 24th.

Applications should address:

  • DB experience (projects, positions, etc)
  • Any relevant real life skills (don't give me a full resume)
  • Administrative and communication capabilities (quick email response, Telegram presence, any familiarity with site functions)
  • Leadership philosophy
  • Your assessment of the current state of House Galeres and ideas for the future of House Galeres and its lore

Applications will be reviewed by a hiring committee including those who would be your fellow Quaestor and Rollmaster.

There is no minimum rank or DB experience requirement.

Be prepared to answer follow-on questions via email.


  • You should think of this opportunity as if you were applying for a Proconsul or Consul position. We often expect Leadership within Arcona to function at a level higher than the role they currently hold. The Quaestor of Galeres has historically had a significant impact on the entire Clan and we expect this tradition to hold going forward.
  • Know the difference between a goal and a plan. "I want to increase fiction activity" is a goal. "I will host bi-weekly fiction workshops to develop our writers" is a plan. Too often I see applications full of lofty goals with almost nothing in concrete plans on how to achieve those goals.
  • Do your homework! Show the hiring officials you understand the strengths and weaknesses of the unit. You don't have to use the SWOT format (I'm not big on 30/60/90 either).
  • Be professional! And please by all that’s holy have someone proofread your work before posting.
  • Be honest! If you have rough spots in your history or community reputation, you should probably address those. I do look into how an applicant is viewed in their respective community. Also, our Summit has and will always have strong personalities within it. You need to be able to stand your ground and show why your opinion is valid.
  • Send your application to all listed recipients. Yes, we mean it. Failure to do so will not bode well for you.

Good luck!


I almost feel bad for whoever is chosen to take your place. Huge shoes to fill. Having spent most of my time as a regular member in Arcona, even though you were not Quaestor, it was an honor to be in the same unit as you and to watch how you put members first and gave back to the Clan. That said, whoever takes over Gal has a really awesome team waiting for them.

Good luck with everything you do going forward <3.

Best of luck to all the applicants!

Thank you Braecen for all of your hard work. Your dedication to the members is awe inspiring and reminds me of why I've wanted to hold a leadership position in the DJB. You've volunteered to help educate new leaders with tip, etc. Your reports are a brillant visible display of how you lead and I find myself refering back to them, thinking of how I can improve my own leading. You will always be one of the big influencers in my DJB career and many others. So, thank you. <3

And good luck to the Applicants!!!

Huge shoes to fill. DOES THIS MEAN THE REPLACEMENT WILL BE A CLOWN?! I hear those are all the rage these days...

Goodbye friend. See you around.

nooo, now we will have to share our mess room with you. You did a great job tho, will be missed and a hard act to follow

Huge shoes to fill. DOES THIS MEAN THE REPLACEMENT WILL BE A CLOWN?! I hear those are all the rage these days...

throws shoe

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