The End of an Era


The End of an Era


As of this morning, the ancient DB tradition of the ID line has finally ended. If you check out your dossier, you will no longer see a string of weird DB words separated by slashes followed by even longer, weirder strings of letters, brackets, and squigglies (I'm sure that's what they're called). Instead, under your robes, warbanner, weapon, and accessory, you will see a new box called "Awards and Titles" that includes icons for each of the sacramental and merit medals you've earned (and a small number to indicate how many you have), as well as a list of any titles you've been granted. Next to that (or below it on mobile) is the Units, Positions, and Societies box that used to live on the bottom of your dossier. James is still tinkering with sizing/formatting, so you may see some tweaks to the display over the next few days.

You may also notice that your dossier name is no longer preceded by your rank, which instead now displays as your DB rank level (e.g., JM4, EQ3, etc.) under your name along with your unit, order, and tradition. This is the first step towards a larger project of decoupling the dossier, which represents members themselves, from characters belonging to members. As part of this project we are also exploring new ways to allow members to select and display honorifics for their characters such as rank, position, titles, etc. (And shoutout to Shimrah who asked me about something along these lines just a couple of days before the DC started spontaneously arguing about it :p). There will be much more to come on this in the coming weeks.

For now, pour one out for your old friend, the ID line. The late 90's will never be the same again.

First. And much better

Long live ID Lines!


A new age is upon us.

God we're getting old!

So good. So happy.


Seriously, looks nice

Noooo, not my beautiful, incomprehensible ID LINE!


But how will I pretend it's still 1997?!

pfft. I like seeing "WARLORD" in front of my name. after 16 years to earn it, I like it.

Now it just says my name. that's just plain, no flare, no pomp and circumstances.

note to james, add to settings to turn back on titles/ranks

sad toot Farewell tp the I.D. line

What's next, removing the pin? I guess the 90s really are over.

I'm unsure why this is actually something that was needed.

Never understood the ID line anyway. Also, what Slags said :)

Literally unplayable…

Just kidding, love it!


So weird without it...

This is going to double the time taken on Hunt The Jedi comps.

Please don't get rid of my pin ;~; I still use mine in fics and I'm really proud of it.

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