Voice Update #7: A New Kind Of Fiction Series


Voice Update #7: A New Kind Of Fiction Series


Hello yes, this is Wally. It’s past my bedtime so I’ll keep this brief.

Voice Dialogue Series

As the questions in the [DB Fiction Chat - Log in to view join link] have started to evolve and get more detailed, an idea popped into my head the other night that I decided to turn into a competition series. For fear of boring people to death by repeating myself, I’ll share my write up for the parent competition container found here.

Sponsored by the Voice and brought to you in part by the DB Fiction Chat, the Voice Dialogue Series will be an ongoing exercise in telling a story through dialogue alone. The challenge here is to step outside your comfort zone while learning more about the other characters that make up the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Even if you never write a fiction for a competition in this manner or format, the exercise in and of itself is designed to help you grow more comfortable with speech patterns and having an “ear” for dialogue between characters.

Each iteration will feature a different prompt and may feature a different challenge. Each prompt will run for the span of 2 weeks.

As an added bonus, entries will earn bonus Clusters of Ice. Each entry will also get direct feedback from the Voice.

Check out Part I: A Forced Conversation to kick things off!

Note: This is a trial run, and I appreciate any and all feedback from members.

Defaulted Fiction Competition Graded

The Traditions fiction competition has been graded by the Voice of the Brotherhood. Congratulations to Q, Zas, and Kord on their Crescents. I left feedback on each individual fiction, so hopefully this helps give each participant an idea on how I went about grading this competition.

But Wally, why did you grade this competition?

That’s an excellent question, other Wally. In short, this happened as a result of the original competition runner going AWOL from the Brotherhood due to real life/personal issues.

(I was about to yell at Howie for this not being a policy already, but was quickly proven wrong. TIL.)

Since the MAA team is awesome, there is actually a section in the Wiki for scenarios just like this.

All competitions are expected to be judged and closed within (30) days of the end date. Competitions still open after this time will result in a warning email to the organizers.

If an organizer has an open competition that remain unjudged after 30 days, express explanation must be given for any new competition submitted by an organizer or co-organizer while the old competition remains unjudged. Without said explanation, new competitions will be denied

Competitions that remain open after (45) days without appropriate explanation will be judged by the appropriate member of the Dark Council (say: Voice of the Brotherhood for fiction, Herald for graphics, Fist of the Brotherhood for gaming related, etc.) within (5) days and then closed by the Master at Arms. This process will be coordinated by the Master at Arms staff.

So now we know.


In Closing

That is all for now. Expect a Voice report sometime in the next two weeks, as well as the launch of the long-awaited Fiction 3.0: “Reconciliation”. #hype

Thank you.


"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known, when I was young and dreamed of glory... You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story."



(Yeah, this is gonna be good.)



The Voice in action!!!



Hello yes this is awesome.

Lol atty your sample has me laughing out loud the entire morning, like a giant dog that wants to sing along. I can't wait!


Good to see that the Voice is always working on new and exciting fun.

[redacted string of profanity]


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