Clan Arcona Proconsul Report #1


Clan Arcona Proconsul Report #1


The Citadel, Selen
39 ABY

“You know what they did. How can we stand by and allow this to happen?”

“Arcy, it’s been done. There’s nothing we can do about it anymore. All we can do is ensure the safety of our clansmen and anyone else we can reach,” Atyiru stated softly, collected, hands folded before her as if in prayer.

With a rage-filled groan, Arcia slammed her fist onto the table separating the two women. “I won’t allow our people to be victims of the Iron Throne’s paranoia. We lost far too many to their antics, and the Throne effectively crippled the clans.”

“Shhh, shhh. Everything will be alright, Arcy. Don’t worry on anything.”

Arcia’s groan turned into a menacing growl as she turned her back to the Consul. The mass execution of the predetermined “lesser species” hit the Admiral hard. She was far from holding a soft spot for them and could be viewed as one to support the action, but it was an attack on her clan. All the clans. To her, it was an act of cowardice.

Rising from her desk, Atyiru crossed the chamber and stepped behind a partition in the corner. Arcia clenched her jaw as she listened to fabric rustle.

“How can you be so tolerant of this? Everything will not be alright just because you wish for it on a rainbow, Atyiru! We need to act. We will act.”

“Yes, we will,” came the Consul’s voice, the white slip of her robes flopping overtop the partition. “What has begun has been begun, Arcy. It’s written in the walls, and we’re to walk in a straight line while the oceans boil and the mountains come to crush us — so says our god.”

“Pravus is no god. None of you Force-users are,” spat the Proconsul. “He needs to be stopped.”

“And he will be. Nothing will prevent us from doing that, Arcy. We will protect our people. Our friends. Our comrades. Those that trust in us, and even those that don’t know us yet. If they seek asylum, they’ll have it. Race, order, alignment, I care not. Nothing will stop us from stealing our own place in this Brotherhood and protecting those that the Inquisitorius and the Council threaten. And we will not do it alone.”

Stepping out from behind the screen, Atyiru turned her unmasked, eyeless face to the Admiral and gave a grim smile. “It’s a good thing for us you’re so experienced in lying, my friend. I’ll need your guidance.”

“To do what?” questioned the Human, eyes narrowing as she looked over the armored robes her Consul wore, recognizing the uniform and the symbol it bore. Her gaze landed at the faintly glowing Sith dagger strapped to the Miraluka’s belt, the mark of a Grand Inquisitor.

“To incite a little bit of rebellion on the inside, of course. Quietly,” replied Atyiru, drawing up her mask over her nose and settling her hood completely over her white hair, leaving nothing of her face exposed save a strip of dark skin where eyes were meant to be. Arcia stifled a grimace at the look. “I trust our Houses and Battleteams to deal with outside threats like Perdition. This, in our own homes, we must tend to first. I'll go on ahead while you, and our allies, begin moving elsewhere. Planting seeds to bloom.”

“Which allies, and moving where?”

Under that mask, the Admiral saw the Shadow Lady smile. “I’ll tell you on the way. Right now, I’ve got to see a woman about a tree.”


Yup, there you have it! Bringing back some fiction updates each month to push us forward and keep the interest going! We’ll be focusing on the Clan’s reaction to the Undesirables purge, and we wanna hear what you think about it — but more on that below.

This report is going to be a little different than Atty’s Consul report, as I will be detailing all the projects we’re working on in this report as well as spotlighting certain competitions and members! You may even see a poll or two as we progress as well.


Clan Level:

Post-DJK Mentorship

When the Post-DJK Mentorship program was first dreamt up, I wasn’t sure how it would pan out. I didn’t know if there would be a lot of involvement or if people would truly enjoy having a mentor past DJK. When I learned that Timeros was mentoring K’tana in her writing, I figured this would be a fantastic method if expanded to other areas of the DB to include as many people as possible in the things that interest them most. When Braecen joined Arcona and heard about the program, he jumped right on board and started helping out with his extensive management and training skills to our advantage. We now have several members signed up for mentoring and are working on gathering the appropriately-skilled mentors to best suit each person.

I asked Braecen to offer his own thoughts on how the program thus far, and here is what he had to say:

The Post-DJK Program currently has three active participants. These members have already received detailed feedback and an Action Plan on how to proceed towards their goals (personal & Brotherhood). They are currently scheduled to tour the Shadow Academy with Praetor: Head Master, Ood Bnar, in November. They have also begun work on a large-scale project to better understand story arc & competition design; Warlord Rayze Erinos Arconae is assisting on this project and Praetor: FIST, Ernordeth Puer-Irae, is the liaison for competition structure and award. The Post-DJK Program is still in need of additional mentors whom can help shape, guide, and teach these members so as to improve their writing, graphic, and gaming skills. If you are interested in joining the program as a mentee or mentor, please reach out to Atyiru, Arcia, and Braecen.

Arcona Article Improvement

This project has been slow moving as everyone assigned articles goes through to see what needs altered and what can be done, so just a short snippet for this project. House leaders should keep in contact with those members handling articles so we can keep track of the progress. Feel free to check in yourself as well by emailing me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]!


House Level:

From Galeres we have a special project known as the ACE Pilot Program.

The ACE Pilot Program is currently in it's infancy. Spearheaded by Rayze Erinos Arconae and Ujie Tameikie, the program is designed to help members develop their character as a pilot. It will require minimum standards (and possible updates) to your Character Sheet to meet the standards; however, this will unlock unique character development at the hands of our Clan's premier pilot Zandro Erinos Arconae at the Savric Flight Academy. If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please e-mail Rayze, Uji, and Braecen.

From Qel-Droma we have the QD Retcon.

In an effort to realign House Qel-Droma's fictional history with the current state of Brotherhood Canon, the Summit has been working on a retcon. However, the House belongs to more than just its Summit. It belongs to each and every one of its members. We'd love to get your input and ideas on what could help make House Qel-Droma really stand out from its peers. All suggestions are welcome. Please email Terran and CC Celevon.


The following are a few competitions that I would like to spotlight. They are upcoming or currently running events that require your attention! So please go take a look, read the statements and participate!

Arcona Flash Series

Kord himself is a man of few words, it seems, but keep an eye out for this competition series. Quench your flash game appetite (Strat!) and compete with your fellow clansmen to achieve the most points throughout the series!

12 Weeks of competitions, flash games, to show who is the best! Every week gets points for competing, at the end we'll see who's the top flasher! ~ Kordath

Arconan Origins

Here’s a friendly reminder that Arconan Origins is running right now, and will continue through to the end of the month! This is a fantastic opportunity to expand upon your character’s backstory, namely the motivation behind why they chose to join Arcona, their House, or their battle team. The opportunity for third level crescents are up to grabs along with Clusters of Ice. So far we’ve had 12 subscribers and 3 great submissions, and I’m excited to see what y’all can come up with! Regale me with your history, Arconans! :D ~ Zakath

[Arcona] Chronicler of Arcona

I couldn’t get in touch with Kaiburr on such short notice, but his competition is one to keep an eye on! This is a competition where you get awarded for...doing other competitions and activities! For each ACC or ACB contract you complete, you will receive points towards the rankings. Each Cluster of Ice will also net you an extra point per Cluster. So get out there, write your hearts out and see who can accumulate the most points in a month's time!

Arcona Trivia Madness #1

Hey all! Mako here, don't forget that week two of trivia starts on Friday and runs over the weekend. This week is DB wide trivia. As in all Arcona Trivia Madness, number correct is how winner is determined then time taken breaks ties. Next week is Star Wars trivia then for the final week it’s grab bag trivia. Best of luck answering the 20 questions. ~ Mako


I would like to spotlight the Arcona Gaming Dominance with a quick recap: Arcona Gaming Dominance garnered 19 participants and 32 Crescents were distributed so far! This could very well be the most active gaming event within Arcona yet! The next set is out now as well, so keep it up, gamers!


Children of Arcona,

With this report, I intend to start something new. We have a lot of members in our Clan, but I’m sure we don’t know a whole helluva lot about each other. So today, I am picking a member that has shown a lot of activity and promise through their journey so far and spotlighting them for the Clan to see! So without further adieu, please meet Lonewolf!

Lonewolf is currently an Acolyte in House Qel-Droma. In the fifteen days he has been a member of the Brotherhood, he has netted 17 Clusters of Fire, a Seal of Loyalty, two Dark Pundits and a Dark Maven - Philosophy! It’s great to see one of our freshly joined members get so involved so fast. Telegram, Shadow Academy, Gaming. He’s been doing it all as well as hosting gaming competitions already! So big shout out to Lonewolf for being our Member of the Month!

Greetings, Lonewolf! I’m glad that you accepted the invitation for a quick interview to be featured in the Proconsul Mid-Month Report. I’ve heard a lot of good things from your Summit and other members of the Clan, so I had to get a moment to chat with you myself.

I was wondering, first and foremost, how did you end up in our wonderful little nerdy side of the internet?

  • Lonewolf: I was originally around the Emperor's Hammer prior to The Exodus so I've known about the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for many, many years. It is just until recent that I'm returning to Star Wars Online Gaming with the release of Star Wars Battlefront (2015) that I'm joining DJB.

Awesome, we’ve had quite a few EH members join up in recent years. So, I’ve noticed that you’re pretty into gaming, given your most recent approved competition, From Dusk to Dusk II. Would you say gaming is one of your favorite activities so far? Do you have other activities you enjoy doing or would like to get into?

  • Lonewolf: Gaming is a hobby I love to do and is one of my favorite. I went sevens rounds of Jedi Academy free-for-all this morning with Battlemasters Zakath and Ernordeth. I'm looking forward to Battlefront and more FPS. Back in the day I was Order of the Krath and I love to write. Getting the best of both worlds.

Great! Ernordeth is definitely the guy to go to when it comes to gaming. Future FIST in the making! Was not aware that Zakath played, however. Good to know! So you said you love to write… Have you gotten the chance to create/flesh your character out yet? We have a bunch of people that could help if you’re stuck on anything. Could even get Uji to kickstart the engine on the Character Workshop for you as well.

  • Lonewolf: I have developed a number of characters throughout the years for Star Wars Online role-playing. From Jedi Masters, mercenaries, Sith Lords and, my favorite, a Rogue Jedi Master (kind of like our Gray Jedi). The problem right now is Episode VII coming out and the future storyline of the Brotherhood. So I've been able to develop about the first five years of my character but that is five years of 40 that have to be worked on. I'm taking my time and making sure I create something to my liking instead of just throwing something together in haste.

I see. Well, it's good to know that you have a few things in mind. I sort of took the easy way out (though I'm still working on her) and wrote Arcia's backstory to be all inclusive of DJB-only situations. If you ever need any assistance on where to go with certain details, don't hesitate to ask anyone. We're all here to help. Now then...

Telegram. As a new member, how do you feel about this chat system? We've recently migrated over to it, so any input would be helpful. Did you find it easy to access? Easy to communicate on? Do you have any issues with it?

  • Lonewolf: Telegram is new to me but I really like it. It is far better than IRC in the way of instant communication. It is better than Twitter with the ability of large groups. I can also chat from bed or at work. It is a very good step in the right direction for member communication and bonding.

Did you have any issues getting signed up and accessing the channels/groups you wanted to be in?

  • Lonewolf: Not at all. My Master, Rhiann, helped me from day one when I was asking on IRC. I've been able to connect and chat literally within minutes of joining DJB.

Good to hear that our Masters are doing their job! Well I'll go ahead and get one more question out of you before we close this out.

What's one interesting thing about you that your clanmates may not know, that you wish to share?

  • Lonewolf: An interesting fact... That is a tough one. I currently live in a hotel waiting for my house to be available. Longest time spent in a hotel (seven weeks). Man, I can't wait for a home cooked meal!

Oh wow. Hopefully it’s not all out of pocket!

  • Lonewolf: Nah, government pays for it.

Well that's good to hear. I want to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions for me. I appreciate your responses and can't wait to see how you progress within Arcona in the coming future. We've got our eyes on you (except Atty, of course). :)


Along with this report, a survey has been sent through the mailing list for you all to fill out! The collected Summit, both past and present, have offered questions for you all to answer so we can discuss and come up with some answers and content related, directly or otherwise, to your responses. One of these questions even has to do with the fiction update go do it. :P Please.


So, there you have it. My first sole Proconsul report jam-packed with Clan fiction, member and competition spotlights, and interviews! I hope that the content is well received. If you have any thoughts on what to add, remove, or just any general commentary, please leave it in the comments below!

I just want to make sure everyone knows that Atty and I support and cherish you all. Without you, the members, we wouldn’t be the First Clan of the Brotherhood (which we’re going to be holding onto for even longer now!). We want to make sure you all know we’re very thankful for everything you do and want to help you all continue to be great. If there is anything we can ever do for you, do not hesitate to reach out to us and keep us in the loop.

Now enough of the blah blah sappy nonsense, what about that Fallout 4? I haven’t gotten to play as much of it as I would have liked to, with a new game that I’ve been waiting on the release of, but boy is it fun. Even Miya has been enjoying it, to the point where she’s attempted to make Nigel Thornberry! (smashing!) I haven’t gotten very creative myself, unfortunately, but I’m sure I could sit down and come up with something in the game’s massive character creator system.

So, closing up shop for the monthly report, I just want to say I’m proud of you all, keep up the great work, play Fallout 4, and just continue being badass in all that you do. Oh, and don’t forget…


Brillant! This deserves a PCON EPIC BRO FIST

This report, I like it.

Awesome report!

I love this member of the month thing! But... cries about Fallout 4

lots of good stuff here, well done Esca

Great report Esca keep up the good work

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