Ektrosis Quaestor #6: All We Do Is Win


Ektrosis Quaestor #6: All We Do Is Win



Greetings Ektrosis! It has been a little while since my last report and much has occurred in that time. The Pro Bowl has ended, we’ve had members return, get promoted and receive awards. A new SRI Research Project is also starting, there is a bonus round of the Caelus Chronicles and a Right of Supremacy is set to begin this fall. Strap yourselves in, things are really heating up around here!

House News

We’ve had a few promotions in our Journeyman ranks recently.

Not only has Aden Karas joined us from the Rogues recently, he has also been promoted two times! Congrats on Hunter Aden, looking forward to your Knighting.

Redkneck joined Ektrosis back in August and has been on a tear lately. He has already gone from Initiate to Acolyte. Keep up the great work.

Not to be left out, BigWhaleCale has worked his way all the way up to Hunter as well. Could we have two new Knights by the end of the year? I sure hope so.

A handful of our Housemates have also received some new shinies of late, congratulations to you all:

A Steel Cross for Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj.

A Steel Cross for Raistline Taldrya Majere.

An Antein Cross for Aden Karas.

A Dark Cross for Arvalis Raith (aka Kaz).

A Dark Cross for Talon Jade.

We’ve also had a few more additions to the club from what I believe to be online advertising. So far none have showed any life beyond the Trial of Identity but if any do I know we will welcome them with open arms.

Clan News

Consul Rian has released a fresh Consul Report. The item I want to specifically call out in this report is the Bonus Chapter for the Caelus Chronicles. All of the competitions in this bonus round are to design a region upon the moon Chyron. This could be your chance to make your stamp on our new Clan home.

Proconsul Quejo published his first report in his new position. Nobody does a better job than Quejo listing out everything our fellow Clanmates have earned and accomplished so take a look if you are curious.

DB News

Very little has occurred of late beyond what Rian has in his Consul report so I am taking the easy way out and directing you there if you’d like to see the latest from around the rest of the club.

SRI Update

This is what you really came for right? Well guess what, Research Project #4 start tomorrow! I’ve made one very large change to the structure of this round and made it so that all of the competitions run for the full month. I am hoping this gives more people time to participate in the events by not having all but the fiction run for only one week.

SRI Research Project #4: None Shall Pass puts the SRI Headquarters on Iosan under seige from The Collective. The “defector” Torin Morgath had set a trap but Justinios hopes that by showing her the full force of Ektrosis and the SRI that he can convince her that the role of Supreme Director is more beneficial to her than remaining within The Collective. For those that are new the Ektrosis, the winning fiction entry becomes House canan and drives the next round directly. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with for this round, the most fun part about running these events is that the final outcome is never what I expect it to be.

Pro Bowl Follow Up

First and foremost, big congratulations to Andrelious for coming in third overall! Also, congratulations to my fellow Team ARQers for the team win.

We had a great showing in the Pro Bowl, thank you all for the effort you put into this event. This is the type of momentum we can carry into the upcoming RoS and really make some noise!

Here are some stats on how we did as a unit:

  • Averaged 9.3 members submitting to at least one event for each week of the event.
  • Of those who participated, we averaged 6.2 events per week, per member..
  • We had at least two members every single week that did all of the events, we had five or more members each week that did at least five events.

We also had top three placements form Halcyon Rokir Taldrya, Raistline Taldrya Majere (x4), Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj (x2), Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj (x4), Justinios Drake (x2), Aden Karas.

I’m very proud of our work in this event and again thank you all for your effort!

Wrap Up

The SRI continues to chug along as do the Caelus Chronicles. You all surpassed my expectations for the Pro Bowl and I believe we have set the stage for driving Taldryan to victory in the upcoming Right of Supremacy. Little to no information about the event has reached me yet but looking at what we were able to accomplish over the summer I know we are primed to make some serious noise whenever it occurs. In the meantime, have some fun with the House and Clan events but try not to burn yourselves out. We have RoS to win!


Justinios Drake

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