Fifth Shar Dakhan Report of Archpriest Quentinshadows


Fifth Shar Dakhan Report of Archpriest Quentinshadows



This is my fifth report as your Quaestor, I waited until the last minute to get this report out so it can also act as my supplementary report for the beginning of March as well, kinda two birds one stone.
First of all in March all battle teams in Shar Dakhan will close, all battle teams will move into fictional capacity to be used in our fictions so they are not forgotten. With this being said I would like to give my Thanks and Gratitude to Adept Malik Sadow who led his battle team Sapphire Squadron with the “Leaders lead by example “ mentality that has been an inspiration for many of us including myself! So again Thank You Adept Malik Sadow for all your hard work and dedication!

Upcoming Clan Events: there is a new event in the works. I will give more details about it soon as I can unless Con or Procon does before I do.

House Shar Dakhan: Since before I became Quaestor of Shar Dakhan back when I was its Aedile I wanted to improve Aeotheran, and also further developing the Archepeglio region, adding new fictional improvements to the world, this will one of a few updates coming to the world, with this being said I am please to interduce you to the first ever Sail Skiff races is coming to Aeotheran, tho mechanics of races is still being ironed out the first wave of competitions that will start laying out some of the groundwork fictionally, these should be rolling out hopefully tonight if not, Sunday at latest! Then by March’s Report I am hoping to have a google supplementary document attached giving you fictional details on Sail Skiff’s and their teams and sponsors, List of current sponsors and their details, which will be important for you will get to back one of the sail skiffs through competitions that will affect the sail skiff race. along with the sail skiff races a new casino is in the works tailored around the races and one of its sponsors, the races will add new entertainment, tourism, and another gambling revenue to Aeotheran.

Upcoming Activities/Comps

Multiple competitions going on jump in and join the fun. Also a few Role Plays going on in discord as well.

Recognition Section:

List of Trophies Gained:
Macron Goura Sadow - Pin is Mightier level 19

Society Promotions:
Malisane Sadow - gain rank in Shroud Syndicate

New Player Section:
For any new members here is a list of useful links that can help you earn better ranks, gear, and just make things more fun.
Shadow Academy
Active Competitions
Brotherhood Chat

These are just a few helpful links to get you started on your journey here at the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
There is also a Master and Apprentice program for those seeking students or want a master please contact a member of house or clan leadership, here is a link on basic info on it.
[Master and Apprentice](

Final Notes:

If I have missed anyones medal, trophies, or promotions please notify me so it can be corrected.
My door is always open. Feel free to message me in discord or by email, I look forward to the future of Shar Dakhan!

Discord Id: Quentinshadows
Email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Archpriest Quentinshadows Quaestor Tempus Fugit Memento Mori " Time flies remember your death"

HSD! MANY thank you's go to Malik and Sapphire Squadron for their dedication and support over the years. Thank you-thank you! Looking forward to seeing more HSD adventures!

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