Fist Supplemental Report - Halo Infinite Firefight Mode Added as a Supported Mode


Fist Supplemental Report - Halo Infinite Firefight Mode Added as a Supported Mode


Halo Infinite Firefight PVE Mode Now Supported!

Halo Firefight

Halo Infinite's Firefight PVE mode has been added for official support. Screenshot guidelines can be found on the supported games wiki page.

Halo Infinite Firefight will be 3 Clusters of Earth plus any applicable party size multipliers.

Halo Infinite has been one of our more popular PVP platforms due in no small part to it being free to play and cross-platform. Up until this point there has not been a supportable PVE option in the game. 343 Studios recently added Firefight mode from previous Halo games into Infinite in the December 5th update. The version of Firefight in Halo Infinite puts 4 players against waves of AI controlled enemies in a King of the Hill style match.

If you want to see a game or game mode supported please gather up some other members and submit it to casual gaming queue! The data from casual queue is how new platforms get added.



Thank you to all who helped playtest Firefight. Get out there, team up and kick some Covenant butt!

Rajhin Cindertail aka Turel

Fist of the Brotherhood


Oh awesome! I remember playing the Reach firefight mode for clusters ages ago and it was really nice.

This is right and good

More games means more better!!

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