Hoth Aedile Report #1: Avé! Duci Novo, Similis Duci Seneci!


Hoth Aedile Report #1: Avé! Duci Novo, Similis Duci Seneci!


And if you understood that, you have a very good taste in writers.


Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,

If you are wondering why you are reading this, the reason is simple: Creon Saldean has been promoted to Quaestor, and I am sorry to say you are stuck with me until someone more suitable to the rank of Aedile comes along. Apologies in advance for the inconvenience.

To offer a brief outline of who you will be dealing with, my name is Ka Tarvitz. Thus far I have served Clan Odan-Urr for the past two years in the role of Wikia writer, proofreader, statistics gatherer, and occasional competition maker. Apologies, those are all unofficial roles, but I like to think that they helped a few people along the way.

Should you require anything at all, from questions to voicing concerns, I typically try to keep an open door policy. Please feel free to e-mail me via [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or, preferably, contact me on Telegram. Due to time differences, you might be left waiting a while for answers if you are outside of the UK, but I try to make a point of replying to any comments within twenty-four hours of a message being sent.


A New Battle Team

The more eagle-eyed among you might have noticed that we have a new Battle Team. While the Wildcards have been retired like the Knights of Allusis before them. In its place, we now have the mildly Nordic sounding Drakes of Wilreth under the command of Dral Falgorth. The team is focusing largely upon training new members and existing units to assist with cohesion, and as such, you can see a few Journeymen already among its ranks. If you have any interest in this at all, I strongly suggest swinging by to take a quick look at what has been outlined thus far.


Record Keeping

There is no denying that the Wikia pages of Clan Odan-Urr could use some spring cleaning, and as such that has become a priority of late. These range from long outstanding issues such as giving the Rohlan’s Vision a history to updating the pages of our previous two Battle Teams to NPC groups. For the most part, this is going to be a series of basic edits, corrections and the odd bit of research. As such, I will be dealing with most of the more boring parts personally to save other people the hassle of going through this.

However, if you are at all interested in getting to work on Hoth’s history or wish to assist with Wikia work in any way, this would be a good means to get some basic experience. It would at least help show that you can work as part of a wider group and have the proven track record to eventually join the group dedicated to maintaining our pages.


Upcoming Competitions

Hoth has sadly seen too few competitions dedicated to its members over the past several months, for reasons ranging from Great Jedi Wars to more menial things. This is one of a few areas which clearly needed improvement, and as such House Hoth will see a spike in quick, easy and (hopefully) fun competitions along the lines of mini-games, puzzles and naming competitions.

In fact, here’s three we have lined up to start in the next few days:

We might also end up creating a few fiction competitions with an emphasis on short and relatively open objectives, but that depends on you. If you wish to actually see this, or you have something else in mind, say so. It’s really the easiest way for us to start pushing out the competitions that you might want.

In addition to House Hoth’s own efforts, our ruling Consul Aura Ta’var has been making efforts to build hype… No, sorry, HYPE for an upcoming storyline, starting with a few competitions. One of these, in particular, will allow you to have some influence in who is who among the characters.

And here’s the big one, a three-competition event following an ongoing civil war at home:


A New Run-On System

Our Quaestor has been quite active since his promotion and has been seeking to further a number of personal projects. The big one among these has been a system of rules for a variation of run-ons, which focuses more upon having a structured series of actions and defined rules based on character skills. The rules themselves are very lightweight and easy to learn, and thankfully lack grappling rules.

If you want to know more, take a look at an early prototype here.


Ask The Aedile

As the first of these journals, it seemed only fair to open this up to anyone with a question. So, here are the first few answers.

Dral Asks:

how's your day going?

Homicidally so, thank you for asking.

Tisto Asks:

Any plans you can hype up for the future of Hoth yet?

I'll be going into this in more detail in my report, but so far I can offer this - More quick, fun and easy Hoth dedicated competitions, more stories and a few more opportunities for members to work toward House goals. Also, more chances for you to actually ask what kind of competitions you want to see if the current batch are not to your liking.



In short, things are in motion. We’ll be working to fix a few outstanding issues, offer more events tailored to Odan-Urr’s members, and experimenting with new systems. Interesting times are ahead for us all.

Have fun, and I leave you with a video featuring the one thing that the Battle of Geonosis was missing.

My God I live to see the day Tarvitz gets a leadership spot. :)

Good Luck Tarvitz, I know Hoth's History is in good hands with you in charge. If you have questions you know how to find me.

Vrepit Sa

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