House Dinaari Aedile Report #1


House Dinaari Aedile Report #1


Aedile of House Dinaari Report #1.

Hello House Dinaari, of Clan Taldryan. I am Aiden Lee Deshra, and I will be replacing Nero Inferni as the Aedile of our house. It’s an honor to have been selected by Nero, Omega, Howie, and Yacks for this position. I know that I have some pretty big shoes to fill, and I will do my best to not trip up too much.

Competition News:

We have several Competitions going on in our Clan, and in the Brotherhood itself:

• The “Taldryan Intelligence Directorate” Comps are still running and Bobecc wants everyone’s participation to help uncover the traitors in our midst. Here

• Our Consul Yacks is running his “Taldryan Consular Puzzle” Comp as well as the new fun and exciting Wade into the Meme Stream” Comp. Puzzle Here Meme Here

• The Month of March will see a Comp series by myself and Bobecc called “A Poetic Month”, so get out there and let your creative juices flow. Here

• Seer Keneth Zoron brings fake athletic fun with the Super Sporcle Series so go have some fun with computerized sports. Here

If any of you have ideas for your own Competitions, go for it. There are many of us willing to help you If you need, and giving your fellow clan members something to do is always good. Let us know your ideas, and then let’s put them into action.

Other News:

You may have seen on the Taldryan Telegram Chat, but if you haven’t, there has been talk of a potential Clan Wide ACC tournament sometime in the near future headed up by Yacks himself. SO everyone, go get ACC qualified and let’s have a Dinaari member win this thing.

I’ve been speaking with Omega, and we are hoping to start getting a start on some House Fiction here in the future, as well as getting our House Wiki page up to date.


I foresee some great and fun things for our House in the future and if we can all get it together and step it up a notch, we can put House Dinaari near the top. I hope to hear from you guys in the future. Till next time, I’m Aiden Lee Deshra signing out.

Congrats again on your appointment, best of Aidens!

Yay report! Yay reports with title saying what Unit it's for! Yay Aiden!

Boo Yacks! (because much too many yay's)

Good report.

That's one sexy report header, nice report

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