House Dinaari Questor Report #2. What the What Just Happened?!?!?!?!


House Dinaari Questor Report #2. What the What Just Happened?!?!?!?!


Quaestor of House Dinaari Report #2.

I…I don’t even know what to say. If you haven’t read the latest fiction update by Grand Master Pravus, follow this link and do it NOW. But we of Dinaari shall remain vigilant, in spite of these dark events. I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I’m sure our great Consul Howie, and Pro Consul Zoron will lead the charge for TAL! (Looks over to the two of them with a thumbs up, waiting for a response.)

Until then, Dinaari, we must stay strong. We must stay vigilant. Let’s show Pravus, that this setback will not end Taldryan!

In other news, Howie, Zoron, and I have been in discussion, and it has been decided that Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj (Mark) will be joining me as my new Aedile. Mark has been one of, if the most, active members in TAL and I know that he was some great ideas for this House as we move forward. Everyone! Raise your glasses and be upstanding, congratulations Mark! I expect great things.

Competition News:

We have several Competitions going on in our Clan, and in the Brotherhood itself: There is not much currently going on in the way of Taldryan run competitions, but that’s only because something big is coming. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be great

• Seer Keneth Zoron’s Sporcle series is still going on so go show up how knowledgeable you guys are. These Star Wars based quizzes are great!!!

As always your Clan Summit encourages you to come up with ideas for competitions. I am here to assist if needed. Let’s get some more activity brewing here in Dinaari.

Other News:

Possesions beta has arrived, and the DC’rs who have been working on this project are going at full throttle to make sure everything runs smoothly. Make sure to take a moment to thank them for all their hard work in this undertaking!

The FIST has opened up applications for a new Magistrate. Make sure you go apply! This is a great opportunity to get yourself involved with the DC.

Once again, GO AND READ THE FICTION UPDATE, and discover why Jac has abandoned us. Why…just why Jac…Just….follow this LINK


A new era for Taldryan approaches, and we will prevail! Let’s show Pravus that we can’t be silenced, nor will we be intimidated by underhanded tactics. Let’s take this as an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and move forward in the DJB. If ever we had a time to raise ourselves up and show the rest of the brotherhood what we can do, it is now. Let’s go Dinaari, and let’s go Taldryan! For now, I’m signing off. May the Force, be ever in your favor.

Best Aiden, I can't help but notice the blasphemy in your last sentence... I am disappointed. But take heart! You are still the best Aiden!

PS - Mark! Yay!

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