House Galeres - Aedile Report (#1)


House Galeres - Aedile Report (#1)


Returning Home

Before I launch into my report, I would like to direct you to Arcia Cortel's winning fiction entry for the last round of the Nighthawk open prompt, Returning Home.

This piece really exposes the mindset of Arcia and does an exceptional job of describing the after effects of stepping down from a high-pressure, high-stakes role such as that of Proconsul. Please take this moment to read this fiction and feel free to leave positive comments in the comments box below!


General Updates

So, here we are. My first report as Aedile of House Galeres. If I were you, I wouldn’t expect much fanciness. I’ve not written a report since the website was in its earlier .asp/.php hybrid format, so this Markdown stuff is still new and daunting for my peanut-sized brain. I feel a bit like our luddite Quaestor (Sorry Braecen). One thing you should know is that whilst my reports will detail projects, developments, fictional tools and possible story arcs, it will not feature any award/promotion acknowledgements. This is a trend that will continue as Braecen and I continue working together to drive Galeres (and the clan) forward. He will highlight the good news; I will highlight forward progression. The only time this will change is if Braecen gets something shiny, in which case, I will highlight it, or if there’s a significant (and by significant, I mean promotion to Elder or equivalent) achievement, promotion or award that should be celebrated when my report comes around.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you to all who have supported me in the first few weeks of my term in office. Things have been going well, and I’m certainly pleased with pace we’ve been able to keep since Donny (otherwise known as Uji Tameike), our former Aedile, ascended to the lofty heights of Shadow Scion.

There has been an awful lot of activity and planning since I stepped into the role.

  • Celahir Erinos Arconae has been selected as the new Quaestor of House Qel-Droma!
  • There is an ongoing Article Improvement Drive!
  • There are a number of ongoing competitions!
  • And I have created a couple of How-To videos!

Please see all of these points highlighted in the below sections!


A New Qel-Droman Quaestor

Big congratulations to Celahir on his promotion to House Qel-Droman Quaestor! Celahir has been a stalwart member of Arcona since I joined, and has served in various different functions throughout his Brotherhood career. He has most recently been notable as the battleteam leader of Soulfire Strike Team.

Now, with Celahir’s ascension, we are left with a void to fill at the head of the battleteam. This is currently under deliberation, but I thought it best to notify you that we will NOT be opening up the position to applications. Instead, we will be appointing a suitable leader based on conversations with the team and the summit.


Article Improvement Drive - DJBWiki

Some of you may or may not be aware that the Brotherhood has changed significantly recently. This has been both fictional and operational, with a new site, new systems and significant edits to canon thanks to Jabrams and Episode VII. This has thrown up some new challenges and has forced us to rethink a lot of the Brotherhood lore that has been unmoving in years past. As such, this change has generated a need for a comprehensive and swift update to all Brotherhood DJBWiki pages and bring them in line with new (non-EU) canon.

Arcona has been leading the way with wiki updates. We have been middling in our success, having made some significant headway in some areas whilst falling behind in others. You can see from the below screenshot that we are now beginning to categorise and identify the remaining pages that need to be reviewed and updated.

Ongoing wiki rewrites

I have been given privileged access to allow you, the members, to see our secretive spreadsheet! OooOOooOOo, I hear you say. I know. Please head on over to the Arcona Article Improvement Drive Spreadsheet and take a look at a more comprehensive list of the articles that require attention, in line with the above image!

In line with this necessary evil, this update of all updates, we will of course be needing volunteers… and that’s where you come in.

This is such a significant project. We know that DJBWiki work is not fun. We know that it’s time-consuming and laborious. But please, bear with us, help us achieve our goals (ONE completed article per week), and you will receive the recognition and reward that you so rightly deserve. And that does not mean “we’ll throw you a Dark Cross.” We are much more committed to ensuring that members get the most out of their time here.

We aren’t giving out Cythraul, but if that’s what you’re thinking then you’re on the right lines… Chip in, work hard, contribute to the team and you’ll receive a lot more than a token gesture. That’s a promise.

How do we register our interest? - go to the following registration form and enter your details! It’s as simple as that. The summit will collate the information, group individuals together under any volunteer leaders, and we will begin distributing work accordingly.

Please also be advised that this is NOT restricted to Galeres members; QEL-DROMANS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ALSO SIGN UP HERE.

Pledge to help us out, give us an opportunity to divide our time more equally, and you will reap the benefits and free up some more of our time so that we can focus on serving you, the members of Arcona.



There are a number of ongoing competitions at the moment. Please see below for a variety of the most relevant:

These are just a select few competitions that I find particularly interesting, but don’t forget you can find all relevant competitions at

If you don’t know how to do that, please read on, as there is a How-To video on how to access competitions!


How-To Videos

Some of you may have been made aware of my recent How-To videos from the recent Consul report (Thanks, Abbey!). But hey, why not do a little more self-promotion?

I’m planning to do a series of videos to help with some of the areas newer members may fall short when it comes to the Brotherhood’s website and tools. The two below focus on Trello and DJB competitions. They were intended as pilots to see how well these kind of videos would be received.

Please click on the videos below to view each in turn.

DJB Trello

DJB Trello

DJB Competitions

DJB Competitions

Any feedback on the above, or any suggestions on more topics that may well be useful for newer members, please do let me know (email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]).


In Closing

Thank you for taking the time to read my report.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or queries ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

In Darkness,

~Wuntila Arconae, Galeres Aedile


Awesome report and really looking forward to working on the wiki!

nice guides

love it, Sam!

Great report, Wuntila! I'm excited to see the continued, expanding fiction of House Galeres through these reports.

Also: Your face is ugly. <3


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