House Hoth: Aedile Report #061015


House Hoth: Aedile Report #061015

The Jedi win first and then go to war, while those corrupted by the dark side go to war first and then seek to win.

The Butcher Returns!

In the coming weeks, we will continue to establish Hoth lore with Episode 2 of The Butcher of Kamuekiko. In the meantime while you guys are resting, I will send out an email asking what competitions you would like to see and/or need practice with. Tides had a really good mix of competitions so you should have an idea of what you like, what you hate and what you hate but shouldn’t (…like the puzzles :P ). Your input is crucial in the development of these events so reply to it and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

Just a reminder, these competitions aren’t just to give you guys stuff to do. We use the winning submissions to write each episode which becomes canon. So again, your input makes these events. The only bad submission is the one you never submit.

Your Commander steps down

I would like to thank Salbecca for his hard work and dedication to House Hoth and the Knights of Allusis. Though he is no longer Battle-Team Leader, he assured us that he won’t scurry off to some “slimy mud hole” and remain a Knight.

That being said, be on the lookout for an email seeking applications for the vacant position. In it, Seraphol will outline qualifications, expectations and other tidbits needed to hold the position. Taking a leadership position is both the most fun and challenging time you’ll have in any Clan, House or BT. I encourage everyone to apply.

Club Wide Happenings

Blurred Lines

Events are unfolding that will change the Club forever. One that I’m excited about is possibly a change to the Force alignment system. Right now, if you‘re in Odna-Urr you have to be a Jedi. Soon, that may not be the case. This may lead to the return of Vadon… For more information check out the Grand Master’s Report.

Get on that fancy book learnin’

Many of you have already received the emails, but per the HeadMaster’s Report the SA Society rank structure has been reorganized allowing more members to reach the coveted 6th rank. Also there will be some new courses set to launch soon, so grab your backpacks and hit the books.

For all the newer members, the Shadow Academy is a great way to move up in Prestige and gain valuable knowledge that you can use throughout you time here. For all you old farts and veterans, the SA will keep you active between events and allow you to brush up on forgotten knowledge.

Week Three is Ending

Tides of Change is set to end at 23:59:59 UTC (I can’t even math right now so figure out what time that is for you). There is still plenty of time for those last minute submissions. Again it all goes back to that participation thing. Right now we are the LARGEST CLAN IN THE BROTHERHOOD! At 71 members we are at the top, so let’s show them that we aren't only the largest, but the most active. So even if you can’t game, write or draw; take a chance and submit to them. You have nothing to lose.

As Liam pointed out, during the “Design Your Own” and “May the Fourth” competitions, every first place position was held by an Odanite. We CAN dominate. Keep it up!


While you walk around the grounds of the Arca Praxeum, you’ll see a lot of new faces. Give them a high five for being awesome. See what I did there ;)

  • RayLanVos

  • Phelik Jerdaan

  • Gui Sol

  • Killandra Serrin

  • john


  • Killandra- Disciple

  • Krysta- Disciple

  • john- Novice

  • Phelik- Apprentice

  • RayLanVos- Apprentice


  • Putra- Crescent with Diamond Star

  • Korvyn- Crescent with Amethyst Star and Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Jason- Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Waza- Pendent of Blood and 16 Clusters of Fire

  • Revak- Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Emerald Star and Crescent with Ruby Star

  • Salbecca- Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Sa- 23 Clusters of Fire

  • Zednich- 5 Clusters of Ice and 5 Clusters of Fire

  • Edgar- 5 Clusters of Fire

  • Torin- Crescent with Ruby Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star, Crescnet with Amethyst Star and 5 Clusters of Fire

  • Suur- Crescent with Ruby Star, Crescent with Amethyst Star and 77 Clusters of Fire

  • Krysta- 10 Cluster of Fire


I won’t even begin to list all that there is to do over on the Competitions page.

In Closing

If you have any questions, concerns or just want to say how crappy of a job I’m doing, please feel free to contact any of the Hoth Summit members at any time- Quaestor Seraphol Ceartas or Myself.

In peace, brothers and sisters.


Aut Cum Scuto Aut In Scuto

Revak Kur

Aedile of House Hoth, Clan Odan-Urr

Nice report!

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Because our Aediles have a "No Nonsense" approach to getting the information out.

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