House Imperium Aedile Report - June 2015


House Imperium Aedile Report - June 2015


Wherein Operation Red Fury comes to a dramatic close, many awards are bestowed upon the worthy members of Imperium, a few administrative items are addressed, and a minor spoiler alert about upcoming House fiction is announced.


Red Fury has come and gone. I must say I am both proud and humbled by the level of output we as a House, and as a Clan, put out during this period. If this were a vendetta, we would have won handily I feel confident stating. However, seeing how we interacted cordially and professionally with another Clan was a refreshing nuance as well. Let that be a learning moment for us going forward. Hopefully we can drum up some future events in that regard going forward as it seems vendettas and cooperative, large scale events will be entertaining more prominence in the wait for the new Star Wars lore, movies, and content.

Perhaps the most visible champion of Red Fury has been our own Rollmaster, Mayda. Due to her prowess, ceaseless drive and zeal, and downright intimidating vigor, friendship, and caring she has been promoted to the lofty and venerable rank of Krath Archpriestess. Let her be an inspiration to others, because I sure know she is my inspiration and my guide to attaining the highly coveted KAP spot.

CSP Proconsul spot is now available for applications. Evant was called up to the big leagues so to speak and is now the new Voice! Obviously, he will be terribly missed and was another mentor of mine and some of you as well I surely suspect. Having more CSP visibility and representation on the Dark Council is always a boon and shows how far CSP has come from its recent days as a lowly House. His elevation vindicates your hard work and efforts.

Finally, Dante and I have discussed the location of the new House Imperium HQ. Be on the look out before the end of the month and potentially over the holiday weekend upcoming (4th of July for our continental friends) for a competition to provide inputs for exactly what facilities, look, and function the HQ will have. Once some minor items are laid flat an update news report will go out to provide this info and some nice fiction.

Imperial Intel

  • Imperial forces have returned from punitive operations against the Red Fury criminal factions. Initial reports have been repressed but it is alleged the complete annihilation of the enemy has been achieved. Losses are reported to be minimal, despite violent and heavy resistance. Many well known Imperial warriors have been noted for gallantry and military honors are forthcoming on Judecca.

  • Many leading construction firms and architectural houses have been consulted for new Imperial compounds somewhere on Judecca. While this development is under the strictest secrecy it is whispered that a certain island is being heavily militarized and developed yet this move has been shrouded in a no-fly zone along with a media blackout area.


Awards, Promotions, Transfers

In order to highlight some meritorious awards I am going to be trying something different this month, and omitting Crescents and gaming awards. No offense given, but trying a new direction to showcase rather gallant service for Red Fury and see if this method fits. Please provide me with feedback on if the old method works better, or if the more condensed version is a crisper product!

  • KE Saskia Ortega-Inahj to Arcona
  • Kell Dante Anteian Cross
  • Elincia Rei Dark Cross
  • Zagro Steel Cross
  • Delak Krennel Scroll of the Master
  • Calindra Hajaran to GRD
  • Chrome Anteian Cross
  • Ulfsark Steel Cross
  • Reiden Karr Dark Cross
  • Landon Cruise appointed to Shadow Academy Docent of Assistants
  • Upsidexumop to DJK

Final Word

We are now about to be in the summer months, and with that school is over for some yet family obligations as well as work requirements are increasing so be on the lookout and help each other, yet never forget to ensure you are having fun. My stance is we are on the cusp of staggering changes and activity come the Fall/Winter timeframe so use this time as training for what will come and branch out, to find what areas of the club are calling to you, and make your mark known before the whirlwind of Star Wars movie-mania hits us all and our numbers swell.

For the Empire!

KP Zagro Fenn

Great report Zagro!

Nice job zageo

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