House Imperium Report - October 2015


House Imperium Report - October 2015

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Hello House Imperium and welcome to a new report represented by your new Aedile! This trip we are going to take will be full of happiness, tears, scare fests and most importantly fun! I’m hoping that with these reports per month, you will all get a grasp of what’s going on outside of the House, what we are doing inside the house and what the future holds for us in terms of popularity and importance. Let’s get down to business and what this report is about.

Shadow Guard

Shadow Guard has been designed to be a protective unit for House Imperium Leadership, it is also used in battle as a Stealth Infiltration Unit. When the house is under attack Shadow Guard strikes quickly from the shadow's and then just as fast retreats to them if there is sufficient force to take out. In times of war Shadow Guard was created to be used as deep infiltrators. They are tasked with sneaking over enemy lines to try and take out the enemy leadership.

Delak is the new BTL for this team, as Chrome has stepped back and slightly to the left as Sergeant, if you wish to join this team, I will leave their emails below.

Delak Krennel: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Chrome: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

House Imperium

I hope by now all of you received the email we sent out for your entertainment, and I will apologise first of all. I know this looks to be a fiction-heavy cluster, and I do understand after all your Forgotten activity this can be daunting, but this is for the betterment of the House. With being a new-born sub-unit of Scholae Palatinae, we need to justify who runs the roost and who scribes our history, your winning workpieces will be displayed on our wikis. So you really are helping the House out in the long run and I would like to ask you always to do your best, it is a learning lesson for both of us here. If you have any questions, queries or ideas you’d like to see used in the House then by all means share them with us in the summit! If there’s a competition you’ve been dying to create for a while then pass us the idea and we can work with you to get it fluffed up and ready to bomb the public. Above all, please talk to us about what you want to do and things you don’t like because it’s better to be truthful and have it resolved, than lying about the problem and us finding what the actual issue is.

In any case, all four competitions are open until the 30th of this month, to cut short just in time for the fun begin in our Clan!

Clan Scholae Palatinae

By now you should have heard the good news over in House Excidium that Rosh has been chosen for the role of Aedile! So far Rosh has truly worked his fingers to bone on making competitions for our brethren, and writing up his own report in conjunction with my own. If you have interest in creating another Battleteam for their House, or if you know any Excidium buddies who are good at leadership and have an idea, this is the perfect chance for them to jump back into the command seat! So contact Rosh, Lucyeth, Eether & Xen about your interest in starting a BT and give a solid idea for them. This is the strong organisational skills leadership needs, to show what your BT is, how they fictionally perform their missions, where they live, and a draft idea for a logo.

The Forgotten Campaign was a wonder to watch from the side as I wasn’t around here to participate. However the third act should be coming together soon and written up by the first weeks of November, so look out for Xen’s report on that!

Also make sure you contact Landon Cruise if you want a student, or to be one and learn from one of our experienced members. This is a lesson for everyone involved!

Finally Eether has posted his own report fleshing all the nice bits about our clan and your hard work. Good job guys!

Brotherhood News

Outside the Clan, Plagueis is advertising the chance to be their Rollmaster, and it looks insanely fun to do! There’s responsibilities to report directly to Selikah and Teylas with your reports and details about the Master/Student Program, you are in charge of two highly active Battleteams and their Journeymen. Finally, and your main role, is to promote the members that are part of the Journeymen bracket, help them understand the most direct way to complete promotion activities, and pair them with another, more experienced member with the Master/Student Program! All good stuff from the boys in Plagueis, apply here.

In terms of the FIST Office, if you’ve applied for the Magistrate positions Ernordeth advertised, then the deadline fro applications was yesterday. I wish you all the best of luck in this endeavour.

The twelve Great Jedi War is due to start in December, in tandem with the new movie which is a special occasion. For most of us new guys, this will be the first war organised under our new GM Pravus. I agree many older people will have seen him in action at his previous GM roles, but being much wiser and a father, I can imagine this war will be extra exciting.

Finally the Department of Communications has recently created a new exam for Telegram users to integrate with and familiarise yourself. You can thank Marcus and Celahir for their efforts on this exam, and towards dbb0t for being the awesome grading bot he/she is.



  • Delak: Anteian Award!

  • Aule Jr.: COJ I passed!

  • Wraith: Dark Savant Warfare gained!

  • Azzerial: Essentials 1 - History passed!

  • Kael Fayne: General Warfare passed & Dark Savant Warfare gained!


If you like the way I’ve written out your title and first name instead of the usual full name then please say so, I could also throw in your archetype while I’m writing these. I could also split people into Force affiliation too, the report is your oyster!

  • Proselyte Bigstoo: 6 CFs, 36 CE!

  • Knight Delak: 46 CFs, 33 CE!

  • Captain Sparky: 2 CFs!

  • Warrior Reiden: 16 CE!

  • Proselyte Jamie_: 34 CE!

  • Knight Aule Jr.: 10 CFs, 62 CE!

  • Knight Anahorn: 18 CE!

  • Knight Jorm: 8 CFs, 2 CE!

  • Knight Jason: 4 CFs, 10 CE!

  • Battlemaster Wraith: 5 CFs, 28 CE!

  • Trooper Egony: 6 CE!

  • Knight Dek: 2 CFs, 32 CE!

  • Warrior Lexiconus: 2 CI!

Imperialist Plans

As you well know, Dante and I are working to make sure this new House is built properly, strongly and also by your standards. This is a huge project with many aspects to cover from History, interaction with other houses and clans, the finer details of our own vendettas and wars, the description of our headquarters, it’s leadership and really anything else you could think of. This sounds like a wall of text, and in the beginning it most likely will. But with your help and in groups we can build this wiki into something that will catch the eye of others, and become a great example to read. So I am asking for your hand.

If you have some ideas that can be included into the House’s history, a niche that could be unique to our persona, or a piece of history you wish to write that can fictionally sum up how the foundations of House Imperium were placed, we would love to see these ideas in the flesh. You can email Dante and myself about these ideas and if you have an excerpt of what you would like to place in, this will be an excellent option as well. I’ve always held an open mind to reading other’s fictions as we all have our own structure and rituals, so it will be no different here. Some good examples to write are:

  • Sub-units of troopers and heavies.

  • Insignias or blurbs for strike teams.

  • A barracks with a mission statement and training scheme.

  • A spaceport or dock to get off the isle of Dleacht.

  • A solid description for House Imperium Base, if there’s any specialised rooms etc.

  • A main base for Shadow Guard and their training grounds.

Star War News!

I’m sorry...but did you see that trailer! I am truly gobsmacked by the hype given from just 3 minutes of pure sci-fi and nerdgasms. The news said that in 80 minutes the internet crashed from the amount of people watching this singular trailer. I have to admit, when I bought (yes I gave into the hype, I have +0 Resolve gdi) my tickets for The Force Awakens, I could not access any of my local cinema websites! They all froze and refused to accept my dates, times and other sensitive details I entered, it was very odd but warmed my heart. To know that there is a tribe of ecstatic nerds living in my local area, frothing at the mouth, is an exciting feeling. I will definitely be looking out for these geeks in my local on the 17th.

In other news inside the Brotherhood, the Herald has opened a new competition called Trick or Treat! which he asks you to create a Halloween outfit for your in-game Char. and make it comical. Art talent isn’t considered, which is a bonus!

Our own Archy has instigated a new competition which permits you to enrol into the Imperial Academy of Military training, and live your life as a Private perfecting the art of killing and weaponry with friends, fiends and other tutors. Training Days gives you the chance to portray a Non Force User, whilst creating an origin story you might not be familiar with, or this may be your expert field!

Our esteemed Emperor is hosting two fictional competitions that are all about the balance between horror, comedy and a hint of mystery detection thrown in for the meddling kid inside of you! Nightmares of our own Making throws us into a late morning start, to rush into a fast breakfast before realising you are never truly alone in the cold halls of Imperium and Excidium. Will you survive? Tell us in your entry! Jinkies! Old man Jenkins is at it again, throwing you rear first into the Great Haunted Mansion of TERROR™ and wants you gone from his dastardly deeds! How did you stop him, if you stopped him at all? Or is it really Jenkins himself? Tell us in your entry. Finally, what would you do if the Justicar took a vacation? Now is the time to strike! This volitious, virulent and veering competition allows us to take a step into the world of crime and justice, and live out your fantasy as a crime fighter or a Hutt hitman. Do you protect the Covenant that governs our peaceful society, or do you make your own rules? The choice is yours!

Final Thoughts

I always find this is the hardest part, because I never know what to tell you guys about myself, hah. I guess I just want to say how excited I am to go head first into this position and become a beacon of communication with you guys, and truly become a Disciple of Palpatine. My door will always be open for you guys, and I hope I always come off as a friendly and confident person and friend here. I know Dante is still away due to computer and technical difficulties, you know this guy still likes to hang around on Telegram whenever he’s free, so have no fear. Delak is busy creating his own wiki for Shadow Guard and is always floating around the different Telegram communities (Art, DB, Gaming etc.) so if you need an invite to one of these, just ask us. As always, keep rocking, keeping rolling and being the awesome chaps and chapettes you are.


  • Hi Squidface!

  • Join Shadow Guard!

  • Do all the competitions!

  • Aedile Rosh!

  • Forgotten Act 3 soon!

  • HAWT trailer of HAWTNESS!

  • Dante is still away!

Signed with Love

Quaestor Kell Palpatine Dante

Aedile Lexiconus Qor

Fantastic first report Lexic! Very glad to have you as part of the team! :D

Woo! Nice report Lexic. Rosh and you are perfects fits for the clan. I know you both will help us take CSP to the next level with your leadership, dedication, and loyalty to the Xen. CSP has done a lot over the past year and I'm excited to see where it goes after the new movie release.

Indeed, nice report ! Well done, looks like there are lots of good things happening in Imperium..!

Now if only I could get my writer's cap back on...

Nice Report Lexic!

Great first report! ^^

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