House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report - 11th Feb 2014


House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report - 11th Feb 2014


Right then. I'm back. Break was used productively; most prominently to do some kickass painting, design some warbanners and go to work. Break was not useful otherwise. These things happen now and then.

Let's get right back to it, shall we?


So as it turns out, we did trivia this week. For the absolute first time, two members of HMR scooped up both Legions of the Scholar - Rhiann took first, Jeric took second. Congrats to the both of you - your Legions of the Scholar should have arrived in the mail.

This week on Competition Corner I'm going to talk about three comps we have going right now all of which are run by our House members. You can find the usual link to the competitions page at the bottom and should also click it.

  • In with the New, out with the Old is Jeric's competition for a name for his battleteam. It takes maybe five minutes to do and would really help the House.
  • Red Moon Rising is Maelous' competition for a battleteam motto. Another quick and simple competition! Definitely check this out as well.
  • I'm a WHAT now?! is a DB-wide competition run by Rhiann for her Dark Jedi Knight promotion. Long story short? Take your character, swap their gender and draw them. Vaar with boobs. Hahahaha oh man that's funny. You should try it!


Stuff People Earned This Week!

Jeric Cyrin: Scroll of the Master, Crescent with Amethyst Star, Legion of the Scholar
Rhiann Baenre: Promotion to Jedi Hunter, Dark Cross, Legion of the Scholar
Yuriko Mortehana: Cluster of Fire x81


Another week of reports - mostly on the unit level, though. There's a huge stack of them, so if you're interested in the progress of other units, you should definitely read them all - there are some seriously inspirational unit leaders out there. Instead, let me remind everyone: Please fill out the HMR Survey.

Next on the list is that we now have a new name for Scepter of Ragnos! The new name is Red Moon. Which is actually an awesome reference, really - not only is red the House colour, but it's also a good reference to the fact that they do operate off a moon.

  • There's a DJB Wiki Layout Guide! If you need help on character pages, look to this guide and be happy.
  • The new award is live. Instead of Scrolls of Indoctrination, you now get Scrolls of the Master for getting students to DJK. These should be updated. If not, you can email Ood/Solari about it. See more info on the Scrolls here.
  • Clusters of Ice updated again! You now get them for every 500 words submitted to Voice fiction.
  • Raken and Kalen are both on leave. Email their staffs if you need our Deputy Grand Master or the Master at Arms (so, for the latter, bug Mal.)
  • If you're interested in DJB tabletop, check out Kz'set's newspost! It'll be super fun.
  • Shirai put out a HSD Aedile report. Maelous put out a Red Moon battleteam report.


In Closing

Quiet report, quiet week. These things happen, really.

One thing I will say to finish up: things are looking up. We're getting more responses to emails, things are happening more, more people are stepping up and doing things. It's the start of some good momentum. Who knows where it'll take us?

Stay classy, Marka Ragnos.


Quaestor Teu: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Aedile Vaar Mai: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Competitions Page | Naga Sadow Roster | DJB Wiki | Suggestion Box | HMR Survey

Woo, HMR winning Trivia, good job!

Better watch out for me next week, I'll be back!

Hooray for all the things~

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