House Marka Ragnos Report - New Kid on the Block


House Marka Ragnos Report - New Kid on the Block

Welcome to my first report as Quaestor of Marka Ragnos. I’m going to run through a few things, let Maelous talk about a few items and then finish it off with a cherry on top.


Some of you may know me from elsewhere in the Brotherhood. I joined the DB just over 6 years ago, starting off in Plagueis just as GJW 9 began.

I’ve served as BTL, Aedile & Quaestor during my time, and have been in Plagueis, Arcona and Odan Urr. For the past 5 years, I’ve worked first as a Docent, then a Professor of Clan Histories and then Lore. I’m fairly well acquainted with Naga Sadow’s fictional background and several of your members.

In RL, my name is Alex, I’m 26 and I live in Northamptonshire in the UK. For the last 2 years, I’ve been doing an Apprenticeship with a local Council, working in their Museum and Gallery.

You may see me as an outsider, coming in to take over and destroy everything you hold dear. Rest easy, peeps, I’m not here to erase your history, I’m here to help you, encourage you, engage you.

Some of you have already approached me, offering your help. To those who have done so, I thank you immensely, I fully intend to utilise your skills and experience. I’m easily accessible via irc (under the nick of Sang or Sanguinius), email, G+ and even Whatsapp for those of you that are interested.

Now onto the future!

DB News

Check out the below links for the latest DB news posts & reports!

Please, please, please check this link out. It’s to do with Possessions. The DC want to find out what you believe you own, so that they can work out how best to implement this massive project.

Possessions Survey

Clan News

I have it from a reliable source that our esteemed Consul and Proconsul are looking for volunteers to get involved with a massive pile of work on our sadly outdated wiki pages. HSD’s Summit has worked their backsides off going through their pages and identifying pieces that need updating for their respective pages. Maelous and I will be going through ours over the next week and will be looking for volunteers to help us update them. Remember, work is good, it gets you nice things!

The military is also being updated to fit in closely with the change from Dlarit to the Warhost. A few of us are working on this and it certainly looks exciting, I can’t wait for it to be finished so that you guys can play with them. Expect some nice and easy comps coming soon from Locke and Ceth, activity helps us immensely and it may mean the opportunity to expand the House and open a second Battleteam.

House News

As some of you might be aware, CNS has for the last year or so, been on probation. Now, thanks to Sarin, we shall continue to be a Clan. But that doesn’t mean we should rest easy. We need to make the most of what Disney has given us, in just over 9 months, the DB will get a massive influx of new members, thanks to Episode VII. We need to take advantage of this and work to recruit and retain members, you guys are the lifeblood of the unit and I will need all of you to get involved and help out. New members need experienced masters.

I mentioned earlier that Maelous and I are looking at the wiki and will be looking for volunteers to assist in this (Jeric and Armad, I’m looking at you! :P


  • Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar - House Odan Urr > House Marka Ragnos
  • Kalon Tsucyra Entar - House Marka Ragnos > Arcona
  • Selwin Kest - Rogues > House Marka Ragnos


  • Xia Long - Gold Nova, Bronze Nova, Seal of Revelation x 4, Cluster of Ice x 4, Dark Cross
  • Manji Keibatsu Sadow - Bronze Nova x 2, Seal of Revelation x 6, Cluster of Ice x 6, Anteian Cross
  • Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar - Gold Nova, Anteian Cross, Seal of Revelation x 4
  • Kalon Tsucyra Entar - Seal of Revelation x 2
  • Bal Demona - Seal of Revelation x 5, Cluster of Ice x 2, Dark Cross
  • Jeric Cyrin - Seal of Revelation x 2, Cluster of Ice x 3, Steel Cross
  • Armad - Seal of Revelation x 5, Cluster of Ice x 5, Anteian Cross
  • Kyrath Amaranthi - Seal of Revelation x 2
  • Konar Auryus-Saas - Seal of Revelation x 2
  • Maelous Ascerend - Seal of Revelation x 8, Cluster of Ice x 5
  • Sebz Janren - Seal of Revelation x 3, Cluster of Ice x 3, Dark Cross


  • Selwin Kest - Apprentice > Acolyte

Shadow Academy

  • Maelous Ascerend - IRC Basics
  • Selwin Kest - Galactic Languages, Advancement Survey, Vendetta 1, Vendetta 2, Vendetta 3, Dark Pundit Vendetta, Graphics in the Brotherhood, Gaming 101, Gaming 103, Gaming 201, DJB Wiki: An Introduction, Alchemy Studies
  • Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar - Galactic Languages, Dark Maven - Lore

Aedile’s Corner

A lot has been changing as I had mentioned before, but we are just starting to see the tip of this Iceberg. I think Sang and the other additions to the rest of the Clan will keep us moving in the right direction and bring Naga Sadow back to prominence. We’ve got some things in the works and some event stuff coming soon. Have no fear Ragnosians we will crush this!

Also as a side note, I’ve decided to a Q & A with the Aedile as part of my cozy little corner here so send me an email whatever questions you want and you may just see them answered in our next house report.

That’s all for now, happy hunting.

SW Maelous Ascarend - Aedile


We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us and I’ll be needing help from all of you to complete this. If you’re interested in doing wiki work, getting involved with projects, running competitions and generally helping me out, please contact me via email.

Our next report will be out during the first week of April, so see you then with more interesting news!

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar


  • New QUA - Sang
  • Lots of Wiki work
  • Check out the Possessions Survey
  • QUA/AED report out in the first week of each month
  • Q&A available via Maelous for each report

Informative and best of all, not long winded. Cheers for a good report!

Good job Ragnosians. Can't wait to start working with you guys!

Keep up the good work!

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