[HQD]: Halekween


[HQD]: Halekween



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo, my lektastic Qel-Dromites!

Spoopy scary skelektons abound and we’re really in the fall of things. Hope you’re all staying warm and got your seasoned beverages of choice to keep you warm! I just spent a lovely weekend in Stockholm and found some delightful teas to bring back home. Only cost me a reasonable amount of foreign currency reserves and two bottles of toiletries—curse you Swedish airport security and your stickler ways!!! Finland already threw out those idiotic limits!

If you’ve not been following the Clan storyline OI! what’s the matter with you?! For a short re-cap, we’ve found out that some Hutt sleemo has been dealing in people and armaments to our combined enemies: the Children of Mortis and the “Old Gods” what have been tormenting our lives on Selen. In her infinite wisdom, our fresh Consul has decreed it’s up to us lot to earn our keep and go do something about it without deploying three hundred thousand expendable AEF bodies to sort krak out.

Why am I mentioning this? Oh, no reason. No reason at all… >:)

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Hello fellow Qel-Dromans!

Isn’t Tali so fancy with ventures to a new country? I am totally not jealous <.<

Anywho, in a less exciting way, I have survived Hurricane Ian that swept over the south eastern portion of the US. Had an extra day off work thanks to it, kept power, and no one that I know personally was harmed.

Onward with the report goods!

Signed, Jazzy

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Trans-Ol’valian Gulf
Dajorra System
40 ABY

“So, who exactly is this Whallata sleemo and what did they do?” Avery Watson broke the silence of their ride as he and Tali Sroka rode a shuttle back to Ol’val. It had been a tense meeting back on Selen and ever since being briefed with the details of the upcoming operation, the Twi’lek had been seething silently.

“You don’t know?!” Tali spat, harsher than she would have liked and quickly adjusted. “I mean, of course you don’t know. You veren’t here back then, before the fires andt the gang vars.”

“I’ve read the files of course, but I didn’t remember seeing her name before.”

“Maybe ve didn’t like to give her too much credit or maybe vhoever maintains our recordts felt embarrassedt by how completely she caught us off guardt. But Vhallata vas the mastermindt behindt our fall—andt rebirth. She vas of the Besadii clan, one of the oldt powers of Ol’val. She formedt a league vith the Cartels to overthrow us andt came fraking close too. It vas her men that bombedt our old Phantom Complex andt the fighting took care of the rest. I’m sure you’ve seen the ruins, despite the rebuilding efforts.”

The Human nodded. Despite the years of reconstruction and new life that had been breathed into Ol’val, the Shadowport’s scars lingered and in the darker tunnels he could still smell the acrid scents of city-wide conflagration. The venerable port had endured much, but Whallata had almost broken its back.

Read the rest of the fiction here.



Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

DB Wide Updates


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!

Marick Tyris

  • 14 Clusters of Ice
  • 17 Clusters of Earth

Mune Cinteroph

  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star

Doon Sulvir

  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 3 Clusters of Ice


  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 2 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • 9 Clusters of Graphite


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Name Points Placement
Eleceos 22 1st
Doon 6 2nd
Mune 2 3rd

Looks like Eleceos is continued the Blind Key holder for now! Thanks all for your participation!


Here’s a curated list of fun stuff to do this month to earn those tasty Credits and Clusters:
* Meta-Comp! Write an book review!
* Draw planets! This week’s planet: Bespin!
* Do you wanna build a Rey-girl? It doesn’t have to be a Rey-girl. (Yes it does!)
* Give Finn some arms! Give him a loadout that matches his on-screen performance. May the best gear munchkin prevail!



  • Aru had some burning questions:

    • ”Are we gonna transition into a mob like house or are the paladins gonna seize control?”
      • Tali: “Neither, vith the Cartels back in line andt new smaller gangs taking their territory, ve’ll have an easier time keeping control over our Port. Divide andt conquer. I readt it in this book I got from Strong.”
      • Avery: “I believe that entirely depends on the choices we all make.”
    • ”What's your views on Aru using OlVal to launder money?”
      • Tali: “He has money?!”
      • Avery: “I don’t approve of any kind of laundering as it is immoral yet Aru is his own person.”
        • ”Red Cabbage or white cabbage?”
      • Tali: “Purpl”
      • Avery: “Probably red.”
  • Archian has several questions:

    • ”Do you want to visit Archian’s creatures farm?”
      • Tali: “I’m dreading the invite, but… let’s get this over vith.”
      • Avery: “Sure!”
    • ”Can we put Aru as the Leader of the Clan’s treasury?”
      • Tali: “NOPE.JPG”
      • Avery: “I do not second this notion.”
    • ”Red cabbage or white cabbage?”
      • Tali: “I standt by my biasedt answer from before!”
      • Avery: “Aru just asked this.”
    • When the lekku visit lekku, what the third lekku do with the chopping board?”
      • Tali: “Chopping boards andt lekku do not mix. Not even as a kink.”
      • Avery: “Hm?”
    • ”Do we plan any ghost story bon fire?”
      • Tali: “Have you heardt of the Tales of the Tunnels?”
      • Avery: “A bon fire and ghost stories sound great.”
    • ”Candy or treat? (No ticks this year)”
      • Tali: “I needt to vatch my figure. Uh, maybe a healthy treat?”
      • Avery: “A treat is more satisfying than candy."
    • ”White long trick of slime white trick?”
      • Tali: “I don’t like the soundt of this…”
      • Avery: Scratches head in confusion.
    • ”Shall we make a collection of the autumn leaves and donate it for house of lonely creatures of the galaxy?”
      • Tali: “That is a lovely idea, my former Padawan, except for one tiny problem. Ve don’t have trees on Ol’val.”
      • Avery: “I’m all for donating things to the lonely creatures of the galaxy. Especially orphans. They deserve much more than what they receive.”

In Closing…

Keep your eyeballs peeled for the upcoming Clan event! Sometime TBD! Whallatta was the Hutt sleemo what burned down Ol’val in her mad bid for power, and now her cousin is stirring up trouble for us. I think it’s high time we take that trouble and shove it right back up their…

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, feedback, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on Discord (KuyAurelian#4515, Jazzy#2356) and or email.


Sherlek Holmes & Dr.Watson


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