Its that time again!


Its that time again!


Another month, another report. As the end of May draws close we have seen some pretty awesome things come about for our House and Clan. Namely Hoth has produced its first homegrown Jedi Knight! Torin Ardel has swept through the Journeyman ranks like a man possessed. Not only did he do that, but he took first place in Episode 1 of the Butcher of Kamuikiko as well as first in Tales of New Tython! It was a privilege writing his promotion recc and I genuinely hope I see the day when I can write many more like his.

In addition to this Odan-Urr has began its feud with Arcona. Check out the Tides of Change News post, or keep reading further down for more information.

Do all the things.

So yea I'm hijacking the saying of a prolific member of the Brotherhood. “Do all the things”. It makes me chuckle when I read that, but it is a very serious statement. We are all here for various reasons, but the biggest of which is to do the many events that the Brotherhood offers. RL is a pain in the ass alot of times and keeps us from doing much as we would want, however that should be the only excuse a person has to avoid being active here. Even then it is an excuse that can only be used for so long.

An email thread earlier this week touched on this. Many people avoid fiction like the plague because they don't think they would win. I avoid it in everyday situations because I am horrible at it. During Vendettas, Feuds, GJW’s though I still pump out a submission that has a string of words that slightly resemble a story. Again it's horrible, but it's a submission. Submissions go a long way in this club when it comes to the honor it gives your Clan. It shows the leadership that we are active and we are not above competitions. It also shows your fellows that you're not afraid to do what is needed to see them through to the finish line.

So go and Do all the things. It makes all of Odan-Urr look even more awesome than we are. It also helps me give you a nice new shiney or promotion when the time comes…...



One of our former Knight-Commanders of KoA recently reviewed the new Lords of the Sith novel. Looks like it is a good read and gives you a glimpse into the mind of one of the most notorious Sith Lords known.

The Headmaster released a new report. The new Force Tactics course is being delayed until the new Voice can take a crack at it. Also they are in the final process of putting up some new Astronomy Courses. I had the chance to do the current one, and am helping to work on these new ones. All I can say is it's chock full of awesome.

Shad recently stepped down as Voice. If you're interested check out this GM News post for information.

The FIST recently announced the framework for a new PvE (Player versus Environment) gaming award that will mirror the current Cluster of Fire. Val also lost his crusty Equite rank, and was promoted to the rank of Dark Adept!

Lastly, it is never fun to find out your home is in danger of closing. I have had this happen to me, and when I saw Tarentum was almost there, it was heartbreaking. However thanks to the efforts of its Clan Summit, Tarentae, and member base their probation has been lifted. Major congratulations to Raiju and Tarentum!

Odan-Urr News

Sentinel Network proved to be a major storyline success. However participation was a bit low. However we are chalking that partially up to the end of school year, and the ability for most Northern Hemisphere people to emerge from their blocks of ice into the season of being tree raped (allergies).

House Shan recently elevated Mar Sul to the position of Aedile, with Seridan taking the role of Baas BTL. Hoth’s own Lu’aisha Gresee took over as BTS. We on the Summit are anticipating great things from this pairing!

Tides of Change has hit the Clan as a result of much work between our Clan SUmmit and that of Arcona’s. This feud has us working with the Shadow Clan against the O’reen. Can we stand with the Clan that has caused us so much pain and strife in the past? Will current alliances within both Clans be enough to see us through without us destroying one another? Be sure to check out the details here.

Hoth News

News has been a bit dead in Hoth this past month. The major exception again being the promotion of Torin to Knight and Suur to Padawan!

With great news also comes some bad news. A few days ago Salbecca tendered his resignation as KoA BTL. He will remain as BTL until the end of Tides. Right now hold off your applications until we ask for them. I would like to offer my thanks to Sal for his advice as Hoth and KoA experienced the transition of Odan Urr from House to Clan. We wouldn't be here without him.

I am currently seeking members who are Jedi Knight and above for Mentors to our newer members. Only requirements other than JK or above is you must be active. We need our best and brightest helping to show the future the ropes!


Torin Ardell to Jedi Knight!

Suur to Padawan!

Kryysta to Novice!

Ayrista to Novice!


Salbecca - Scroll of the Master

Seraphol - Anteian Cross

Time to geek up!

So this will be a soft spot for alot of you. I'll also go ahead and offer apologies here, I am bipolar and I tend to speak honestly without softening it. Those two things make me a bit rough with people. Anyways on to the point. As I said at the beginning of the report, we are all here for various reasons. The biggest is to communicate and work with our fellows. In leadership we work to ensure that everyone has the ability to do things and have fun here. We get enjoyment out of seeing others do things, and we also enjoy judging people's submissions, at least I do.

However when weeks pass into months and we see people not communicating, not participating we grow concerned. Is this person still here? Are they still enjoying what we do? It makes it even worse when we see that all they do is log into the website within the 60 day time frame so as not to be kicked to the Rogues. Or when they do respond it is always with the same reasons as to why they are not there. I do understand people enjoy just talking to each other, however it makes us as leaders look bad when people do not participate in one competition in a major series of comps (GJW’s, Vendettas, Feuds). I wont call anyone out, but if this fits you, I ask that you email me as to what's going on. If you're just not feeling the DJB anymore or what. We can go from there. However, there are a few people on radar that haven't done anything other than log into the site. At the end of Tides I will be emailing you and we will have this discussion, though I will be much more honest then than I am now. I dont want to push people out of the DJB or COU, but I also don't want to see us dragged down by perceived inactivity from a bloated roster. I am fiercely protective of my Clan and my Clanmates, and I will see us thrive no matter what.

So go do at least one event during Tides, its 3 weeks long, and it shows that you appreciate us as much as we appreciate you!

All this being said…..Be Excellent to one another!

Until next time Hoth!


Bill & Ted

I resent the tree comment. :P

Also, d'you think anyone's allergic to me? :P I sneeze, spores come out xD

Great report, brother. What Slagz said :D

i won first place in a dbj wide comp, got a crescent with a diamond star for it +shrugs+

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