Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report - GJW in 13 days!


Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report - GJW in 13 days!

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I did one of these, but Sang told me if I don't start doing them, he won't play HotS with me anymore :(

I'm mostly going to talk about the GJW and some awards. First of all though I'd like to say welcome to our newest member, Aleister Mavros!

News - Great Jedi War Starting August 26th!

First up, I wanted to remind you all that the next GJW is starting toward the end of this month, in a little less than two weeks. I'm personally really looking forward to it. I enjoy the competition, but it's also just fun, because there's generally more going on than normal, and I've made friends doing it. Surprisingly, I've made a lot of friends in other clans from recent GJWs, due to chilling in the #button channel or gaming cluster races or what have you. I also really liked how last year, a lot of us came together on gaming and other events to push each other forward and not only place well, but also have fun doing it.

Last year we finished 2nd overall, which is pretty great. I'd love to do that well again, but I'll be happy as long as we have fun and win some stuff.

We also always get a pretty nice payout of credits after the GJW, and I can't wait to use that to buy more stuff for the House.

Here's the schedule as we know it so far:

  • Phase 1: Aug 26 - Sep 10 (15 days)
  • "Rest": Sep 11 - Sep 15 (5 days)
  • Phase 2: Sep 16 - Oct 1st (15 days)
  • Total: 35 days | 5 weeks

And then we can get back into our own stuff. The GJW is a great time to get back into things if you haven't had much chance to do stuff lately, because there's so much to choose from, and so many people wanting to do it, that it shouldn't be hard to find someone to do that thing you want to do.

I'd also advise everyone to update your character sheets now. Even if you haven't changed it in awhile, there have been some nice recent (minor) changes to some skills that will invalidate your CS if it applies to you. One major one is, there is no longer a primary and secondary lightsaber skill, now there is only one lightsaber skill, and you choose your preferred forms in a different section.

Additionally, you may want to install the following games if you are interested in gaming, and make sure they run properly (as mentioned in the recent Fist report):

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Heroes of the Storm
  • Battlefront 2
  • Halo Infinite
  • Squadrons

I really need to check on this myself…

Finally, if you know anyone who might be interested in coming back and helping us kick ass in this thing, feel free to mention it to them. The more the merrier, and there is no penalty for being on the roster and not doing things, like there was years ago. It's pretty chill.

Anyway, enough about the GJW. Let's talk about some recent awards!

Recent Major Awards & Promotions

First of all it's no secret I haven't done a report lately. I have to apologize for not doing one sooner. I'm going to mention some fairly major stuff here, and if I missed anything, let me know. I'm looking back at this year, and excluding crescents and clusters to only cover the biggest stuff. There was some big stuff, and I'm hoping we'll see more of it this year, especially with the GJW around the corner!

Merit Medals:

  • Sang was awarded 1 Sapphire Blade
  • Roxas was awarded 1 Grand Cross
  • Konar was awarded 1 Steel Cross
  • Hades was awarded 1 Sapphire Blade
  • Etah was awarded 1 Grand Cross and 1 Sapphire Blade
  • Koji was awarded 1 Amethyst Kukri
  • Strask was awarded 1 Steel Cross and 1 Grand Cross
  • Aleister was awarded 1 Amethyst Kukri (not by us but still counts!)


  • Ashia was promoted to Elder 1. (Long overdue!)


  • Sang was awarded the Master of Lore degree, typically only reserved for current and former Headmasters. Sang has by far the most courses graded in the Shadow Academy, so he was awarded this degree despite never being Headmaster. He is the only person to ever be awarded it and not have been Headmaster. Which is quite a feat that is unlikely to be repeated any time soon.

That's the big stuff. Congratulations all! Although this is a blanket announcement, I'm honestly pretty happy to see each of you get awarded, and to see Ashia finally get Elder. And Sang getting a degree no one has ever gotten before the way he did? Wild!

There's been a lot of crescents too, and about a kajillion clusters…I will cover these in future reports. It's just been so long since the last one that I only wanted to highlight the biggest things.

Now for some rambling:

Other Stuff

There's really not a lot going on at the moment otherwise as we are in between the ProBowl and the GJW, so I'll use this space to ramble on a bit. After the GJW, it's my intention to put some serious effort into checking our House wiki pages and updating/creating pages for new possessions. We have a lot of stuff we bought like a year ago, that no one knows about, because it's buried in Possessions and we never talk about it and never made a wiki page for it. And we're probably about to get a whole bunch more stuff on top of that, so this seems like a good time to work on it.

I would definitely appreciate help, which means rewards and also putting your own touch on things. I know most people don't care for wiki stuff, which is cool to me, so after the GJW, what I will probably do is just ask for details about this or that. You can write as much or as little as you want and I'll document it (we have these fancy notes on dossiers now for a reason…) and add it to the wiki/wikify it. Creating wiki pages isn't too hard, but I always stall out on the details.

I'd also like to get some RP stuff going. The old Discourse Forums are long dead by now, and forum runons were a thing I always had a little trouble getting into…writing others characters…making my posts fleshed out enough…etc. Discord feels much more casual and low key, and we can make short messages and do whatever, you can even easily post from your phone, it seems really cool. It's pretty close to the GJW so this is something I'd look into after that.

I also want to game more with people, and that's something we can do before the GJW. I mainly enjoy Heroes of the Storm and Mario Kart, but I could be tempted to try Squadrons again or something else. (JA FFA anyone?!)

That's all I want to talk about in this report because I want to keep it short and focus on the big stuff. Look for me to do more of these in the future where I will more often talk about other stuff, go into detail on particular aspects of the club, ramble about my favorite subjects, and include whatever else I think might be important.

Until next time,

Epis Locke Sonjie
Quaestor | Marka Ragnos

Literal tears, running down my cheeks.

I'm so proud of you, Locke.

I will remove the HotS ban as promised.

Excellent news HMR! Cannot wait to War with you all!!!!

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