Naga Sadow: De-Escalation


Naga Sadow: De-Escalation


Well, that was something. Between curious button-pressing games, between a four-way run between factions instead of competition being focused on the seven Clans and the advent of crazy crystal shenanigans, this has been an interesting Vendetta. Now, we come to the slightly less interesting period- that point where we wait for the final fiction update and the Summits get our heads together to recognize members for their work in the Vendetta and beyond.


Rite of Supremacy: Escalation

Now, this Vendetta was a bit rough for Clan Naga Sadow. I am not going to sugar coat that.

That said, we did have four members who participated in all the bins. We did a member who participated in eight of nine bins. We had another two members who participated in six bins, another two who participated in four bins, another two who participated in three bins, four more participated in two bins, and another two members of Clan Naga Sadow who got at least one bin participated in this Vendetta.

That said, we also saw six Novae go to members of Clan Naga Sadow in this Vendetta: three of silver and three of bronze split between five individuals.

Between our members we saw 156 entries spread across 18 members of Clan Naga Sadow. That means that we basically saw half our Clan take part in some part of this Vendetta. We will be covering more about the particulars of the exact participation numbers pertaining to individuals in our next mini-report, don’t you worry. We are going to touch upon that very soon, where we will also be covering the awards that the Summit is currently cooking up for folks right now.

I did want to speak to show my appreciation for those who decided to come out. The focus on factions instead of Clans made this Vendetta a little awkward for some. I know that real life timing was off for some members as well. Several of you made some attempt and for that, I give my thanks.

I cannot speak for everybody, but I can say that I enjoyed the crosstalk and mutual cheering-on between folks in different Clans from the Restorers’ corner of the Vendetta, and I hope that everybody found some level of enjoyment in this last event. Hopefully everybody also managed to form some new friendships or strengthen old one. Or failing that, I hope that you at least managed to enjoy brushing shoulders with a wider spread of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.


Parting Words

You all are what makes Clan Naga Sadow such a precious place to me. Not Vendetta scores, not Novae, not Seals. The real treasure, at the risk of sounding so terribly cliche, are the friends we make along the way in this thing called life. All the Crescents, all the Novae, all the credits and all the Clusters in the world are nothing without our mates both within and without the Clan. Everything that you all have done, everything that you all have contributed to the Brotherhood and the Clan merits recognition and appreciation.

I look forward to celebrating each of you in the next few days, and proclaiming people’s names to the Brotherhood at large for all that you do.

For the Clan,


Overlord of Naga Sadow

Excellent Sir

I enjoyed the cross play with the other clans, I hope that together we can keep going and have more fun adventures!

I had a hoot hanging with cross clan members, especially my CNSPALS. :D

Time to regroup and strengthen

Glad you guys had fun.

P.S. I love you Benny. Keep being you.

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