Odan-Urr Rollmaster Report - July 2014


Odan-Urr Rollmaster Report - July 2014


If you’ve been hiding under one of New Tython’s rocks as of late; hello! I’m the new Rollmaster-- Rhiann Baenre! If you have been hiding, I sure hope you picked a good rock. This is the first of my many to come monthly reports to keep everyone informed about the statistics of the House and along with that many other things! You're also probably wondering where the header is. Working on it! So here we go.

New/Returning Members

We have some new members! Some are brand new, some join us from other Houses/Clans or from Rogues! Welcome everyone to Odan-Urr!

  • CSV Benedict Williams
  • GW Jason Hunter
  • JK Kaylesha Blackheart
  • JK Aerin Taggart
  • APP Fandall
  • APP Yasmine

The Numbers

Well. I was going to give you guys the numbers regarding new members, etc. But we’re still working on making that a thing that will happen! So hopefully next month we’ll see this section actually have something in it, yeah? I’ll get it to you guys sometime.

Recruiting for Odan-Urr

This is incredibly important. If you think back, just how many new people have we had in Odan-Urr that have stuck around to become productive members of the group? Before you answer that in your head, let me define that a bit more. How many of those are fresh from the outside and not House/Clan transfers?

This is the main point. Shifts within the Brotherhood happen. I’m one of them. But we need fresh faces. We need to keep bringing in more people. And for this; we need everyone’s help. Absolutely everyone. Do you have Facebook? Tumblr? Twitter? Google Hangout? Use it. Post things on there to see if you can get people to join. Even just one post once can catch the attention of even one person. A single reblog makes it to other eyes. If we each brought in a single person-- a SINGLE person, that would be a huge boom in both House size and activity. We are a wonderful group and I’m confident we can keep a lot of these new recruits.

Recruitment is the responsibility of every single one of us. It doesn’t matter what level you have within the House. Odan-Urr depends on us and we all need to work together to keep this place moving and bring it to new heights. And for that, we need new members.

Let me remind everyone about this; we are the only Light side house of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. We have a special niche. This is important when it comes to us recruiting people. Remember this when you get out there and start spreading the word.

I know it can sometimes be rough to try and bring someone in, but I’d be so happy if I saw at least 5 new members between now and my next report! We can do it!

Upcoming Rollmaster Projects

The Master/Student Program

Over the last little bit, I had seen that a good majority of you wanted to become masters. That’s great! But there’s a small issue with that. The few active Journeymen we have already have masters, and for masters to have students, we need to recruit some! Of course, I already covered this in the section above, so we won’t go into that again.

This is the next thing I will be working at. I want to have optimal pairings when it comes to putting a student with a master, and I’m hoping to remedy this with a new way of sorting people out. Of course, if you recruit someone and want to be their master, that’s great! But some people come in here without a friend bringing them in, and they’re the ones that benefit from this the most.

Coming soon will be a Google form to fill out, depending which side you’re on. Both the master and student surveys will be similar enough, aside from some small differences. The general jist of it will help me put people with similar goals/talents/interests/timezones so there’s better communication and the masters can help their students with what they’re interested in the most and immerse them into the Brotherhood.

This also means I’ll be looking at current Master/Student pairs and looking over their activity. If the masters have been gone for some time and the student is still active, they will be contacted. The pairings need to be active to get people to stay active and be part of Odan-Urr and be the best they can be!

So look forward to that coming within the week. Hopefully.

The Welcome E-Mail

If you recall in my own written “hey look I’m the Rollmaster” e-mail, I had said I was going to write a new welcome e-mail and have you all look at it to see if it sounded good and gave off the sort of vibe it should with the HOU culture and how the House holds itself.

I did actually finish that! I just hadn’t gotten around to sending it around. Were people interested in taking a look at it and commenting on it at all?

Let me know in the comments and I’ll send it out through the mailer.

The Happenings

House Odan-Urr Competitions

There’s plenty of Battleteam competitions going on right now, so join in! Even if you’re not in a Battleteam, they’d love to have your entries!

All of these need more subscribers and entries! Don’t hesitate to join in with us and bring our House’s activity rate up! So scoot, go check these competitions out!

Brotherhood Wide Competitions

Don’t forget about those club wide competitions! If you’ve never done one, give it a try! A lot of them are very interesting and have some interesting premises to them. So check some out! Let’s do some good and represent our house in the bigger scope of things!

Is it a coincidence that all of those are Jedi organized competitions? Of course not. Liam’s is interesting and I wanted to point it out to everyone! That’d be the first on the list. Second is Lu`aisha’s competition toward her Jedi Knight promotion! It looks interesting and very worth looking into! And of course, there’s always a fantasy league or two; this one the brainchild of Captain Crunch (Aka Edgar).


Looking to become more than what you are within Odan-Urr? There’s a ton of opportunities for you right now! Take a peek!

There’s a slew of other news on the front page. Are you reading it? You should be! It’s good to read the news and get your say into things when you get the chance! So don’t forget to check the front page every so often.

I’ll also probably be starting a Twitter account of some sort for HOU to keep you guys and even myself on track of happenings, so if you have a Twitter account, watch and wait for that coming up soon!

In Closing

Recruit! Be active! Read news and other reports! Come into the IRC! Be a bigger part of the Brotherhood! There’s a lot of things we can all do to make Odan-Urr and the Brotherhood as a whole a better and better place.

And it all starts with you!

Is there something you want to do for the House or the Club? Talk to me! Let me know! I’ll help steer you into the right direction.

I don’t really have any fancy quote or picture to show off like everyone else, so I guess I’ll just thank you for reading this essay of a report.

Thank you!

(Insert some Khalessi reference here; yay dragons!)

Wooo. My student's first report ;-;

Two thumbs up!

Great Report RM Rhiann

Dru crawls out from his rock

It was dark and scary under there :(

Nice report, GL with your future Rollmastering!

Stuffs Dru back under his rock

Get back under there! No one said you could come out.

Excellent report Khaleesi!

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