Plagueis Proconsul Report #3: Welcome to Summer!


Plagueis Proconsul Report #3: Welcome to Summer!


Happy Memorial Day Weekend, to all my American friends I hope you have a good Monday off. Support a veteran, thank them for all their service.


Or if you’re like me, you’ll locking yourself inside to hide from all those things that cause allergies, which apparently is everything as I feel like nature is trying to kill me. I’m not dead yet though! So until then we’ll do our best to craft a well written and semi-understandable report for all you lovelies. Plaguelings? Plaugeisites?


Fiction Feature

Maiden of Muunilinst
Aliso Orbit
Aliso System
35 ABY

Minevra Niache was waiting for her escort to the surface of Aliso. Despite the fact she had to rely on a droid that wasn’t suited to being a gunner to use the limited weaponry on her ship, the Plagueians weren’t taking any chances. As a Delta-class T-3c shuttle designated Beta 1 made its way towards the Maiden, Minevra keyed in the access code given to her by her employer, one Kelly Mendes, who was assigned the use of the shuttle that was greeting the Muun. The shuttle’s pilot turned his vessel around and began guiding the GX1 Diplomatic Short Hauler to the surface.

It was a pretty short and uneventful journey to the surface, a positive sign that the woman who had procured her services had as much influence as the mercenary had been told.

“Ms Niache, I’m so glad you could join me. Now while we’re away from the cameras, let me tell you what I need you to do. I was given my current position due to the demotion of my then superior. As you can imagine, this doesn’t please everyone, and I need to prove myself. That’s where you come in. You see, people like you, mercenaries I mean, aren’t exactly in the good graces of my boss, at least the ones she doesn’t control. Being as skilled as you are across the board, I am hoping you will be able to distract the others of your occupation away from making plans to oppose my boss. If you can do so while helping out with the expansion efforts even better.” Kelly presented the specifics of the job to the scoundrel.

“Well, even for me that sounds like a challenge, so I’ll do it. Who knows, I might even make some credits while I’m at it. I’ve got one name, but I’ll need you to send me the rest of the names of the people I need to work on.”

“They’ll be on your datapad momentarily, just have to go make sure nobody burned down MY station.” Emphasis was placed on my to show how Kelly had now taken ownership of the facility in her mind, even if technically it belonged to the clan leader and merely used by the holder of her position.

Continue reading here

So instead of having any talent and credible work, I’m going to start featuring snipets of fictions from Manifest Destiny. Please check it out, we love fiction, and want to read yours. Go make friends, or enemies, interact with other members. Tell us your story.


Reports to Read/Things to Do

  • HAP Aedile Report - Thank-you Azmodius for a great report!

  • HKM Quaestor Report - Furios getting ready for the Great Jedi War

  • Herald Report - How could I not put this one up? Scroll half way down and you’ll find my new saber, and all the way at the bottom, well look who that is? Thanks Vyr for the shoutout!

  • Regent Report - We’re working on feedback and projects in the Possessions office.

Otherwise we’re a bit quiet on the news front. Just wait as the entire DB waits with their breath held for the coming Great Jedi War. This is my first one, so honestly I’m very excited. Please don’t judge me if I fan girl a little bit.


  • Manifest Destiny Competition - Obviously I encourage fiction, but if you’re going to do it, might as well get competition participation points too right?

And hey, there may not be a ton going on from Plagueis right this second, but I’m going to be starting up my fortnightly competitions again soon here (turns out having two jobs eats all of your time, but now I’m back). Obviously the Great Jedi War is coming, but maybe we’ll see another quick Plagueis event before then? Who knows… ?


#Ask the PCON

Oo this is my favorite part! Questions from you guys!

  • Kelly asks: how has his encounter with the Geonosians affected Abadeer's view of the current situation as it pertains to them?

Abadeer is not a fan of his would be captors, but nothing is more poetic than the justice of making them basically his slaves, so I guess he’ll tolerate them for now.

  • Kelly also asks: what does Abadeer think about the direction Plagueis is currently going in on the larger Brotherhood stage?

Abadeer at this time doesn’t feel any loyalty to Pravus, but he doesn’t think Plagueis should be making a stand with the Lotus either. Staying neutral, siding with the victor, or just building our own strength is probably our best call.

  • Furios asks: how are you liking the run on progression so far? Are there any specific events or character interactions you're looking forward to reading/writing about? Any for your character that you're planning on?

I do enjoy the run on a lot. We have big over arching themes through our events, and in the DB as a whole, but the stories that flush out the history of the club come from you guys in settings like this. Maybe a little less dramatic and lower stakes, but no less important. If anything, it could be fun to set up a smaller overarching theme in the Run On, help guide everyone through that. As for Abadeer and Rhin, I’m thinking I want to develop my Alt character a little more, flush her out.

  • Silent asks: being evil and all, how many times can I poke you with a stick before you try to kill me?

How many fingers are you willing to lose?

  • Silent also asks: a long time ago when I was a QUA I ran a comp that fictionally had me possessed by Darth Plaguies until the winner killed me off and I was rebuilt, my question is how many more times can ones body take that kind of punishment if the force wills him/her to be possessed, killed, and rebuilt by the force

Well I don’t pretend to be an expert on Star Wars pseudo science, but uh.. best guess? I don’t think you’d make it back once

  • Zuser asks: Would you ever ask Zuser to fly you anywhere?

Like me as in my body? starts looking over my person before running down the hall

  • Laren asks: Do you miss the good ol' days?

You and I are both like 24, so I’m not sure we’re old enough to claim missing the good ol’ days, but yes, I do miss my springtime of youth


  • Laren also asks: What recommendations can you make to members to help keep our juniour members engaged and informed?

Well the best way to stay informed is to read reports like this one! Or ask questions, get on Telegram and engage your Clan. We’re here to help. To stay engaged, just find things that you like doing. Maybe branch out and try something new. It may be scary or uncomfortable at first, but who knows, it might be your new thing. Competitions, art, gaming, fiction, or just hanging out, we’ve really got it all here.

  • Slagar asks: So, is #askthepcon going to post the answers to all his questions soon?

You know when I’m stalling, and is it because I’m lazy and forget? Yes. But I got this thing finished in just over an hour. Does it help I did most of it yesterday? Also yes.

  • TuQ’uan asks: Oh I have one! #askthepcon how much wood could a wood chuck chuck? You know if a wood chuck could chuck...wood.

I mean you’re the one that answered your own question with 700lbs, so I’m just gonna trust you. Cause believe you me, I’m no woodchuck scientist. Also I was never good with the word twisters, so I could barely even say the darn thing.


This month brings us an absolutely amazing piece! Slagar as always finds all the best artists, and Selika is the perfect model to draw. I just love the mood on this one, and can’t say enough good things about it.


Concluding Thoughts

Well we’ve had a bit of a slow start to our summer, we’ve kind of wound down from The Enemy Below. I think it’s time that we start to rev our engines again, shake out the cobwebs and get ready for the Great Jedi War. There will be ACC prelims soon, if that is something you’re inclined to, or if you aren’t do it anyway. See above for try new things.

Just a quick note, something that I’ve seen lately, but there has been some reports on cheating and general disreputable behavior. Guys, if it sounds like a bad idea, just don’t do it. This is a fun social club, treat it as such. It’s not a competition. Even when it is. We’re all friends here, treat each other with respect that any human being is deserved. That’s all I got, jumps off soap box.

So have a great summer, let’s continue to be awesome, work hard, and do stuff. Plagueis! Woo yeah, go us!



  • Fiction Feature

  • Reports

  • #AskthePCON

  • Closing Remarks

And here I thought I missed the cut off for questions! I'm really looking forward to the gjw, I'm just glad I'm not the only person new to the whole thing!

This will be my first Great Jedi War with the Do All The Things attitude so it may as well be my first GJW too. I'm excited and can't wait to get my fictional murder on.

Also everyone make sure to get qualified for the ACC. Maybe get a couple of practice matches going to get the hang of the activity before the pre-war matches start.

Is a volunteer for ACC practice, also the idea of prelims is an interesting one.

Congrats on the new poker!!!

Dang it, forgot to get in my question about the next approving/disapproving animal meme to create! Oh well, good report anyway.


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