Sapphire Squadron Battle Report VI


Sapphire Squadron Battle Report VI


Greetings Sapphire Squadron,

Greetings everyone, how was the month of July for you guys? I hope it’s been wonderful for all of you. If it hasn’t then I hope the next month coming up is better. There are many things that have happened this month that I am proud of. What I am most proud of is that some of you have been working alongside other members of the Clan to become closer to them and learning about what their goals are within the Brotherhood. So please keep that up.

I would like to take the time to welcome the newest member of our team Aexod Burgoo. I wish you the luck in your endeavors and that Darkness or Greed may guide you.

I’ve noticed that some of you haven’t been involved in anything other than just kind of logging in and seeing what’s been going on. I can’t emphasize enough that I would be honored if more of our Squad enters in the Clan competitions. The more people participate the more fun we will have.

We are having a Clan Feud Event. I highly encourage everyone to participate. The more members we have the better our chance are at winning. Let’s show these people how Sapphire Squad and Naga Sadow do things.

Clan News

The newest report from the Aedile was interesting. I HIGHLY recommend you all read it.

Clan Naga Sadow Report


There are a lot of new competitions out there which are fun and easy to do. I’ve listed some competitions you might find interesting. I hope that you will find time to participate in them.

Shattered Ties

[HM] The Paladin Massacre

Below is a link to many other fun competitions on the main page.

Link to main competition page.

Member Activity

Just keep in mind I can only report what I see. If I missed something, give me a heads up and I will be glad to update it here!!

Roxas Buurenaar

  • 4 Clusters of Ice Awarded

Scarlet Agna

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star Awarded

Aexod Burgoo

  • 322 Clusters Of Earth Awarded
  • 58 Clusters of Fire Awarded
  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star Awarded
  • 1 Pendant of Blood Awarded


  • 7 Clusters of Ice Awarded


Closing comments

As I have stated earlier there are many changes going on within the Clan and we are also trying new things. I encourage all of you to go out there and enter the competitions and have fun. I would also like to say that for the new members we have in the Squad to keep your chins up and try your best. If you have any questions comments or concerns please feel free to email me any time ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). I’m always there to help you out.



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