Satele Shan Aedile Report: The one with a crazy gestation period


Satele Shan Aedile Report: The one with a crazy gestation period

Here be my header

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

Well, here we are. Odan-Urr is a clan and has given birth to - in what can only be described as the shortest gestation period in the known galaxy - two new houses. House Hoth and House Satele Shan were born 4th of March, by my crazy New Zealand calendar, and are coming up on a week old.

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

So who the hell am I? If you're old school you may have once known me as Windos. If you're newer (but not like... brand new) you may remember me as that one light sided Dark Councillor-Headmaster type guy. If you do happen to be brand new, first of all welcome to the Brotherhood, and second of all: G'day, I'm Solari and I'll be your Aedile today.

I've been a member of the Brotherhood now for over eleven years, I was the first Aedile of Odan-Urr with Ji as Questor (hey look at that, the dynamic duo is back!), and I'm looking forward to seeing these new houses grow within our newly upgraded clan.

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

Obviously, it's only been a week, and people are still settling down, so there hasn't been much going on. However, here's the rundown:

  • Welcome to Kennarl, our first new Apprentice since the house opened!
  • VanWyck added two more notches to his Shadow Academy Belt
  • And Junazee became an even more guard-ier Royal Guard.

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

There are three house competetions currently running:

Also don't forget the clan wide competition, [Odan-Urr] Clan Poetry Commission

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

That's it from me for this month folks, have a good one!

Interesting graphics...kind of like a kaleidoscope. Congrats Windos!

Nice dude, good starter report :)

The section breaks are a Maori design... the header is the best I could do in :P

I think those breaks make me dizzy :P

That red and black is the color of my eyes when I watch those graphics :P

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