Shadowicorn Report #4


Shadowicorn Report #4

Lie to Me.

A single lie makes life more entertaining than a thousand truths.

“So, what it this?”

“Oh, Goddess! Maxi! Put that down!”

“Okay.” The object thumped on the desk as it hit the surface. Green eyes went wide in shock, darting from the table top to the Miraluka standing near the door.

“Darling, you can’t just pick everything up just because you don’t know what it is!” K’tana gestured to the lace-up shoe that had been folded and tied into a neat ball, now laying upon her desk.

“So, what was that?!” Mks asked excitedly, his insatiable curiosity to know overriding any command the GateWarden may have had.

“That, my sweet Blindy, is the egg of a long extinct creature.” The Shadow walked over to the desk and ran her fingers over the the shoe’s soft fabric, slightly impressed with the skill required to tangle it up in such a manner.

“What did it look like?” Mks’ question caught K’tana off guard and she slowly pivoted back around to face, him.

“What did what look like?”

“The long extinct thing?”

K’tana took the Miraluka by the arm and began leading him out of her office, a small smile flickering at the corners of her lips as she thought of an answer.

“Well,” she spoke thoughtfully and stopped walking just as they reached the door, “it was a creature that existed once before, but now does not. This one had a long flowing mane and cascading silver fur. A horn sprouted from the center of its forehead, crowning its elongated but elegant face.”

“Ooh! That sounds pretty!” the excited Gatekeeper grinned with joy at the description of such a beast. “What was it called?”

“It was a creature far too beautiful to be named.” she stated simply.

“It had to have had a name! Can I name it?” The more he seemed to ask, the more interested in the topic he became and K’tana realized her next meeting was approaching rapidly. She really liked this strange kid. Although he was older than her by a year, his childlike curiosity and outward gentle demeanor pleased the Twi’lek as much as his devotion to completing tasks did.

“You can name it, just for us, but only after you convince other members to be as helpful as you.” She spoke with an affectionate lilt in her voice, stifling a giggle as she watched a look of confusion and concern spread across the Miraluka’s face.

“What do you mean?” Mks asked, cocking his head to the side.

“I mean, if everyone were closer to me…” K’tana let out a small sigh, “I would hit them with things to make them do stuff. You, you’re just feeny.”

Before Mks could say another word, the Gate Warden pushed him towards the door.

“Now go do things...and think up a name for that creature!” she giggled as she shut the door behind the Gatekeeper. A solemn look overtook the Twi’lek’s grin, wiping all signs of it from her face as she walked back to her desk. She flopped on top of the table, pushing the shoe onto the floor and pulling her datapad closer.

“And time for the fun part.” she whispered to herself and began tapping out her report.


AND NOW! Since we all know how much I utterly adore writing reports!

Katicorn Korner!

We are all monsters inside.

Welcome to the Fourth Report of the Katicorn! Today, we focus on pictures and gifs of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san and Elfen Lied! Why? Because I like themes! AND CONTRAST IS EPIC! Does it have anything to do with The Brotherhood or Star Wars? Ahahahha! Maybe if you look at something other than the pics, you’ll find out! ;D


Moving on!

As you all know, I have recently come back from an LOA, been sick, and on Friday will be going to a college information session. Yaay! Things! I’m currently not taking cough-syrup because it karks me up and I wanted to get this report done up for all of you. Not to mention that I’m a total DO ALL THE THINGS badass! I’m also suuuper looking forward to Halloween/Samhain. But nevermind that! Guys! Some kickass new chud has come up and I am beyond full of hype to talk about it!! So, without further babbling until later on, I hand things over to the Gate Steward!



Blind Man’s Corner

Hiya everybody. I want to apologize for disappearing when Kat took her LOA. Work blindsided with an emergency job, and well when your boss says be in another state by morning and pay is being doubled plus hotel paid. You go. Well we still have a lot going on. The Run On is still going, and this is a great chance to establish some much needed SG fiction. We have a late gaming comp going, and I will also be making two other comps here soon. So go and win all the shinies! Also please let me and Kat know what y'all want to see as far as fiction (OR WHATEVER, sorry Revs...I’ll let myself out) and competitions go. We are psychic but just too lazy to read minds. That's where I'm leaving this so until next report, so long.

(Look at Revs, all formal and with a PG rating! Speaking of which! There’s an anime pic for that!)


(Possibly an app too...0_o)


Shadow Gate News

Uuuh, so I did a thing. I dunno, maybe you heard of it. It’s called a Run On. (Remember this?) I did it as a team building exercise to help you all prepare for the coming war. I guess it makes sense that my first decision as Battleteam Leader, despite the effort and excitement that I put into its planning, was going to be less than perfect on execution. Less than half of those who got me excited over their participation actually wrote an entry. Then it timed out. No one even noticed...So, I’ve extended it until October 21’st. After that, it’s over and I promise not to try and make you do RO’s again.


Do you have a choice? I THINK NOT! >:D

(Seriously, tho...) Aside from that! I have also set up a flash game! It’s fun as stuff(or something)!!! Seriously, get past the badass name and go play it, if only for the lolz. I actually play it when I’m bored...As in while I write repo...oh right. Uhh, I mean...I LOVE WRITING REPORTS!




The Not-So Untouchable Sanctuary

Soooo, I dunno if you guys know this, but I have two favorite reports this month. Usually, I don’t do this. You want reports, you know damn well where to find them.


Our Lady Consul. The ShadowSunshine Lady. Seer Atyiru Caesura Entar or Atty, as we know her, (I am all about pointing out titles right now) has written a lovely report. It is full of shiny references that made me grin. I suggest this obvious link to go and read it.

The other is none other than our Voice of the Brotherhood (C’mon, ya had to know I was gonna gush about this). Evant wrote my favorite report all year... Why? Of ALL the amazing reports I have seen, why this one?


I’m not even kidding. I am that chick who spends HOURS in Skyrim/Saints Row/Sims/Fallout/Dragon Age/Mass Effect CUSTOMIZING MY BITCH TO BE PRETTY! I know, I know…”You never see their face again…” BUT I DOOO! I spin that mutha*#$@#& camera around and admire each new set of armor/customization/tattoo/piercing and then go off and a hyper and happy killing spree! (Yes, even in Sims, shutup.) So...when the purple chick, who I pretty much keep alive as my own torture doll, gets new armor...I AM KARKING ECSTATIC!

(I’m totes going to the Old Lady and Blind Miraluka tattoo parlor this week.- Hint towards what my first fiction is going to entail...That totes counts :D)


Oh, and the CM (who happens to be a part of Shadow Gate) did a report too. It’s long and boring and filled with words about stuff and things but you should check it out anyway!!!



The Kind Way to Kill Enemies.


  • 2 Clusters of Ice
  • Crescent with Emerald Star

Guido, your name is too long

(Sweetface, you better calm down with all the activity. You’re outshining my battleteam)

  • 5 Clusters of Fire
  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star

Mks Ehn

  • 1 Cross of Indoctrination
  • 11 Clusters of Earth
  • 2 Clusters of Ice

Guido is beating all of us(Maxi excluded). I don’t think I need to say anything more...Aside from this: I’ve submitted two fictions, am writing another one, I’m making a logo for a comp, wrote a report, am sick, am prepping for college, and shall continue being a unicorn...Over here. By myself.




Shadow Gate Battleteam/House Qel-Droma/Arcona Competitions

(Do the things!)

Brotherhood Wide Competitions

(Super Shiney Stickers!)

Press this Puella Magi Link to make a deal!



In Closing

I’m excited to be the Mystic Chieftess Inquisitoress Shadow Gate Wardeness. Ow, my brain...I’m going to write a convoluted fiction where I use all of those titles AND Tyrian Twi’lek woman. I may even avoid using pronouns AT ALL! >:D


Now, my darlings…


Start getting excited for my favorite month and the Halloween excuse of going way overboard...Or go play Murdericorn or something fun. Don’t make me go full yandere on you <3



Wait...HAH! FIRST!

Get on my level 8-)


Awwwwww! ^^ I loves it! <3

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