
Displaying all 13 competitions

Long-running competitions are competitions that run for longer than six weeks. Usually these consist of several shorter episodes with an overarching theme.

Title Status Running time Target Main Organizer Type
Haiku: Examining The Code
(8 sub-competitions)
2024-03-08 - 2024-04-25
(about 2 months)
Entire DJB Gui Sol Poetry
Legion's Extraordinary Monster Hunting! Running
2024-01-24 - 2024-04-30
(3 months)
Entire DJB Mandalorian Legion Multiplayer Gaming
Probe Spot Report Running
2024-03-14 - 2024-04-30
(about 2 months)
Entire DJB Lieutenant Creon Neverse Graphics/Multimedia
Galeres Field Medic Deployment
(3 sub-competitions)
2024-03-15 - 2024-04-30
(about 2 months)
House Galeres Aedile Zosi'val'ria Other
Star Wars Capybara Puzzle Series
(12 sub-competitions)
2024-02-23 - 2024-05-18
(3 months)
Entire DJB Adept Xantros Other
Survival Games
(1 sub-competition)
2024-04-08 - 2024-06-03
(about 2 months)
Entire DJB Inquisitor Valaeron Fiction
Shadow Academy Decathlon 2nd Quarter 2024
(3 sub-competitions)
2024-04-01 - 2024-06-30
(3 months)
Entire DJB Adept Alaris Jinn Other
The DJB Trifecta (Plus ACC)
(12 sub-competitions)
2024-04-01 - 2024-07-01
(3 months)
Entire DJB High Inquisitor Anderson Other
The Great Mario Kart Tour 3
(22 sub-competitions)
2024-04-02 - 2024-07-21
(4 months)
Entire DJB Blade Mistress Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra Other
2024 DJB F1 Fantasy Running
2024-02-23 - 2024-12-14
(10 months)
Entire DJB General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla Other
[HQD]: Wispor Operations 42 ABY
(9 sub-competitions)
2024-01-11 - 2024-12-31
(12 months)
Clan Arcona Aedile Tali Sroka Other
2024 - Scimitar of Lord Hoth
(12 sub-competitions)
2024-01-12 - 2024-12-31
(12 months)
Clan Odan-Urr Proconsul Wulfram Armis Other
[CNS} Order of the Blackguard: 2024
(11 sub-competitions)
2024-02-09 - 2024-12-31
(11 months)
Clan Naga Sadow Adept DarkHawk Sadow Other