Kano Tor Tydex

Equite 3, Rogues, Mercenary, Mandalorian
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
13952 words in 15 activities
3404 words in 6 posts and 3 activities
0 words in 0 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 11 - 18 of 18 in total
[Celebration: Mandalorians] Become The Hunter
Kano Tor Tydex opted out of publishing his submission.
[GJW XIII Phase II] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt
Kano Tor Tydex opted out of publishing his submission.
[GJW XIII Event Long] Team-Based Fiction - Clan-Wide Run On Theaters of War
Textual submission

Manually added by Grand Master Telaris "Mav" Cantor

[GJW XIII Phase I] Fiction - Multi-Objective Prompt
Kano Tor Tydex opted out of publishing his submission.
[Clan Vizsla] Bounty #1: Nnelg Nosliw
Textual submission

It had been years since Kano stepped foot on a planet occupied by any forces connected to the brotherhood he was once bonded so tightly with. His connection with the Force was a thing of the past but all of his other senses told him this was one of theirs. He sat in a dark corner of a grand drinking hall sipping at his drink with his familiar helmet on the table in front of him, the ominous T shaped visor staring into his soul. The only thought running through the Mandalorian bounty hunter’s mind was the fact that when he was on the other side of that visor people would soon be dead. It wasn't a scary or even a somber thought for him, in fact it was an exciting thought. Adrenaline began to flow softly as he thought of all the men he had left at his feet over the years.

Kano's thoughts were interrupted as a waitress placed another drink in front of him and smiled softly before walking away. He picked up the cup and quickly consumed the contents. It was time to hunt and he was unsure how long it would be before he could enjoy another drink. He wiped some dribble from his beard then grabbed his helmet and started towards the main door.

As Kano stepped outside he placed the helmet on his head concealing his face and reintroducing himself to the world of death. The Mandalorian walked North through the village of Saga, down a dirt path to a small shack he had rented upon his arrival. He had been living in the shack for several weeks now waiting for his mark to arrive. Kano knew it wouldn't be long now as the murder that earned the bounty on his head had happened nearly 3 months ago and the killer had not been seen in town since then. Supplies would be running dangerously low at this point and this town was his only source for the necessities required to live off in the wilderness.

The Mandalorian sat with his helmet on peering out of the shacks only window towards the Northern woods waiting for any signs of life coming into town. Hours passed and nothing happened. Slowly Kano began to drift off into a deep sleep.

Boom. Boom. Boom. The three loud bangs on the door jerked Kano awake and his hand was instinctively on his Westar-35. He unholstered the weapon and opened the door to see a small boy standing there.

"Sir, he is here. The man you were asking about. He is at the shop buying rations."

Kano holstered his weapon,"Is he armed?"

"He had a pistol on his hip. Can I get the credits? You said first to tell you got credits."

This was a resource Kano always relied on. Children were brutally honest creatures when credits were on the line and they had never given him bad information.

"Sure thing kid. Once Nnelg takes his last breath."

Kano quickly gathered his gear and headed out the door. The sun was just starting to rise and the village had an orange glow to it. Moving as fast as he could without drawing any attention to himself Kano twisted and turned between wooden buildings until he was at the backdoor to the local supply vendor.

The mercenary cycled his visor into the thermal spectrum and peered towards the back of the building. He could see two heat sources inside. One was standing with what appeared to be a warm beverage in his hand and the second was hastily moving about doing what Kano could only assume was jamming supplies into a satchel.

Kano ran the layout on the building through his mind quickly. One room. A large counter centered in the rook and off slightly to the right. Several tables and shelves filled with supplies. A large window on the front wall with a door lined up with the counter.

Without any hesitation the Mandalorian cycled his visor back to standard view and kicked the backdoor in. The figure that had been moving around quickly spun around to face the door. The split second look was all Kano needed to confirm his mark and begin his attack.

The Z-6 jetpack on Kano's back fired to life and in a blur the Mandalorian crashed into Nnelg Nosliw slightly lifting the large mans feet from the ground as the two went crashing through the shop's window and into the dusty street. As the engine to the jetpack died out the two men rolled several feet kicking up a cloud of dust.

Nnelg showed no hesitation and began swinging his fist at the Mandalorian's helmet slightly throwing off Kano's view of the target for a second. Kano began his own barrage of fist and the two men exchanged blows for a moment as the shopkeeper screamed about the damages in the background.

As the two exchanged solid shots the murderer showed no pain. Each hit seemed to just drive him more and more into a rage. Likewise each hit he landed on the Mandalorian did nothing more than produce a dull thud as his fist collided with the heavy Mandalorian armor.

Knowing this was a useless tactic Nnelg began trying to cram his left hand under the Mandalorian helmet and scraping at Kano's throat. While Kano grabbed at his hand around his throat the murderer slid his right hand down his side and unholstered his DX-2. He raised the weapon towards Kano's helmet but just as he squeezed the trigger the Mandalorian's elbow bumped the blaster to the side. A flash of light filled Kano's visor as the blast went past. Kano fired the jetpack in a quick burst causing the Mandalorian to break loose of Nnelg and roll through the dirt. As he righted himself and slid to a stop on his feet Kano drew his Westar-35 and fired four shots at his opponent.

Nnelg was already charging at the Mandalorian and the shots whizzed past him with one connecting with his right shoulder causing him to flinch at an angle and drop his pistol. Still charging, Nnelg's left shoulder crashed into Kano's chest plate jarring him and sending the Westar to the ground.

Nnelg then drove a powerful knee into Kano's groin. The Mandalorian codpiece absorbed most of the impact but it was still enough to cause Kano's knees to buckle and him lean hard against his opponent. Grabbing blindly Kano grasped a handful of Nnelg's beard and yanked down as hard as he could while lifting his knee with all the power he could muster.

The armor plate on Kano's knee connected firmly with Nnelg's nose. It shattered instantly causing blood to begin flowing. As Nnelg grabbed for his own blood soaked face Kano reached to the backside of his belt and grabbed an item he had been waiting a long time to test out.

Nnelg whipped his head in an upward motion with both hands holding his nose. This moment was all Kano needed.

The Mandalorian thrust his elite shock collar out and around his opponents neck. Before he could remove his hands from his nose the collar locked into place and Kano shoved him back.

There was a loud buzzing noise and Nnelg went stiff and fell to the ground convulsing. The buzzing stopped and Nnelg lay on the ground groaning. Kano activated the collar once more and the man went stiff again. His face locked in a position of pain and anger as a bit of spit bubbled at the corner of his mouth.

When the buzzing stopped this time Nnelg laid on the ground with a slight smile on his face.

"Go on." He coughed out, "Take me to whoever wants me."

Kano picked up his Westar and stepped up next to his opponent.

"They don't want you, just your corpse."

Nnelg's eyes grew wide as Kano pointed the pistol at his face. His mouth opened to either say something or let out a scream but a red blaster bolt ripped through his face leaving the gathering crowd wondering just what those final words would have been.

Kano knelt and began to empty the pockets of the dead man and rummaging through the contents. He looked at the crowd through his T shaped visor and saw the child that had awoken him earlier that morning.

"Here ya go kid." said Kano as he tossed the credits he removed from Nnelg's pockets in the kids' direction.

Kano then stood up while grabbing the corpse's boot and began to drag him down the dirt street.

"Now I have a bounty of my own to collect."

Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc
Textual submission

Kano sat in his cabin listening to the crackling of the fireplace and the howls of various creatures off in the distance. It was moments like this that the Warrior felt most relaxed. That is why he hated these moments. Relaxation was the enemy. As he began to long for something to break this cycle of boredom a scream rang out from the basement. Kano grinned as he got to his feet and walked to the stairs that led down into the dingy basement.

An even louder scream echoed up the stairwell as Kano stepped off the last step and into the crudely made torture chamber. Kano had a faint hint of giddiness in his voice as he spoke into the darkness, “I thought you would never wake up. I’m glad I was wrong. Now we can have some more fun.”

Kano flicked the lights on in the basement to reveal a naked man hanging upside down from chains. The man let out another scream as Kano walked over to a table covered in bladed weapons and tools.

“Oh, shut it. At Least this time you will see what is causing you the pain.”

With that the Sith picked up a knife with a 7 inch blade. He walked over to the now whimpering man and slowly slid the blades backside along the man's stomach. The cold metal caused the man to squirm as he tried to move away from the inevitable pain he was about to endure.

Kano grinned at the feeble attempt and turned the blade over and slid the razor sharp edge along the man's leg. He started at the heel with the blade just scratching the surface of the skin and pressed harder and harder as the blade made its way up the man's leg and to his thigh. The man pulled, and shaked, and screamed as the knife dug deeper and deeper into his flesh until Kano could feel metal scraping against bone.

A buzzer began to sound with a flashing red light and Kano pulled the blade from the man's leg. He kneeled down, grabbed the man by his hair, then pulled his face up so that he could look into the man's crying eyes.

“Now it is sleepy time again.”

Kano reached back and punched the man in the face. The blow knocked the man unconscious.

The Warrior tossed the blade onto the table and ran up the stairs. As he made his way through the door at the top of the stairs he could hear the familiar voice of his brother at the door.

“Kano, wake up. It is the middle of the afternoon, get your ass outta bed.”

Kano quickly got to the door and flung it open to reveal Fremoc standing there.

“About gorram time. What the hell were you doing? Do you have a woman in here? You getting your freak on?”

Kano grinned, “You could say something like that.”

“Oh, well I didn't mean to interrupt.” said the older brother.

“If you don't mind I would like to get back in there and continue digging in and if things go right I will have a squirter redecoration the room.”

Fremoc cringed as he turned to walk away, “Way too much info bro.”

Kano closed the door and started to walk back towards the basement door. He stopped for a second and listened. Silence filled the air. In the distance a howl echoed through the forest. It was at times like this that Kano felt most relaxed.

Breaking the Wall
Textual submission

The rain poured down in the dark alleyway that our triumphant hero was passed out in. It took a flash of lightning and a earth shaking clap of thunder to awaken the slumbering Sith.

As Kano sat up he stretched and let out a loud yawn. Raindrops softly hit the man's face as he looked up at the sky.

“What the frak am in doing in an alley?”

As Kano climbed to his feet a rat ran across the alley, splashing through a large puddle.

“To, writer dude. I asked you a question. What the hell am I doing in an alley? How did I get here? The reader will wanna know.”

[You were drunk and you passed out. Not much more to it. Now can I get back to writing this fiction?]

“Oh, yeah. Didn't mean to inconvenience you. Douchebag.”

Kano, now shooting a bird into the sky walked down the alley thinking out loud.

“How do you think out loud? Isn't that just talking?”

[Dude, stop interrupting. Let's just get this fiction going so that we can get something shiny.]

“Shiny? I'm down. Proceed mystic voice in my head.”

The Warrior turned out of the alley and onto the main street. Thoughts of riches bounced through the former Mandalorians head.

“Where can a Sith bounty hunter get come credits around here?”

At that moment, almost as if by divine planning, a piece of paper smacked into Kano’s face. He pulled the paper back and crumbled it up.

[Read the paper.]

“You can't tell me what to do!”

Kano uncrumpled the paper and read it.

“How the hell did you do that? Who trained you in Jedi mind tricks?”

[Shut up and finish reading the paper.]

Kano finished reading over the paper and was relieved to find that it was a wanted poster for a local drunk. According to the paper the man had borrowed a large sum of money from a local gangster and when he couldn't pay him back a hit was put out on him.

“What are the chances that this kinda info would be placed in a piece of paper and then just tossed out for anyone to find? It is a good thing that an idiot isn't writing my life story.”

Luckily the Warrior knew just where to find this local drunk. He turned around and went right back down the same alley he had just awoken in. He walked up to a door that looked as if someone had vomited against it and he proceeded to pound on the door as hard as he could.

After a few hard knocks the door opened and a head poked out from inside. “You again? You are banned after that crap you last night with the Rancor tooth and high explosives.”

Kano looked up away from the guy at the door.

“Are you still not going to explain the night before? That sounds fun and I really wanna know where I got a Rancor tooth in the first place.”

[No! Now pay attention.]

“You suck.”

Kano turned back towards the guy at the door to see a puzzled look on his face.

“Sorry, I was thinking out loud. I just need to know if Fez is in there, I owe him money and need to pay him back before heading to the Outer Rim.”

The Sith reached down inside himself and with a slight mental nudge from the Force the man nodded and stepped back into the building.

“Hey writer guy, I have a question.”

[What now?]

“Do I really gotta kill this guy? He just wanted to party a little. I mean wouldn't you take out a loan you couldn't pay back to tongue mop liquors off the sexiest women in this galaxy?”

[You leave my personal life out of this and stick to the story. We are almost done so you know what, just wing it.]

At that moment the door opened up and a large man came walking out. The smell of alcohol seeped out of every pour on the man's body and filled the air. The man looked Kano over for a second before opening his mouth. “Are you the chakaar that is looking for me?”

Kano leaned real close to the man and whispered to him.

“There is a voice in my head telling me to kill you but it is okay, he is a moron.”

Kano winked at the guy just before the man swung a quick right jab towards the Warriors face. The fist connected with an invisible barrier as Kano drew out his lightsaber.

The blade sprang to life with a brilliant blue glow and with a single motion Kano drove the blade upwards and through the bounty. The man was split from crotch to hair and fell into two separate parts.

“I wonder if I get paid double for that?”

[Sure, just tell the gangster that if he won't pay double you will do the same to him.]

“Really? I can do that?”

[No, the fiction is over. You probably annoyed the reader so much we won't even get a prize.]

“Ah sh…”

The End
