


Welcome Back!

Ladies, gentlemen, and lekku of all ages! I have for you a sight yet unseen to human or alien eyes. THE LATEST VOIDBREAKER REPORT! Now featuring 20% more loot as we continue with Phase 2 of our Balancing the Books event! If you haven’t had the chance yet, take a gander at the competitions running for this phase, as well as the event long ones which can all be found in the competitions section below! Help us get more credits so we can buy you nice things. This is a thing where you will see the direct results of your activity, so if you can manage, go participate in a few events and help out! Ok! Now that I’m done shamelessly promoting things, let’s dive into the rest of what’s happening in the neighborhood.


Brotherhood News

Quite a few things have happened Club wide that may affect you. Be sure to check them out.

  • Everyone’s favorite Wally has posted a report with a few updates that may interest you including: updating the wiki to more accurately describe the interaction between slugthrowers and lightsabers, Introducing a new species, reinstating a grandfathered species, the latest Voice Workshop competition, and a list of current projects. Long story short, there is a lot of pertinent information over there for you to explore, especially those of you who write the fiction stuff!

  • For the latest in gaming, be sure to check out both the FIST supplemental report which details the removal of a couple games from our supported gaming list, and the P:FIST report where you can find out what kinds of deals are going on in the gaming world right now and check out some updates to supported games.

  • Thinking about opening your own clan?
    alt text
    In this update from the GM, the updated process has been outlined for your convenience! Take a minute to glance over it if that is a concept that interests you.

  • Additionally, a few of our Brotherhood wide leadership have received new shiny things or promotions check out this news post from the GM himself about all the wonderful things people like Wally and Drac do for you folks and congratulate them on their shiny new things!

Clan News

  • Balancing the Books is still running! If you have the time, consider heading to the competitions page to check out the Phase 2 and Event long competitions that may need your attention still! Every participation point earns us more loot and more shiny things, so everything you do helps out the house that much more! You wanna show those lint lickers in Galeres who the real boss is? This is the way to do it!

  • That’s all the Arcona stuff I’ve got for you. Go do a competition maybe.

A Special Announcement!

The month of April will see a month-long House competition just for you guys in House Qel-Droma! So be sure to keep those writing pens, art utensils, and gaming computers ready for everything and anything your HQD Summit may throw your way. All of this and more coming in the general direction of your face once April rolls around! Be ready!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Here is where you can find all the Reports and News you may have missed!

  • Consul Report: In the newest report from everyone’s second favorite Ryn, you can find lots of tasty tasty information, as well as links to all the Phase 2 and Event long competitions for Balancing the Books! Be sure to take a look for some easy to digest ~fiber~ news.

  • HQD Summit Report: Check out the latest report-looking thing from Chissy-face and Fire-Lady! There’s a lot in here for you to read about, so what are you waiting for? Get on it if you haven’t already!

  • Galares Summit Report: Go check out what our competition has to say in their house report. You never know when you might find something useful in their communications.


  • Balancing the Books: Both the Event long and Phase 2 competitions will run until site changeover on the 31st! That means as of today, you have another week to participate in any and all competitions you have yet to get in on! Get those entries in and help us take all the shiny things and all the credits! Every little bit helps. One entry could make the difference for HQD!

Member Activity

This is the part where you guys come in!

Tali Sroka

  • 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • 2 Clusters of Ice

Alaisy Tir’eivra

  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 15 Clusters of Fire
  • 5 Clusters of Graphite
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 3 Crescents with Sapphire Star

Eilen Jath

  • 3 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Cluster with Sapphire Star

Luka Zarkot


  • 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star
  • 9 Clusters of Ice
  • 5 Clusters of Graphite
  • 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star

Leeadra Halcyon

  • 25 Clusters of Earth
  • 15 Clusters of Fire
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star


  • 18 Clusters of Earth
  • 46 Clusters of Fire


  • 18 Clusters of Earth
  • 22 Clusters of Fire

Edema R’uh-Kalinor

  • 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • 3 Clusters of Ice

Luca Zarkot

  • 18 Clusters of Fire

You guys are all awesome! Keep it up!

Q & A

This month on #AskTheBlueberry:

Cawthren asks:

As Arconans, do we have dental insurance? What about health and vision?

Of course we have insurance! In fact, there are no out of pocket expenses whatsoever, so long as you see a provider within the network. Kordath even provides a convenient card so that you know exactly which doctors are in the Arcona Care Network! They are as follows:

  • Rhylance

Lucine wants to know:

Just how accurate is a fortune telling duck?

Only ever as accurate as he needs to be.

Which would be better? A brain chip or a series of layered mind tricks? Asking for a friend.

Hmm. I wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of either, but I’m going to go with mind tricks. Not detectable, you don’t need a lab to insert them properly, and they can’t be disabled with an EMP. Mind tricks are superior.

What are Lee’s thoughts regarding the role of the Voidbreaker in our plans to expand the HQD criminal empire?

Lee is very ok with the utilization of her ship and crew for nefarious purposes. So long as the risk is justified, lemme at ‘em. Throws up smol blue fists and brings laser cannons online

How do you think the first roleplaying session went?

I personally think the session went quite well. All the feedback I got from members was extremely positive and it seems everyone enjoyed themselves. It was nice to see members who aren’t normally as active on Telegram getting into the fun as well! Hopefully, we get to see your faces more often as things progress!

Any highlights?

Several, at least in my mind.

  1. Lucine epically failing at maintaining her modesty whilst performing a handstand at Eilen’s request.

  2. Rhycine kinda actually becoming a thing?

  3. All the Fluffberry content (which may or may not become a fiction depending on the intensity of my schedule as baby day gets closer).

Any startling revelations?

Well, apparently there is a LOT about my team that I don’t know. Though I am always eager to learn more as the weeks progress and things get a little more fleshed out.

Alaisy asks:

Will you be organizing more serious and possible character affecting scenarios with the RP event in the future?

I already have a bit of a list going for possible scenarios for RP sessions. Some of which are more story driven and are more serious in nature. The idea behind having the first session be a fun/light/fluffy one was just to garner interest and get an idea of participation and how things were going to work. Good news is, as I mentioned earlier, all the feedback I have received thus far is overwhelmingly positive and I’m excited to bring you guys a variety of other prompts.

Rhylance asks:

What should we buy with all our House Credits?!

Honestly, while I acknowledge that the decision is ultimately up to you, I’ll just be happy if the entire budget doesn’t just go toward Lucine’s wardrobe.

When if FlufyBerry gonna be canon?


The End Is Nigh

Once more, the end is upon us. At least the end of the report. In conclusion, DO ALL THE BOOK BALANCING THINGS, prepare your bodies for a month-long event in April for the House, and keep a lookout for RP sessions in VB chat! You all are fantastic and it is a pleasure to be your captain, keep up the good work. As always, if there are any questions, concerns, or cries for help, feel free to contact me via email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or on Telegram (@LeeadraHalcyon). Until next time. O7

Stay beautiful,


Great report Smol Blue! RP night was a rousing success!


Thanks for the lovely report Lee! Was fun this weekend, want moar!

Now we have a week of work to deal with our hangovers, but perhaps there’s time for some shopping!

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