[ARC] Voidbreaker Report #3: MAYbe It's the May Report


[ARC] Voidbreaker Report #3: MAYbe It's the May Report


Welcome Back!

Mawwiage. Mawwiage is wat bwings us tovevvah todae. Just kidding. It’s your monthly report from your smol and blue BTL! So welcome! With summer quickly approaching, it’s time to get your tan on, relax on the pristine beaches of Selen with a drink in your hand, and enjoy the sunlight. And when you’re not doing any of that, there’s plenty of things for you to be doing here while staring at a holo and wishing you were relaxing on the sand.

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Brotherhood News

Quite a few big things have happened Club wide that may affect you. Be sure to check them out.

  • The JST has put out a news post to inform you all about the new data privacy things being incorporated in the site and the new amendments to the Covenant. Be sure to check that out. Especially if you just checked the box on the new privacy agreement you were prompted with recently.

  • For those of you who ACC there is a minor change to how matches are graded that may or may not be of interest to you. Information about the Advantage System can be found here.

  • You can find a few new things from the VOICE here in which the glorious Wally shows off a few nifty tidbits and bestows upon us a new playable race! Check it out!

Clan News

  • In case you missed it, Zuji has officially stepped down as HQD Quaestor and a certain Chiss doctor has stepped in to fill the void. Read the news post detailing his takeover and be amused. Or scared. The latter is probably the more appropriate choice. On an unrelated note, please make sure your physical examinations are up to date.

  • This month, we also saw our very own Lucine Vasano promoted to EQ2. Congrats to you, FireLady! You’ve already done so much and I’m excited to see you moving forward.

  • Also, keep your keen eyes out for a new Sins. Just a little reminder. Winter is coming. Be ready.

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Here is where you can find all the Reports and News you may have missed!

  • Consul Report: Read all the things the Shadow Sloth has to say this month and enjoy the misery he went through answering ALL THE QUESTIONS!

  • Galares Summit Report: Go support those other Arcona guys and check out what the Q has to say. He’s worth listening to most of the time.

  • HQD QUA/AED Report: Check out the last report from everyone’s favorite goat-y Quaestor as she says goodbye to the position and also answers a lot of your questions. Plenty of good info in there.


  • Help us clean up Ol’val! This set of competitions encourages your participation in picking up the mess left behind by those darn gangs who think they can call the place home. Pick up a broom, meet up with the doctor, decode a strange message, or pick up some supplies to help out!

  • Our furry Consul is running yet another set of competitions, this time it’s puzzles. Get in there and put the pieces together as quick as you can. Week one is finished already, but there are eleven more for you to jump in on!

  • This little flash game competition is only running for a few days, but go check it out and dodge some asteroids. Sounds like fun to me. See if you can beat my high score!

  • Last but not least check out this fiction competition and write a story about what would happen if your character were given just one wish.

Member Activity

This is the part where you guys come in!

Edema R’uh Kalinor

  • Appointed Magistrate to the Deputy Grand Master of Assistants
  • Awarded Anteian Cross (Congrats Rins!)
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Seal of Loyalty
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star


  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 90 Clusters of Fire

Tali Sroka

  • 4 Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 24 Clusters of Ice
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star

Eilen Jath

  • 1 Seal of Loyalty
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 20 Clusters of Ice
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star

Lucifer Scorpio Romanov

  • Awarded a Dark Cross (Congrats again, Luci)
  • 20 Clusters of Fire
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star

Kana Vytuvia

  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star

Leeadra Halcyon

  • Awarded Anteian Cross
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star


  • Awarded Anteian Cross


  • 90 Clusters of Fire
  • Promoted to Trainee

You guys are all awesome! Keep it up!

New Joins!

As many of you know, the Social Media Tribune has been incredibly successful in bringing in fresh meat er… new members. I’d like to take this space to welcome them to the club and the Battleteam. So without further ado, here they are:

  • Apprentice Blacc

  • Neophyte Tyga Orn Nilim

  • Apprentice Bishop Koo

  • Apprentice Alexius

  • Novice Death Stalker

  • Recruit Evelyn Cameron Ravencroft IV

  • Apprentice Medicus

  • Novice Dracosus

  • Proselyte Jene

  • Apprentice Ru Tsubasa

  • Novice Bayshmas

To those of you who are new, welcome! If any of you need anything, feel free to contact me. My information can be found at the end of this report. The rest of you, if you see someone new flailing about lost, please point them in the right direction if you can.

Q & A

This month on #asktheblueberry:

Eilen asks: Has Lee ever wielded a handheld weapon taller than herself? If so, details?

Not as of yet. But there’s always hope for the future. Not sure how effective it would be, but it would be an interesting situation for sure

Eilen and Rhylance ask: What are Lee's thoughts on the chiss doctor now being in charge of HQD?

Lee is a little wary of Rhylance and his chipping habits, but is overall glad to have a doctor around that is covered under Arcona’s medical insurance plan. Free healthcare anyone?

Lucifer asks: What do you think the DJB members need to push for and what should we focus on in the coming days in order to not just grow our numbers but sustain them for recruitment of members?

I think the Social Media Tribune is an amazing position and Maximus has done amazing things so far to bring in members. The most crucial aspect of sustaining membership is, without a doubt, getting new joins into Telegram and encouraging activity there. I know personally, Telegram is one of the things that has been a life vest for me. Even when real life is beating me like a red-headed stepchild, I can still feel like I’m being productive by engaging with all of you on TG. We join for the Star Wars and stay for the people and the friends. You all are what really make this club. Each and every one of you.

Lucine wants to know: Shall we go shopping?

Yes, dear. I’ve been meaning to update my wardrobe for some time now and I could use a break from this karking ship. No offense to any of you. I just start feeling like a pet fish. Not fun. So long story short, yes. Just let me know when and where. ^u^

Also from Lucine: What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women! Of course!

Eilen asks: Why so blue all the time?

It’s a Pantoran thing. Perhaps you can discuss the biology of skin pigmentation with your new Quaestor at your next check-up.

Tali wants to know: What were Lee's contributions to the Ol'Val rebuilding efforts? And how does she wish to see the Shadow port grow?

Lee’s contributions to the Ol’Val efforts include changing air filters, cleaning out the ductwork, and just the general manual tasks that others are too big to perform proficiently. As far as how I would wish to see it grow, I would love to see Ol’Val flourish into an Arconan Outpost. A place where Arconans (and friends) can stop for any of their needs. Shopping, resupply, a base of operations while on a mission, maybe just a stop to utilize the refreshers and catch a nap.

Jazzy asks: Do you like blueberries?

Yes. Of course I do! How do you think I adopted this extravagant hue? Pantorans are like flamingos. We get our beautiful color from our diet.*

*not biologically accurate

One more from Lucine: How much space wood could a space woodchuck chuck if a space woodchuck could chuck space wood?

A space woodchuck would chuck all the space wood a space woodchuck could chuck if a space woodchuck could chuck space wood. (I had to think about that one way harder than I should have.)

The End Is Nigh

Thank you, folks, for sticking around and reading my report. I would like to once again welcome all ELEVEN new joins. It’s good to have you all aboard the little spaceship we call home and I hope you guys make yourselves comfortable. There are plenty of friendly faces around, so if you need help with anything at all, please don’t hesitate to contact one of us. Additionally, we may have to start increasing the capacity of crew quarters. Please don’t be alarmed if you find a strange face occupying your living space next time you return. They just keep coming. As always, if there are any questions, concerns, or cries for help, feel free to contact me via email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or on Telegram (@LeeadraHalcyon). Until next time.

Stay beautiful,


"Pantorans are like flamingos." Quote of the day right here. A great report.

Great report, Lee! Lots of pithy answers. I am glad we are in agreement about what is best in life!

Excellent report! Great work everyone! Go rock it some more, HQD!!!

Great report smol Blue!

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