CNS Consul Report: Hail the Conquering Heroes


CNS Consul Report: Hail the Conquering Heroes


Good evening, Clan Naga Sadow. Well, I am sure you have all seen as the results were tabulated, retabulated, and then re-re tabulated. Then all was made official. You all did it. Thanks to the contributions and the collective work of the Clan, you all made the hype reality: Clan Naga Sadow is Second Clan. The performance you all showed during the War was absolutely amazing. This was our victory.

Yes, ours. It is not my victory, it is not the Summit’s or the Houses’ victory. It belongs to every one of you.

On that note, there is a bit to touch on. I do have to point this out above all things: this War was won by the difference of one entry at the end of the day. Which shows just how tight competition can be during a War or a Vendetta. Every entry mattered in this War. When you compete on the level that you all did, the competition gets much tighter. But you all fought that much harder, and it paid off!

The War Effort

There are some things which are easy to point out. I mean, we had our members who competed in all the bins (seven of us), but we also had a number of folks who still cracked out an admirable number of bins and/or competitions.

Of particular note, our very own Ciara Tearnan Rathwell Tarantae snagged the First Hero title for her performance in the War. This in no way detracts from all that you have ALL done, but I feel that I would be remiss if I were not to hold her up a bit. But a wee bit more on her and more as we go on in this report.

Before I continue, please allow me to give you all a more clear outline of the activity that we saw Clan Naga Sadow generate. This is where I could very easily just pull data that was shared by the Dark Council, but I would rather give you all a bit of a blow by blow on how folks contributed to our second place victory!

Earning a Seal for each competition participated in, we can see that:

  • Pel recieved 1 Seal of Disorder
  • Jason Kane recieved 1 Seal of Discord
  • Marcinius Turelles earned 1 Seal of Discord
  • Alsorna earned 1 Seal of Discord
  • Alexander DelGotto earned 2 Seals of Discord
  • Ezra earned 2 Seals of Discord
  • Mu'L'Guh earned 2 Seals of Discord, and one Gold Nova
  • Jades Sadow earned 4 Seals of Discord
  • Armad earned 4 Seals of Discord
  • Rivio earned 7 Seals of Discord
  • Malik Sadow earned 10 Seals of Discord
  • Xuner Holst earned 10 Seals of Discord
  • Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar earned 11 Seals of Discord
  • Locke Sonjie earned 12 Seals of Discord
  • Manji Keibatsu earned 12 Seals of Discord, and one Gold Nova
  • Macron Goura Sadow earned 13 Seals of Discord
  • Etah Deimos Kilij-Bloodfyre earned 13 Seals of Discord and one Gold Nova
  • Ashia Kagan Keibatsu earned 14 Seals of Discord and 2 Gold Novae
  • Hades earned 14 Seals of Discord and one Gold Nova
  • Malisane Sadow earned 15 Seals of Discord
  • Xolarin earned 15 Seals of Discord and one Silver Nova
  • Tasha'vel Versea earned 18 Seals of Discord
  • Hilgrif earned 18 Seals of Discord, one Gold Nova and a Silver Nova
  • Takagari "Darkhawk" KogaRyu earned 19 Seals of Discord and one Gold Nova
  • Kojiro Keibatsu earned 23 Seals of Discord
  • Ciara earned 24 Seals of Discord, five Gold Novae, one Bronze Nova and was awarded the First Hero title for Great Jedi War XIII
  • Muz Ashen Keibatsu earned 25 Seals of Discord, 4 Gold Novae and 3 Bronze Novae
  • Bentre Sadow earned 32 Seals of Discord and 1 Gold Nova

You all did beautifully, and I and the rest of the Summit are unspeakably proud of how our Clan performed. It was a wild ride.


Recent News Across the Club

Recent News Within the Clan

  • Xuner Holst released a report full of food pics, food for thought, news and….something else to do with food. :P
  • Xolarin also released a report earlier in the month. I don’t have as catchy or silly a bit to follow on this report, though. It did contain some highlighting of members, a wee bit of teaser fiction and something about pizza toppings in the “Ask Xolarin” section. Don’t take my word for it, though. The link is just a little bit earlier in this description. Click it, you know you want to.
  • Locke dropped a report like a sick beat to provide an update an highlight for the Disciples of Dakhan.


Recognition and Merits

Now, I will preface this with the fact that there are still a few of these that are in the works, or otherwise tied up. So, to put it frankly, these are but a few of those who are still yet to come!

There are still [REDACTED #] people who have yet to be awarded, but do not think that we have forgotten. We are taking a little bit more time to ensure that nobody's contributions are forgotten.


Competitions of Note


Parting Words

You all are what make this Clan great, and you will see shortly as we are lean back into restoring and enhancing our legacy. We will be shifting gears into the next phase within the next couple of weeks, and in the meantime, our House Summits will be hosting an event to act as an appetizer for what promises to be an explosive turn of events!

Before I finish up,I also wanted to close on a wee bit of a challenge. Take on a competition a week over the next month. But rather than your normal form or format of competition, participate in a competition that will expose a weakness, in addition to your normal participation. See, everyone has some place to grow, and after our performance, I feel I can safely say that you all have yet to reach your full potential. Just four comps extra a month. Take the challenge, or leave it. Either way, I believe in you lot.

Rock the Brotherhood, like only you can!

For the Sadowan Empire. For the glory of Sadow! ”Conquest is our destiny; we shall not fail.”


Consul of Naga Sadow

Great report Overlord!

Amazing job everyone.

Long live the Sadow Empire!

good report

Crumbled sausage on deep dish, indeed. Or as I used to call them, and now my daughters make fun of me for, "ball meats".


Well done to the Second Clan!

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