CNS Proconsul Report #9


CNS Proconsul Report #9


CNS Pecan Report #9

Welcome back! It’s been a busy first month back in the seat as PCON of Clan Naga Sadow! I have spent a lot of time talking with our summit leaders, finding out where they are at with things and what they need help with. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know them better. If you don’t know you’re leadership team, shoot them an email or grab them on telegram. They’d love to hear from you!

Speaking of leadership, I’d like to welcome GM Muz Keibatsu back into leadership as he has taken on the role of Aedile in House Marka Ragnos.

I would also like to congratulate both Koji and Eric for their house competitions. Both houses had a lot of fun stuff to do so if you didn’t participate, you missed out.

Bentre has some fun things planned for the Clan coming up in about a week. We will be posting information on Telegram, Email and the DB Website once it opens so please check back for more fun things!



Locke still has his Master of Puzzles comp running. It end on July 20th so go do some puzzles!

Koji has his Acronymical comp running. You have until tomorrow, July 17th to get your entries in!

There are other comps out there too. Go check it out here


Jinius Griffin has been tearing it up lately! He’s been doing a ton of Shadow Academy courses, participated in several comps and been active in Telegram, hanging out with all of us. He just made Hunter recently. Keep up the good work, dude! Looking forward to you getting knighted!

We have several people receive Scrolls of Foundation fro their work with the Shadow Academy.

Bentre received 8 scrolls, Marcus received 8 scrolls and Sang received 10 scrolls! Way to go guys!

Our very own DarkHawk has received the Dark Sage – Law degree. Awesome!

DB News

Our Hearld is looking for minions…uh er, employees. You can get the info in his report here

Our Fist is looking for people too. Check out his report

In Closing

I am in the process of trying to reach out the membership now. I want to hear from you. What do you want to see more of? Less of? What information are you not getting from us? I’m hoping we can all find new and fun things to do. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any comments, questions or snide remarks. I’m more then happy to help in any way I can.

The legacy of the Pecan lives on!

Nice report, Ashia. :)

For the glory of the Pecan! Awesome Report Ashia. :)

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