Hoth QUA/AED Report #4 - Preparing for the long Journey ahead


Hoth QUA/AED Report #4 - Preparing for the long Journey ahead


Introduction - A Joint report?

Here we are a new month, a new quarter and a new season, if spring ever gets here that is, but as always at the beginning of the month it’s time for me to drop a little something to let you all know how the House is doing. This time I dragged Yuki along for the ride as well. So, this will be one of those rare times we do a joint report together.

One thing you may notice is the lack of a fiction update and this is due to the House run on still going on. It’s turning out to be a interesting story and one that Yuki and I have injected some house fiction elements into it to tie it all together. Hopefully, next month we will drop a fiction tying up the loose ends that story leaves us and help solidify a direction in which we will bring the house to our first real event in a long time.

We will have more on that as it develops, but for now I would like to point out that last month saw some good activity and we are hoping to build on that as we now prepare ourselves for what I hope to be a very good and defining summer for not only the house, but for the clan as well. So going forward for April and most likely May, I’ll be letting Yuki and Darro take the reins when it comes to House Comp creation and general day-to-day stuff.

Don’t worry, I’m still here and will pop in when needed, but my focus for the next while will be on 2 big projects. One will be completing the mountain of House Wiki work that needs to be completed before June. I will be working directly with the House Wiki group (if you wish to join please let Yuki and I know right away) and the Clan summit to complete and approve as many articles as we can.

The second will be working with Darro and Yuki on writing the next big fiction update that will set up the next KoA and House Events. These events will be the same series of events with KoA leading the charge followed by the the rest of the House entering the fray. I hope to make it fun, exciting and a defining moment not only for KoA but for the entirety of Hoth!

So there is plenty of backend stuff that needs to happen to set it up and I hope to still see the activity pouring in and please by all means bury us in activities that you force us to reward you. I would love to be pulled away from my projects for award recommendations. :)


Important DJB/Clan News Items

Edgar Drachen has been granted the title of Councillor of Urr! Read the News-y thingy right here!

I guess I should say a few words on this shouldn’t I. Well honestly no words could ever do this honor justice but I do have to Thank all the previous Clan Title holders for voting me to join their ranks this is an honor like no other. The title holders already know i hold them in a special place in my heart so I’d like to take a minute to dedicate this to the 5 members I mentored to the rank of Knight (Arch, Len, Leo, Tarvitz and Ashael) and to every member of House Hoth, there are way to many to list. Without any of you I would not be the leader I am today, but Finally a big thank you goes out to Lu’ashia Greese, if it wasn’t for you convincing me not to quit the DJB altogether then inspiring and challenging me to become the best leader I could this would never have happen. For that I thank you the most!

OK, so enough of this it’s time to get back to work.

General News

  • Arch just updated his A Brief Lore Guide to Odan-Urr, Spring 2017 Edition , you should really go check it out to learn a little more of the who and what of Clan Odan-Urr. Great Job Arch!

  • Drac released a Main Report, in which he introduced our newest Magistrates Uji of Clan Arcona and our very own Junazee so congratualtions to them and welcome to the team! Also it was announced that Heroes of the Storm is our newest approved platform. You should definitely go check this game out.

  • Drac then released a Supplemental Report announcing a cool new feature to track any clusters you may have subbited for but have not been awarded yet (due to daily limits or waiting on the site reset). Go check these reports out.

  • Wally dropped a new DJB Fiction Update you really should read it. It features our very own Rollmaster Blade!

  • The Seneschal’s report updates us all on site fixes and upcoming projects that will one day make the club even better. Thanks for all the hard work James Lucius Entar!

  • The Master at Arms new report updates us on MAA policy changes and clarifications especially about competition ties. It’s definitely worth the read.

  • The Regent’s report is bringing up the possibility of Pets to the DJB! If this matter is important to you then go to the Discourse topic to wiegh in on the idea and gice him feedback.


The Scimitar of Lord Hoth March results and Aed address

As of 2122 03/31/2017 Projected winner of March Scimitar is C’ree, a.k.a. Esca, with 138.75. Followed by Azha Mos in second with 57.75 with Chris Winchester right on his heels at 53.5. Please review and report any discrepancies. Like last month you have 72 hours before the results become final.

Now we follow that up with my address. I am sorry that I haven’t gotten a report out to you guys lately. February was not a good month for me and when I was trying to put my report out this month I suffered a rather serious injury at work.

We are doing rather well on things lately, I have seen a lot of activity on wiki work, competition entries and awards. I’m proud of you, my ducks. Keep up this work and I will more than happily write every single, very hated, recommendation I can. I hate writing them, but I love giving them. I’m a contrary sort of person, this should not come as a surprise.

I will, however, strive to be more active than I have been. I haven’t been as active as I would like and that sets a bad example. I’m sorry for that. Let’s kick April off with a bang and start wrecking more faces.

Also, Edgar should know by now that I have no idea how to manipulate things with Imgur. So, yeah, that’s a thing.

You can view the full spreadsheet HERE it’s view only so if you find a miscalculation you must email Yuki and I within next three days.


Member Achievements

Member of the Month

This month, our star member was none other than Esca netting himself a tidy number of awards including a Grand Cross. Esca was our Quaestor for about eight months, his service was impeccable and he has continued his history of excellence. He is a friend, sometimes a jerk-friend, but still a friend to everyone he talks to. He is a constant source of advice and direction if it is needed. These are qualities we look for in our Member of the Month, a person that we should all strive to imitate and, yes myself included, should look up to.


Ashael Blackstar was promoted to Knight (JM4). Go read it. If you haven’t done so already, go say congratulations.



Darro Zhen

  • 1 Steel Cross



  • 1 Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • 186 Clusters of Fire
  • 208 Clusters of Earth
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars

Edgar Drachen:

  • 168 Clusters of Fire
  • 148 Clusters of Earth
  • 2 Clusters of Ice
  • 7 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star

*Yuki Suoh:

  • 4 Clusters of Earth
  • 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star

Azha Mos:

  • 5 Clusters of Earth
  • 4 Clusters of Ice
  • 5 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Crescent with Quartz Star

Lu`aisha Gresee

  • 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star

Darro Zhen

  • 3 Clusters of Ice
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 3 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star

Chris Winchester:

  • 46 Clusters of Fire
  • 3 Clusters of Graphite

Ashael Blackstar

  • 21 Clusters of Earth
  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 2 Crescents with Topaz Star

Keiji Suoh

  • 2 Clusters of Ice
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star


Competition Highlights

To see all available competitions head to the DJB Comp Page - Remember, when in doubt: do more comps!

  • Rollmistress Puzzles! - So our dear Rollmistress is getting in on the puzzle racket too. Well ladies and gentlemen of Hoth we know what to do here. Go crush some puzzles! First puzzle goes live April 8th!

  • Shore Leave #2: The Beach!! - Your character and other clan members go to the beach to relax. The rollmistress want you to report on what you did during your time off so go write her a story.

  • COU Special: Space Pizza!

  • Hoth - The Scimitar of Lord Hoth House Hoth’s new annual comp earn points for almost everything you do in the club and the one with the most points wins the monthly crescents. Then the member with the most combined points for the full run of the comp wins it all and is named the Scimitar of Lord Hoth! Good Luck!

  • Voice Dialogue Series - Container comp full of fiction comps from the Voice staff. Earn bonus Clusters of Ice by participating!

  • A series of changes - A fiction container comp to focus on your character check it out.

Gaming Comps


Ask the Summit


Mos asks - What are the plans for the future? Any more run ons or battle plans? - I kind of already touched on this earlier but as of now my shift is going to be more on the admin side. Things need to get done (Wiki, my character sheet, house NPC’s and fleet). So as of now there is no plans for a new runon or other major house thing till the groundwork is laid for the big show… A full House event. So stay tuned and fear not Yuki (WAIT A MINUTE!) will keep you guys entertained.

Aurora asks - Rumor has it that the Rollmistress is doing a tour of the Kiast system. What might she look forward to when she visits Hoth? Can she bring her kid if she can't find a babysitter? - Well she will obviously get the full tour of Hoth’s Base of Operations and then enjoy a beautiful reception with the troops. Then I will take her on a guided tour of the planet with a second reception with the Governor of Solyiat. Now as for her daughter the base is a military installation and not really suited for children, but if need be arrangements can be made.


Mord asks - Serious one now, @AskJack - how did you come up with the concept for Yuki? and how do you envision a seemingly cold hearted mercenary thrive and even rise to a leadership position in what is supposedly the bastion of "Light" and "Goodness"?

This is a very good question. One that now I can answer. Yuki is a reincarnation of a character I had a long time ago. Her past is tied to the Keibatsu family and the Dark Side. After being abandoned on a hostile world. She spent the next two decades travelling the galaxy looking for HER place in it. Because of this, she is a very complex creature. She has a very hard candy shell which protects the warm gooey bits. She became hard due to her childhood and because of her decades of near complete isolation. She has abandoned and real theology of “good” or “evil”. To her, “light” and “dark” are just words. “Family” is synonymous to betrayal and “right” is an idea created by those who are stronger. This is not to say she feels that “might makes right” only that people who say they are right are usually the stronger party. She has spent years making herself as strong as she can be without anyone else helping her.

The other side to that coin is Yuki very much has a bleeding heart. She cares for the orphans on Solyiat that have no one else to turn to, the lost, forgotten and unseen. She feels a connection to these waifs that she feels to few others. Children are a weakness she has, willing to go out of her way to help them in any way she can. Adults have made their choices. They have become what they are and Yuki sees little use in them. Children are moldable, saveable. These are the ones she focuses on.

There is a lot beneath the cold, unfeeling surface to Yuki and that is a scared young woman who was left to fend for herself. She comes across as cold hearted because that is the only way she knows how to protect herself from everyone else. If you read the Hoth fiction updates, she is less guarded around Edgar because of their friendship spanning many years. She CAN warm up to people. Just very, very, VERY slowly.

I hope this gives you a bit of insight into her.


In conclusion -

I’m glad to see a community forming within the House and I’m happy to see you all trying to make Solyiat your home as well. It’s now time to take the next big fictional leaps forward in world creation and finally put solid roots down on our new home. Solyiat is now our home and we shall now make it live!

Thank you!


Senpai noticed me!

Great report, guys.

Well done guys!

Awesome report guys, and congrats on the Title Edgar!

Good report Edgar!!

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