Hoth Quaestor Report #3 - The start of something big


Hoth Quaestor Report #3 - The start of something big


Fiction Update - Glitches in the Machine written by Yuki Suoh

Trepus Mining Facility Solyiat

Yuki Suoh stood off to the side of the room almost concealed by shadows. Arcia, the schutta, was announcing her intent to step down from command and the transfer of power was to be seamless to the new Task Force Commander, Edgar Drachen. The violet-eyed woman shook her head in disgust. She did not like Arcia, a sentiment clearly shared by the other woman who did not seem to actually like anyone. The Corsair had to admit that the Colonel was an effective leader however, just not very likeable. Yuki glanced over the gathered members of the House listening to this news in varied states of mind ranging from despair to exultation. Arcia stepped away from the lectern and motioned for the new Commander to give an opening speech. Yuki was sure it was a rousing one, filled with “we’ll get you”s and “they’ll pay”s. She could have been mistaken, but she really did not care much for internal or external politics. She tried to refrain from picking sides, doing so ended up cutting her income by half. To the pragmatic, Jedi and Sith were just two different employers.

Several minutes later, Edgar turned and looked at Yuki, his face registering the exasperation he felt that her first act in the new position was fully ignoring her surroundings. The woman raised an eyebrow at him and shrugged.

“We have lost a great leader since Arcia has stepped down. Knight-Commander Kingang was recently imprisoned and his replacement Knight-Commander Winchester chosen resigned his commission. To that end, I have appointed Darro Zhen as the new Knight-Commander and Yuki Suoh as the Subcommander of the Task Force.”

There was applause at the mention of the old Mandalorian, but when it came to Yuki, there was little noise to be heard. The woman was known for a lifestyle of extravagance, not of combat. She was known for dark moods when no one was watching. Yuki stepped out of the shadows, the harsh lighting of the room making the thin, jagged lines of her scars seem to glow. She stepped to the lectern and placed her hands on the sides, her eyes scanning the gathered crowd.

Full Fiction Update located HERE


Introduction - The start of something big!

I’m happy to announce that our first mini-event Proving grounds was a nice success. The run-on was slow to get started but there was such a last minute push that both Yuki and I decided that we will open a part 2 run on comp for the month of March to let you all finish the story. I’m considering this run on as training event to help us all write other characters and more importantly work as a team. Lessons were learned with this first one and I’m hope to see a improvement for Part 2. If you all keep up the run-on excitement and create awesome stories then you could see more monthly run ons in the future.

As we move into March Yuki, Darro and I will be focusing on 2 major things. The House wiki project in which we are seeing a lot of good things happening and we hope to be announcing new Hoth and Solyiat lore items soon. Then we got another pet project of mine and that is a full major House event. As of now there is no details on timing or scope of the event, but I do want you to know we are beginning to work on it. There are many factors in play especially making sure the clan calendar is free and that we are not dropping a major event right after one just ending. So once more concrete details are finalized, we will report them to you.

The last big thing I would like to mention is the completion of the first month of the Scimitar of Lord Hoth competition. I created a whole section for the monthly results so go get it out and please double check your results.


Important DJB/Clan News Items

Open Positions

  • In the new Fist Report - Drac has opened 2 Magistrate positions for his staff. Applications must be in by March 21st!
  • The Combat Master has opned yet another ACC Judge position for applications, if you have any questions about this job ask Turel, Arch and Blade as they are are current Judges. Deadline for applications is March 12th.

General News

  • Darro has dropped his second report and seems to be settling into the role well. I thank him for his hard work so far and can’t wait to see where you help the house go from here.
  • Wally dropped a new DJB Fiction Update you really should read it. It features our very own Rollmaster Blade!
  • The Seneschal’s report updates us all on site fixes and upcoming projects that will one day make the club even better. Thanks for all the hard work James Lucius Entar!
  • The Master at Arms new report updates us on MAA policy changes and clarifications especially about competition ties. It’s definitely worth the read.
  • The Regent’s report is bringing up the possibility of Pets to the DJB! If this matter is important to you then go to the Discourse topic to wiegh in on the idea and gice him feedback.


The Scimitar of Lord Hoth Feb results

Below you will see a screenshot of the February point totals. I’m glad to see so many people being active within the House. Also I’m thinking this could be an interesting competition to watch as the year goes on. With March already in full swing let’s get Feb in the books. I would like to instruct each member to double check your point totals and report any errors or questions via email to Yuki and I within the next 3 days. After that review period is done the results become final and the crescents awarded. So in the spirit of transparency and fairness this is your opportunity to point out any goofs on our part.


You can view the full spreadsheet HERE it’s view only so if you find a miscalculation you must email Yuki and I within next three days.


Member Achievements

Member of the Month

This month, we look at a member who until quite recently lived his life behind the scenes, kicking ass and taking names. This month we honor Darro Zhen for his unbridled enthusiasm and ability to help and nurture anyone who talks to him.


Ashael Blackstar was promoted to Hunter (JM 3). One more step till Knighthood!



  • 457 Clusters of Earth (114.25)
  • 8 Clusters of Fire (2)
  • 9 Clusters of Graphite (90)
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars
  • 2 Crescents with Amethyst Stars

Points -

Edgar Drachen:

  • 3 Scrolls of Foundation
  • 291 Clusters of Earth Awarded (48.75)
  • 195 Clusters of Fire (48.75)
  • 2 Clusters of Ice (20)
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars
  • 1 Pendant of Blood (2)

Points -

Yuki Suoh:

  • 221 Clusters of Earth (55.25)
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star

Points -

Azha Mos:

  • 11 Clusters of Ice (110)
  • 2 Pendants of Blood (4)

Points -

Lu`aisha Gresee:

  • 13 Clusters of Fire (3.25)

Points -

Darro Zhen:

  • 15 Clusters of Earth (3.75)
  • 2 Crescents with Amethyst Stars

Points -

Chris Winchester:

  • 26 Clusters of Earth (6.5)
  • 24 Clusters of Fire (6)
  • 1 Pendant of Blood (2)

Points - 14.5

Ka Tarvitz:

  • 142 Clusters of Fire (35.5)
  • 16 Clusters of Ice (160)
  • 3 Crescents with Sapphire Stars
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star

Points -

Milka Cro:

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star

Points -

Keiji Suoh:

  • 3 Clusters of Ice (30)

Points -

Ashael Blackstar:

  • 1 Scroll of Foundation
  • 7 Clusters of Earth (1.75
  • 5 Clusters of Fire (1.25)
  • 7 Clusters of Ice (70)
  • 1 Crescents with Ruby Stars
  • 2 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 5 Pendants of Blood (10)

Points -

Zanothi Nightblade:

  • 1 Legion of the Scholar


Competition Highlights

To see all available competitions head to the DJB Comp Page - Remember, when in doubt: do more comps!

  • Hoth - The Scimitar of Lord Hoth House Hoth’s new annual comp earn points for almost everything you do in the club and the one with the most points wins the monthly crescents. Then the member with the most combined points for the full run of the comp wins it all and is named the Scimitar of Lord Hoth! Good Luck!

  • Voice Dialogue Series - Container comp full of fiction comps from the Voice staff. Earn bonus Clusters of Ice by participating!

  • A series of changes - A fiction container comp to focus on your character check it out.

  • MAA Puzzle #4 - The MAA doing comps?? Why not right!

  • Artifact Hunters - A 4 comp container 2 Flash and 2 Fiction comps for you to try out.

  • Sushi for Lunch and Shore Leave - brought to you by our very own RM Blade.

Gaming Comps


Ask Edgar

  • Edgar Drachen asks - Why in God’s green Earth is your report late and why didn’t you do a full Ask Edgar?

Well to be honest I got hung up on a few to many things near the end of the month and i fell behind on a lot of things that, namely the fiction, that had to be in this report. I do apologize for the delay. I will do my best to honor my deadlines going forward. As for why there wasn’t a Ask Edgar and that’s to prevent any more delays doing so would have delayed me even more and I couldn’t hold this up anymore. Sorry everyone but don’t worry look for Yuki’s report to ask your questions.

Of course if there is anything urgent please email Yuki and me at anytime with your questions, comments or concerns.


In conclusion -

Another good month in House Hoth has ended and it’s nice to see a lot of activity beginning to happen. We got a long road ahead and we will have our slow times as well as busy times. The only thing I hope never changes is the free spirit and community we have within this House. I love seeing you all work together in the chat and in this run on. Keep up the good work and as always let me know if there is something I can do for you!

Thank you!


Woo Fourth in the first month.

good report!

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