House Ektrosis AED Report #1


House Ektrosis AED Report #1


First and foremost I would like to introduce myself. My name is Quejo but many of you know me as Q.

I have been a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for roughly thirteen years and have been a leader for the bulk of that time. I have been a Proconsul, Quaestor (more times than I can remember), Aedile, Battleteam Leader, SA staff member, ACC Judge and Trainer, Gaming staff - the list goes on. I’ve been there, done that and as of now, will be doing it again as Justinios’ right hand man. We have been discussing the future of Ektrosis and have some exciting things in the works. We just ask that you remain patient as we get the ball rolling.

Personally, I would like to focus my attention on recruitment and I would like for everyone to take an active role in this. We need to increase our numbers drastically. We have a solid foundation of veterans but we are in need of fresh personnel. If anyone has ideas, feel free to message Justinios as well as myself for collaboration. Once I discuss options with a few more people and have more substance to include in a report, I’ll let you know more. Don’t fret, I’ll keep you posted.

:DB News:

If you don’t know by now there is no hope for you. However, those of you who have been paying attention will know that there has recently been a big announcement. Taldryan’s own, Telaris “Mav” Cantor has been appointed Grand Master of the Brotherhood. I’ve known Mav for a long time and was excited when I heard that Pravus, along with the Council, were going to hand him the reigns. He will do great things for this club so if you haven’t already, I urge you to congratulate him.

-Stay tuned for his DGM (Deputy Grand Master) announcement.

:House News/Events:

Just for a moment, I would like to stress the importance of participation. People work very hard to breathe life into these elaborate competitions for your amusement. Your participation and fun is everything to us. So, if you would like to see specific competitions, just drop us a line. Justinios and I are here for you guys/gals and welcome the feedback. For now, if you’re looking for some action, keep reading.

Justinios has been tirelessly working on the SRI (Sphere of Research and Intelligence). I suggest checking it out on the DB wiki. If you’re interested in learning about the direction of House Ektrosis then this is a good place to start as well as a good read.

Also, the Caelus Chronicles is in full swing and very important for the future of House Ektrosis and Clan Taldryan as a whole. I urge everyone to participate in this, cement yourselves into a piece of Taldryan’s history. You just might earn yourself an award.

:House Activity:

Clusters of Ice Justino's Drake x92 Raistline Taldrya Majere x28 Andrelious J. Mimosa-inahj x11 Halcyon Rokir Taldrya x3 Kookimarissia Minosa-inahj x2

Andrelious also scored a Crescent with Ruby Star for placing first in the “Wait are you...Me? Alternate Reality” competition and a Crescent with Topaz Star for placing second in “SRI Project #1 - Week 1 (Flashgame)”

Halcyon Rokir Taldrya earned a Crescent with Emerald Star for placing first in “SRI Project #1 - Week 1 (Flashgame)”

Aaaand Rian Taldrya got a Participation Trophy for 3rd place in “SRI Project #1 - Week 1 (Flashgame)”

Let the participation flow through you!

Closing Statements,

I realize that this report was brief and a little vague. Still, I wanted to get something to you all. Bare with me as I get settled in and look forward to Justinios’ report. Our future is bright, Ektrosis.


Colonel Q (Loyalist) / AED / House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan [GMRG: XII] [SA: IV] [INQ: IV] [ACC: Q] GCx4 / SCx5 / ACx10 / DCx9 / GNx2 / SNx5 / BNx4 / Cr:3D-9R-9A-13S-6E-8T-5Q / PoBx15 / CFx2529 / CIx43 / CEx15 / SIx3 / SoFx11 / LSx2 / SoLx3 / S:7M-5R-7Al-3C-12D-1Dk-1Rm-8P-1U-13B-5Ret-4Dec-13Cr-1Wr {SA: MVL - MVLD - MVS - DPE - DPV}

Great addition to the Clan Summit, looking forward to working with you Q!

Aw yeah, Quejo in the house (summit)! Looking forward to the developments you and Justinios bring. Best of luck to you both!

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