House Marka Ragnos Report - It's Summer Time!


House Marka Ragnos Report - It's Summer Time!


Welcome to June’s House Marka Ragnos Report. It’s SUMMER TIME!!!!!. .

Brotherhood News

If you’re interested in finding out what’s been happening in the Brotherhood over the last couple of weeks, check out the following reports.

Evant has been appointed as the new Voice, so CSP is looking for a new Proconsul. You’ve got until Friday 19th June to apply.

Slagar, aka Selika Roh, has been appointed as the new Wiki Tribune.

Clan News

So, Red Fury is over. We did okay, with a good few placements. However, we did lose overall to CSP with the score from the top 10 added up. I did somehow come in 9th place, so my luck has been good.

Some people got shinies from it, which is awesome.

Cethgus is still all at sea, he’s been gone 5 weeks and has another 10 weeks to go, but is still around on email, irc and telegram. Locke has been putting up with us ribbing him in Telegram over his character development, he just can’t decide on what to do.

If you’re not on Telegram and fancy joining us on it, it’s just like irc on the phone. Your number would be kept secure and secret. Email Locke or Cethgus to get them to add you. We’re also around to chat to on IRC, email and the little known Twitter account that Locke enjoys sharing the awesome things you do on.

Finally, there will be no Clan events over June/July, look to August onwards for those.

House News

Now, onto House News.

This month, I have been encouraging our Summiteers to put out competitions, as well as encouraging members to come up with their own competitions. I also have plans for a House event in July, which will span 2-3 weeks, depending on what you, the members want. If we do a House event, are you interested in having a Run On? Having an ACC event? GFX? Poetry? Trivia? Allowing Clan Summit to participate? You guys are the ones this would be for and I my intention is to have events that you actually want, instead of a couple of comps that no one enters due to lack of interest. If you have any preferences on types of competitions, please comment via email, on the DB website in the comments section or just hitting me up on irc/telegram/email.

I’ve also got plans in the pipeline for an eventual BT tournament, that may even extend across over to House Shar Dakhan, depending on their own plans. Also, a little teaser, Lexic and I are talking about an inter-House event around September, which would give you the opportunity to show how awesome Marka Ragnos is. Nothing is finalised yet, as we’re still completely in the discussion stage, but interest in that is always welcome.

We’ve sadly dropped the ball on sorting out our Wiki project, which I was focusing on sorting out HMR’s part of the Warhost. Armad, Tasha and Maelous are all involved in creating NPCs for our MJHC Retribution and the accompanying squadrons. If you’re interested in creating some Lore for the House and want to leave a mark, please hit me or Maelous up.

Finally, we’re coming into the Summer months, which are traditionally quiet, if you guys want to run a competition, want to give me an ACC match (I’ll qualify, honest!/This is not an excuse for you, Atra, stop pestering me!!!!!! :P) or are looking for something to do, we’ll have something provided for you. At the end of the day, we’re here to provide you guys with entertainment in your spare time. All I can hope for is that you’re wanting to spend that spare time with us. /creepy stalker


This month, we’re promoting all of the competitions out there, so here they are:

Now with that all done, onto the stats & facts!


  • Fenn Eshka’lya promoted to Protector (Welcome to House Marka Ragnos, by the way. Keep kicking arse!)
  • Tasha'Vel Versea promoted to Jedi Hunter
  • Sandrin promoted to Dark Jedi Knight

Shadow Academy

  • Fenn Eshka’lya: Essentials 1: History, Essentials 2: Departments, Essentials 3: Paths & Orders, Essential 4: Ranks, Essentials 5: Organisations, Essentials 6: Medals, Dark Pundit: Essentials, Comms 1: Discourse Form, DJBWiki: An Introduction, Sith Core, Dark Brotherhood Basics
  • Vyrim: Galactic History II: Origins of the Jedi Order
  • Tasha’Vel Versea: Philosophy I: Views, Philosophy II: Cults
  • Maelous Ascarend: Galactic Languages
  • Sandrin: Philosophy II: Cults, Dark Maven: Philosophy


  • Tasha’Vel Versea: 95 Clusters of Fire, 1 Cluster of Ice
  • Jeric Cyrin: Anteian Cross
  • Ashura Isradia Sadow: Anteian Cross
  • Vyrim: Anteian Cross

Aedile’s Corner

Welcome back to another installment of Aedile’s Corner. Sang escaped from his corner prison, I apparently need to step up my game.

First, I’d like to point out that we have had a lot of climbing the ranks. I am very proud to see so many putting in the dedication to get themselves up the ranks. Great work on your Promotions, Fenn and Tasha. I look forward to watching you grow and working with you guys. Sandrin also was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight. It is always fantastic to see someone reach the highest rank of the Journeymen and I’m very glad to see it happen. Good work!

I’ll be releasing a competition within the next week as well so keep an eye out for it and do it when it comes out!

For now that’s all. I dont have a pie for you this report because I’m trying to be healthy and not eat crap, but I will next month I promise, but you all need to tell me what kind of pie. SO GIVE ME PIE!

Sang’s Den of Inequity & Vice, aka, the toilet

Another Month as your Quaestor, another month of surviving Atra’s determination to kill me in the ACC. I’m hoping we can look towards the summer as an opportunity to improve and continue activity within the House and get some of you Equites involved in stuff. Some of you, I need to get to know better. So I’ll be hitting you up one by one to chat to, see what you’re into and how I can make your experience in HMR a good one.

For you wonderful Journeymen, keep on doing what you’re doing, you’ve done an awesome job and have made my time here extremely busy in keeping up with all that you’ve done.

Finally, I saw this a while back and thought of you go.

Atra’s Theme Song

Thanks guys, here’s to Month #4!


  • Looking for stuff to do? Check out the comps being run, talk to me about Wiki work, talk to me about Fictional Development, talk to me about making me qualify for the ACC (full time job, that).
  • Sandrin got DJK!
  • Ashura, Jeric & Vyrim got ACs!
  • Tasha survived another month as my Black Guard!
  • New Voice = Evant
  • New Wiki Tribune = Slagar/Selika Roh
  • CSP looking for a new PCON
  • Paths & Orders teased, go read DGM & GM reports!!!

You know me so well! <3

Great report, looking forward to what is to come.

So Sang has renamed me Bentros? :p

Nice report, sir. Sad to hear no clan events until August though. Ah well. But hey, at least Tasha survives another day to take you out, right? ;)

Yessir, I've given you a nickname too :P Could've been worse, could've called you Bentos, which is a pie company.

Love the theme song for Atra. Rock on man! And you have certainly kept me busy. With the long fiction I wrote, Atra and Galleros have sent me on quite a mission. It's been loads of fun.

Mmmmmm pie... drools

Yes we need more Pie!!!!

Mmm, p-wait, someone already said that.

Good report!

Need moar pies!! Epic report my Quaestorly bro.

Let's kick this summer out with a bang, eh?

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