House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report - December 12th, 2014


House Shar Dakhan Aedile Report - December 12th, 2014

Inos System
Corvette Reaper's Call
Concurrent with Operation: Vengeance

Captain Sola Keithel was thoughtful. Once again, she looked over the images from the abandoned base on Inos 7. It definitely seemed like their best option, though she still had not heard from the Senior Commander. She wondered, would it be best to wait for him, or to go ahead with the colonization? They would certainly need supplies before getting too far, but some early preparation could happen. They did, after all, have a single shuttle on hand, and corvette's corridors were filled with equipment, not all of which they were using.

"Commander Moross," the Captain said. "Prepare another away team, and this time, take Zeg with you. Begin repairs to the life support systems immediately."

Zeg was the crew's nickname for the ship's resident Verpine technician. Nobody could pronounce his real name. Though none disputed his technical skills, he had frequently been a source of annoyance to Sola. First, he had attempted to modify the main engines for additional "maneuvering thrust", which had resulted in the entire corvette temporarily losing power. Shortly after that, TIE Hunter pilots had reported that their fighters would behave erratically, sometimes displaying power anomalies that took hours to figure out. On one occasion, a pilot had discovered that their fighter was capable of much higher speeds than normal, but the craft's engine housing had cracked as a result. When confronted, Zeg had casually stated that it needed a better alloy to house the engine. He had seemed unconcerned that the fighter had nearly exploded. Sola shuddered to think what the Verpine would do to the base, but it was where his skills would be most useful. At least down there, if something went wrong, it was unlikely to get stuck in deep space or crash into something.

Commander Moross cringed at mention of the alien. "Alright, " she said. "Anything else?"

Sola thought for a moment. "Last I checked, we have an entirely unused data cluster. Take t and it's associated power generator and use them as needed."

The Commander nodded. "You don't think the Senior Commander will be mad?"

Sola had considered that, but she felt self assured. "I think he will appreciate the initiative. Report back when you have settled in."


Hey guys! The competition portion of Vengeance has ended, but the Runon is still in full gear and has another eight days or so until it ends. In this report, I will put more focus on competitions that span the entire club, since there are quite a few of those out there at the moment for you to participate in. We have not launched any of our own competitions for the month of December yet, but we will soon.

Vengeance: Nearing the End

With the Vengeance competitions over, our sole focus for the conflict is the continuing battles on Tarthos and Aeotheran.

At Tarthos, a large portion of our own fleet has arrived to assist with the space battle, but our enemy has ambushed them with their own fleet, leaving us with a pitched, tense battle in space.

On the surface, we continue to push back the enemy army, but we will need a group to go after their commander, a Trandoshan who is sure to be well guarded by powerful "Gene Soldiers." His destruction or capture would be extremely valuable to us.

Aside from him, the enemy still possesses at least two AT-ATs and a number of AT-STs, which for the moment seem to be protecting the larger walkers. In addition, their anti-air capability seems to be very strong, and neutralizing that would give us a significant advantage, whether it is their AA walkers or anti-air troopers.

We have less intelligence from Aeotheran, but it is believed the conflict there is still going in our favor.

Join us and help us eradicate our enemies in this final chapter of Vengeance! You can find the thread here.

Beyond Vengeance

As noted before, we will have a somewhat quieter time now that the bulk of Vengeance is over. People will run competitions, as Kaayn already has three running. The Runon will continue. You will have a chance to become a Black Guard. Right now, though, I'm going to focus on the competitions that are being run for the whole club. Unlike competitions that are just for the Clan, these generally award higher level Crescents than what our Clan competitions can. They're also a chance to win and defeat a larger number of opponents, and to bring prestige to yourself and the Clan as a whole. I'll list each of them, with a short thing about them, but first I will talk about the CNS ones.

Naga Sadow-Only Competitions

CNS Recruitment Poster askes you to use a graphics program to create a recruitment poster for Force users to join our cause. I believe this can either be in character or out of character.

Mine Racing: X-Wing Style is a gaming competition where you fly a historical mission in the X-Wing game, shooting for the fastest time to win. It ends fairly soon, on the 18th. If you own this game, I recommend giving it a try!

The third CNS competition is a gaming competition of a different sort, where you play a flash game and attempt to obtain the highest score. It is called Life Day

Club-wide Competitions

For the club-wide competitions, I am first going to list gaming competitions, since there seem to be a lot of those. As with all gaming competitions, please be mindful of the Rites of Combat as they are basically the rules. If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to ask any of us on Summit and we'll help you out.

First up, we've got General Gaming: Jedi Academy, in which the goal is to earn as many wins as you can in Jedi Academy during this month.

Next is the Mobile Monthly Gaming competition Slingin Santa in which you will earn five Clusters of Fire just for participation.

Then there's a Commander competition, for those of you who enjoy the base-building strategy game. In Echoes of the Force you participate in the Echoes of the Force campaign. Anyone who participates gets Clusters of Fire. Five are earned for every ten missions completed, with an additional five for finishing the last mission. Whoever earns the most stars from the missions is the competition's victor.

The next mission is for members of the Grandmaster's Royal Guard. In GMRG Gorefest: December 2014 the goal is to obtain the highest PVP score of the weekend. It is important to note that this competition will only run from the 19th to the 20th of this month, for two days, because it is a weekend competition.

After that, there's one for the mobile game called Star Wars Galactic Defense, which is the tower defense-style mobile game, rather than the strategy one that Commander is. The goal in Geonosis is to obtain the highest star count possible on Geonosis. You'll also get five Clusters of Fire for every twelve stars earned.

Finally, the next two are not gaming-related in any way.

First, there is the fiction competition, (Darth) Names Are Important where you write a fiction of at least 500 words to show what Darth name your character might receive in the future, why it was chosen, and by whom.

Last, but not least, is the Antei Contract Bureau. This is a test run of something that could be huge and fun in the future. You fill out a short form to request a contract, and then you write how your character would handle that contract as a normal fiction. It's a great opportunity to develop your character and from what I've seen, the missions are nice and creative. There's no Crescents for this one, but you will earn Clusters of Ice and a grade for how well you wrote the completion of the contract. I highly suggest filling out the form and seeing what you get. You may be surprised and enjoy having a new scene to add to your character's history. Plus, it's a good way to develop your writing and have it critiqued. That is the best way to improve so you can win fiction competitions, especially those that take place during vendettas!


That's plenty for this report. I may only do the "House Operations" section every other report, or when it seems like there's a lot to talk about in that area, but for now I'll leave it out. Finish the Runon. Enter some competitions. Remind the Brotherhood that House Shar Dakhan and our Clan are a force to be reckoned with!

For Sadow!

I'm enjoying the fictions! Nice work.

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