Liath Quaestor Report #2


Liath Quaestor Report #2

A month has passed since my last report, time to get you informed once more.

House Liath Quaestor Report #2

Some super cool report headers has been requested from the Herald’s Staff, I expect them to be shining in next month’s report, be on the lookout and let me know what you think of them.



A closer look at who we are.

In my previous report I’ve given you some information about our House’s fictional direction. Let us take a closer look at one of our sub-units, Geall le Fola. (In my next report the other one, Viata, will be looked into)


Got more questions about this unit? Think this is the direction you’d like to take? Feel free to contact its BTL, Lucifer Scorpio Romanov.


Mark the date! – August 1st

Most have heard it already (those who haven’t must have been living under a rock for the last couple of weeks), Great Jedi War XII starts on August 1st! And technically it has already started, in the ACC!

So, for the new guys in here, what’s that ACC? This is what the wiki has to say about it: “The Antei Combat Center has been a unique aspect of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for years. Unlike other clubs, where forums alone are used to tell a story through multiple characters, the ACC is about pitting two (or more) writers against each other in order to competitively tell the story of a conflict between their characters.” Basically… Co-op, competitive writing.

Want in? I know you want some! Be sure to pass the ACC Qualification Exam and have a valid character sheet on record.

You can get part of the action here: [GJW XII] ACC Phase I - Winds of Change.



Recent Activity

Some took it easy, others went in hard. We all have our way to prepare for the upcoming war. Just make sure you’re ready when the time comes. In other words… what have we been up to since my last report (June 13)

Ranarr Kul

  • Comp-Participation: 14
  • SA-Courses: 3
  • Crescent with Ruby Star: 1
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star: 1
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star:1
  • Crescent with Emerald Star: 2
  • Crescent with Topaz Star: 1
  • Cluster of Fire: 99
  • Cluster of Ice: 1
  • Cluster of Earth: 10

Lucifer Scorpio Romanov

  • Comp-Participation: 2


  • Comp-Participation: 10
  • SA-Courses: 1
  • Crescent with Ruby Star: 1
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star: 2
  • Pendant of Blood: 7
  • Cluster of Fire: 23
  • Cluster of Ice: 3
  • Cluster of Earth: 136
  • Cluster of Graphite: 2


  • Comp-Participation: 2
  • Cluster of Fire: 53
  • Cluster of Ice: 3

Fadas Dealan-De

  • Comp-Participation: 5
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star: 2
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star: 3
  • Cluster of Earth: 5

Atton Jaq Rand

  • Comp-Participation: 1
  • SA-Courses: 1
  • Cluster of Fire: 1

Well done guys!

Merit Awards

As you all now, activity gets rewarded.

  • Dark Cross for Jason Hunter.
  • Grand Cross for Ranarr Kul.
  • Dark Cross for Garloaf.



Future Activity – Medals and Promotions

We’re all looking forward to the upcoming GJW, some have already been part of one of those, for others this is their first time. Either way, it is a great opportunity to show everyone what we’re made of.

Have you been looking forward to a certain merit, or that long wanted promo… That’s something this GJW may bring you. But all depends on your activity in it. We have what it takes to rock this event. Make Tarentum shine! And get yourself some goodies.

In other news.

Open Positions
  • In Scholae Palatinae they’re looking for a new Battleteam Leader for the single Battleteam in House Imperium. [more info]
  • An Aedile is wanted in Odan-Urr, to help lead Satele Shan. [more info]
Latest important Reports
  • Consul Report
  • Fist
  • Keep an eye on the website to always be informed. Each day something new may be revealed about the upcoming war.


That's all... For now.

Can you feel it? There’s a mood spreading in this club today. It’s with you when you write, or in the game you play. Can you feel the Force? You can see a change in people's attitudes. Looking to this future war in much brighter moods. There's a message clearly written in the sky. Time to change and soon our activity will be flying high. This could be the dawning of another time. Tarenti! Say! This GJW is mine!


An awesome report for an awesome house! Grats to all those who received awards!

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